Well-Known Member
The Donald has no intention of ever showing is tax returns....because it's all a con.I can't wait until he's embarrassed by his tax returns. Can't fucking wait.
The Donald has no intention of ever showing is tax returns....because it's all a con.I can't wait until he's embarrassed by his tax returns. Can't fucking wait.
He's an arrogant bastard. he will just refuse & take his chances....
The UK has moved steadily towards financial services as the mainstay for their economy. The US is doing the same. It's a crappy economic model for both countries. Financial services don't really produce anything, its just shifting account balances while dipping into them for their vig. And this kind of economic model creates an unbalanced distribution of wealth.Interesting!Everyone gets cheap coal from China these days.Same as the big motor manufacturers in the US crapped on
the workers and moved there factories to Mexico.Same happened here in the 80s.Mrs Thatcher shut down the coal
mines.Today there are Northern English towns where there is no industry,no jobs.
My mate,lives in Barnsley.He says everyone is drunk all the time.I saw it on TV once.Its a shit-hole .
I read some Micheal Moore Books about the US.(Hes a film-maker).
It opened my eyes to the plight of the average american.
Like America we used to have some great industry here.Ship-building.Coal.steel.Cotton.ALL GONE .Now theres loads of
over qualified graduates chasing too few jobs.Mostly,they work in shops for peanuts.
Education has become a scam.A degree costs about 30 thousand pounds.
Then,you have to work for nothing to get work experience.
Trump wont deliver.Hes on a big ego-trip.Im sure at heart,he couldnt give a poo about Americans.
Just my two Pence worth.
I had you down as a surfer.Get a wet-suit,The Robert Crumb Av,Looks like a wind-blown surf chick with hair full of sand.
Im lucky the sea is so warm
As for oregan.When i looked it looked similar to NZ.
BTW.You should see some of the beaches in Cornwall (UK).Just Amazing.
Some dude in NZ told me Britain had no decent beaches.
He was so surprised when i chewed his balls off.
The same goes for coal and other fossil fuels.
Thank you for explaining that to me. As a new Oregonian, I was curious about the timber industry. At first glance, driving through the state, I thought they were doing a pretty good job with harvest and replanting on the mountains.. But as i began to hike through the old growth forests I began to wonder how the soil on those mountains could possibly be healthy. It doesn't appear that they removed the roots before planting for another grow, with all those roots in there, how can anything grow?The UK has moved steadily towards financial services as the mainstay for their economy. The US is doing the same. It's a crappy economic model for both countries. Financial services don't really produce anything, its just shifting account balances while dipping into them for their vig. And this kind of economic model creates an unbalanced distribution of wealth.
That said, coal, timber, natural gas, mining are all dead end industries that consume the land and resources, eventually depleting the one resource that everybody benefits from, that being the environment. For example, I live in Oregon and the hinterlands are depressed economically because past activities depleted the forests at unsustainable rates. Rednecks complain the the EPA is overstepping its authority by preventing the final destruction of everything. Seriously, there are less than 10% of old growth forests remaining and they just want to cut it all rather than stop now with the last little bit to leave for the future. Regulating harvests in a sustainable manner is the only path forward toward recovery of this resource which due to over harvest in the past means that current harvests are too small to sustain the population in the formerly timber economies. After a time of regrowth, then harvests can be increased. Its going to take a generation or more for that to happen. If regulations had been in place earlier, there would not have been the boom that has resulted in today's bust, leaving so many unemployed. Its easy to complain about regulators but the fact is, they are necessary because some people will just take it all and leave everybody else high and dry.
The same goes for coal and other fossil fuels. The sooner we implement reductions in emissions, the less severe the regulations will need to be. Again rednecks and other right wing nuts want to just dump emissions into the environment and borrow against the future. The only real answer to environmental issues is sustainable use of resources.
Fossils fuels are bad.The US produces the most natural gas.Lately from fracking .Alot of it gets made into plastic.800 million tons of plastic gets dumpedThe UK has moved steadily towards financial services as the mainstay for their economy. The US is doing the same. It's a crappy economic model for both countries. Financial services don't really produce anything, its just shifting account balances while dipping into them for their vig. And this kind of economic model creates an unbalanced distribution of wealth.
That said, coal, timber, natural gas, mining are all dead end industries that consume the land and resources, eventually depleting the one resource that everybody benefits from, that being the environment. For example, I live in Oregon and the hinterlands are depressed economically because past activities depleted the forests at unsustainable rates. Rednecks complain the the EPA is overstepping its authority by preventing the final destruction of everything. Seriously, there are less than 10% of old growth forests remaining and they just want to cut it all rather than stop now with the last little bit to leave for the future. Regulating harvests in a sustainable manner is the only path forward toward recovery of this resource which due to over harvest in the past means that current harvests are too small to sustain the population in the formerly timber economies. After a time of regrowth, then harvests can be increased. Its going to take a generation or more for that to happen. If regulations had been in place earlier, there would not have been the boom that has resulted in today's bust, leaving so many unemployed. Its easy to complain about regulators but the fact is, they are necessary because some people will just take it all and leave everybody else high and dry.
The same goes for coal and other fossil fuels. The sooner we implement reductions in emissions, the less severe the regulations will need to be. Again rednecks and other right wing nuts want to just dump emissions into the environment and borrow against the future. The only real answer to environmental issues is sustainable use of resources.
Born again Hippy.Im Impressed!Thank you for explaining that to me. As a new Oregonian, I was curious about the timber industry. At first glance, driving through the state, I thought they were doing a pretty good job with harvest and replanting on the mountains.. But as i began to hike through the old growth forests I began to wonder how the soil on those mountains could possibly be healthy. It doesn't appear that they removed the roots before planting for another grow, with all those roots in there, how can anything grow?
. Having the natural eco system including fallen old trees enriching the soil I understood makes a forest rejuvenate itself in a healthy way. I understand how these loggers, coal miners want to do that work, but they have to understand that times change. Hillary said she would give a lot of money to those coal miners to start another type of career and industry. I think thats a really good plan.
Trump makes my sick because of his stance on the environment.
Kill the Robots!i don't think i read it on here but it was an interview with a west virginia retired coal miner. he said that with today's equipment, 7 miners could mine all the coal in a whole mountain.
same thing with auto industry: look howmany jobs robots have replaced on the assembly line
Top one looks like a shaggy ink cap,other one dunno.80% of mushrooms are poisonous .Hi dee Ho.! Bean.
. check out this shrooms i found by the coast .
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ConvenientAnd yet no tax returns