Donald Trump

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she is constantly fuckin LYIN'. I cant wait till Trump and Hillary debate, they are both so great at constantly Lying to the American People. Who's bullshit is thicker then the others and who has a better comeback. They have so much in common.
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Looks like the real racists are being exposed this cycle!
I do believe Hillary is a racist.

Did you know that to get black people to accept abortions the politicians convinced PASTORs in black communities to tell their congregation it was ok?

Eugenics is racism. Now they don't have to kill people directly tho. Black women volunteer to have their children killed at a larger rate than white woman because of this indoctrination.

THAT is racism.

Restricting jobs or loans to people based on their skin color is racism. Treating people different solely for the color of their skin is racism.

Republicans do not have a monopoly on racism. Democrats just figured out how to harm black people while convincing them they were helping.
she is constantly fuckin LYIN'. I cant wait till Trump and Hillary debate, they are both so great at constantly Lying to the American People. Who's bullshit is thicker then the others and who has a better comeback. They have so much in common.
It truly would be a debate to discover who is worse.

We will discover who the real evil liar is. I believe it will be hillary.

Worst case scenario they are both extreme liars. Then we have to decide which lies matter most.
I prefer a professional crook over an amateur. Really Donald, pretending to be your own assistant to praise yourself? That's some Costanza shit. Also professional crooks aka politicians don't kill the golden goose by saber rattling with an equal opponent.

Hillary 2016 at least she won't get us nuked.

I'm really for Sanders but I still have a fighting chance with the status quo.
We are all mutts... There are no 'White' genetics. I could care less what color people are as it does not materially affect my life in any way. I do find Asians some of the most beautiful women in the world however. Maybe that makes me a bigot?

I dont believe that institutional racism exists anymore and real racism is rare and largely distained. People can believe what they want, I dont have to agree with it. Racism is to the point that it is used as a crutch more than as a barrier.
So you think a black man is as important as a white man? You believe all humans were created equal? There is no such thing as inferior genetics in relation to race?

Is that what you are saying?
I prefer a professional crook over an amateur. Really Donald, pretending to be your own assistant to praise yourself? That's some Costanza shit. Also professional crooks aka politicians don't kill the golden goose by saber rattling with an equal opponent.

Hillary 2016 at least she won't get us nuked.

I'm really for Sanders but I still have a fighting chance with the status quo.
So a man praising himself is equal to all of Hillary's lies and flip flops on politics? She won't even say she changed her mind on issues. She just says she was always in support of those issues.

She says she's agains something but yet we find out she really was just lying.

She has bullied women who were assaulted by her husband.

She has referred to black teens as super criminals.

The list goes on and on.

She become president, she will expand the federal governments invasions of privacy, global policing, and do her best to lie about everything.

Burnie sanders know's Hillary is a person who distorts the truth and wants to literally stop gun ownership.

If you can start suing manufacturers of guns for the crimes committed with them and win...

Just a bunch of nonsense to get rid of our 2nd amendment rights. And you fools are falling for it.

They know how to influence people's perceptions and make bad things sound good.
I'm trying to vote for Bernie. I've met Trump several times before all of this. Super salesman, charismatic. He makes you feel like a winner when you're around him because he projects an aura of success and wealth. His hotels and his staff make you feel like that too.
But he's out of his league on a world stage already. The least people expect out of the president is some form of Statesman. A wise leader. At least Reagan looked like one for a bit. Trump is a greasy scarecrow compared to ol Ronnie, politics aside. Look how much squinty smiles and wrinkly handshakes got accomplished.
Keep posting stuff that is not racism and say it's racism. You are playing right into Hillary's hands.

We keep going this direction in the country and you will see parts of the patriot act enacted that will make your head spin.

Japanese internment camps was something that happened because people let the politicians tell them those people were dangerous. AMERICAN citizens detained in prisons without a trial!

It can happen again. It will happen again unless you guys stop letting them tell you how to think.
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