Donald Trump

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I don't mind a healthy exchange of views - it's a good thing. But why do the Trumpkins have to sound so dumb? The all CAPS, the horrific spelling, the poor grammar, the ridiculous repetition of Trump's name - it doesn't help your argument. Make a clear case for your cause without the hyperbole. It would make your position much more relatable.
you know and I know they can't make a clear case for Dump. Dump is for the stupid, dumb, ignorant, racist and bigots. How can you defend shit like that.
Thats what they all say when they get flushed down the shitter. LOL TRUMP!
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this shit-for-brains lunatic could possibly run a country?
you know and I know they can't make a clear case for Dump. Dump is for the stupid, dumb, ignorant, racist and bigots. How can you defend shit like that.
You're right of course; it can't be defended. I'd just like to see if anyone can attempt a defense that doesn't sound so damn illiterate.
@nitro harley

Thank you for posting interviews. I wish more people in politics posted interviews. The constant mindless chatter is deafening in here. Headlines are the least efficient way to gather news. Headlines are meant to grab your attention not deliver facts.
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this shit-for-brains lunatic could possibly run a country?

don't forget:
Trump Marriage #1- Failed
Trump Marriage #2- Failed
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this shit-for-brains lunatic could possibly run a country?

I don't think anybody gives a shit . LOL TRUMP!
Quinnipiac University? Seriously? Should major media pollsters be worried?

Right now I think the whole democratic party is worried. Hillary is on the verge of a mini stroke with a huge gut bomb. Have you noticed her rallies are in little tiny diners, with about twenty people with worried looks on there faces? Trump will crush the bitch like a little tiny twig. imo TRUMP!
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this shit-for-brains lunatic could possibly run a country?

The left pretty much blew there load all ready with six more months to go and Trump only gets stronger. Who would of fucking thought? TRUMP!
He will be a great First Husband.....
Yeah, but that implies that Hillary would be POTUS, and as cool as it would be to watch Bill get fucked with, that implication makes the scenario totally unacceptable.
I counted 2,500+ quotes in your post history (since January), and in all of them you are sucking dump's dick. It is going to be fun re-posting those later.

Who gives a fuck about post history? You better start humping hillary's leg because she is going to need your help before she is crushed like a little twig. LOL TRUMP!
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