Donald Trump

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No, in your case it's actually pathetic! You've admitted that you are uneducated, and yet we have to listen to your endless blather.

Please allow me to help you: Go buy a shovel, and maybe you can dig up a clue.


So, you consider yourself above people who are not formally educated? That is not very liberal of you.
I don't think he said that. I think he's implying that it speaks for Trump's supporters' demographic make-up.

Well, as an independent observer I saw that he made a personal attack, then made another one about a posters education level and based on that dismissed him as part of the dialogue.

Which is what liberals do with everyone that does not support their ideology. They prevent speech, not debate it. They shout people down, block traffic, conduct disruptive protests, anything but to actually have the discussion.

Which is why it is fascinating to watch it play out exactly the same on this website. A microcosm of reality...
Well, as an independent observer I saw that he made a personal attack, then made another one about a posters education level and based on that dismissed him as part of the dialogue.

Which is what liberals do with everyone that does not support their ideology. They prevent speech, not debate it. They shout people down, block traffic, conduct disruptive protests, anything but to actually have the discussion.

Which is why it is fascinating to watch it play out exactly the same on this website. A microcosm of reality...
I'm a libertarian, personally, but I think we're all just sick of heavy government interference in our private lives, which usually happens when a Republican is in office. Not only that, but demonstrating is a right under the Constitution.
I'm a libertarian, personally, but I think we're all just sick of heavy government interference in our private lives, which usually happens when a Republican is in office. Not only that, but demonstrating is a right under the Constitution.

I support peaceful demonstration and peaceful debate. I am also a libertarian but if you look around, many people want government to come in and make it 'fair' by providing 'Free' Healthcare. Padwan wants free food and free college and $40,000 guaranteed salary.

What I want is smaller government because that is the only way to eliminate the corruption. Other people demand the people getting the money rewrite the laws and believe that they are going to when they get lied to.

Trump was the only candidate that hadnt been in government for decades. He is definitely not a conservative and I doubt he is really a Republican as defined by the party platform. He is a wierd hybrid that cannot be bought and cannot be managed.

You are right, the people are pissed on both sides.

The question is whether you want Barak Obama's 3rd term with more legislation, more attacks on coal, etc. More regulation and more crony capitalism. She has made multi-millions from paid speeches to the very banks that she says she is going to control. Seriously??

Trump isnt the best choice but he is the best choice of the ones we have.
I support peaceful demonstration and peaceful debate. I am also a libertarian but if you look around, many people want government to come in and make it 'fair' by providing 'Free' Healthcare. Padwan wants free food and free college and $40,000 guaranteed salary.

What I want is smaller government because that is the only way to eliminate the corruption. Other people demand the people getting the money rewrite the laws and believe that they are going to when they get lied to.

Trump was the only candidate that hadnt been in government for decades. He is definitely not a conservative and I doubt he is really a Republican as defined by the party platform. He is a wierd hybrid that cannot be bought and cannot be managed.

You are right, the people are pissed on both sides.

The question is whether you want Barak Obama's 3rd term with more legislation, more attacks on coal, etc. More regulation and more crony capitalism. She has made multi-millions from paid speeches to the very banks that she says she is going to control. Seriously??

Trump isnt the best choice but he is the best choice of the ones we have.
What I'd like is for people to stop giving so much of a fuck about money that has an artificially inflated value and put more stock in caring for their fellow man and woman, left and right. College should be free. Healthcare is a basic human right. Food is a right. I get the idea of personal responsibility, but it's not irresponsible, and to the contrary, it's the honorable and dutiful, to take care of your fellow countrypeople..
What I'd like is for people to stop giving so much of a fuck about money that has an artificially inflated value and put more stock in caring for their fellow man and woman, left and right. College should be free. Healthcare is a basic human right. Food is a right. I get the idea of personal responsibility, but it's not irresponsible, and to the contrary, it's the honorable and dutiful, to take care of your fellow country people..

And I would agree with that. Where I disagree is that it is the job of the government through confiscation of wealth.

College should not be free, otherwise it has no value. If it has no value then something beyond college will be created. When does free college end anyway? Can you take college courses till you die?

Who pays for and works for the food that is a right? Do they work for free? If not, where does the money come from to pay them?

Personal responsibility is what made this country great and government oversight is what pushes it down.
What's so hard about understanding compassion for your fellow man? Some of these Trump supporters seem to want to live in a society where their Doctor should be a hardass and tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they get metastasized colo-rectal cancer. Not all of you, but a lot of you.
The Republican party is now thinking about running a 3rd party candidate to fight Trump in lol
No, in your case it's actually pathetic! You've admitted that you are uneducated, and yet we have to listen to your endless blather.

Please allow me to help you: Go buy a shovel, and maybe you can dig up a clue.


Rolli, I own many shovels , from Oregon to Hawaii and at least three on the boat. We mostly just dig for money , not liberal shit. sorry. TRUMP!
Rolli, I own many shovels , from Oregon to Hawaii and at least three on the boat. We mostly just dig for money , not liberal shit. sorry. TRUMP!

did you use a shovel to heap dirt on your neighbor's burning house, which caught on fire because your other white trash neighbor was burning trash outside?
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