Donald Trump

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I'm trying to vote for Bernie. I've met Trump several times before all of this. Super salesman, charismatic. He makes you feel like a winner when you're around him because he projects an aura of success and wealth. His hotels and his staff make you feel like that too.
But he's out of his league on a world stage already. The least people expect out of the president is some form of Statesman. A wise leader. At least Reagan looked like one for a bit. Trump is a greasy scarecrow compared to ol Ronnie, politics aside. Look how much squinty smiles and wrinkly handshakes got accomplished.
I'm glad you are voting for bernie. I think he would be 1 million times better than hillary.
My personal Trump blunder experience. He was trying to drum up publicity for his book signing so he placed an ad in the paper saying the first 100 people at the book signing would get $100 to buy the book and invest the rest or something. Guess who shows up? That's right 100 homeless but literate New Yorkers. These are not the people you want on Extra ns Access Hollywood. So what did he do?

He paid the first ten the $100 gave the next 80 a ten and a signed copy of the book but they couldn't meet him. They were them all asked to disperse so the "real" people could
line up. A way to go Donald!
Speaking of prisons..

Bill Clinton signed the crime bill that disproportionately affected the lives of black americans.

Hillary was all for it.

Bill Clinton also repealed the glass steagall act.

Hillary was all for it.

The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 and prohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business. It was enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks during the Great Depression

Bill Clinton signed the assault weapons ban. Semi automatic was labeled an assault weapon and banned for 10 years.

Hillary was all for it.

They are both as corrupt as it gets.
Speaking of prisons..

Bill Clinton signed the crime bill that disproportionately affected the lives of black americans.

Hillary was all for it.

Bill Clinton also repealed the glass steagall act.

Hillary was all for it.

The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 and prohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business. It was enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks during the Great Depression

Bill Clinton signed the assault weapons ban. Semi automatic was labeled an assault weapon and banned for 10 years.

Hillary was all for it.

They are both as corrupt as it gets.
The republicans were all for it.
Now lets get to those "Semi" automatic guns you were talking about
I'm not loving Hillary either but if you're doing OK now trump isn't going to make it better. No one wants to work with him without losing any kind of self respect. Not the Mexican government, not the Republican party not N Korea or Putin.
Keep posting stuff that is not racism and say it's racism.

according to you, this is not racism:

Yes, the problem is the entitlement mentality. The black people are sitting around waiting for some sort of economic opportunity to be bestowed upon them.

i dare you to go prove this by going to a predominantly black neighborhood and videotaping yourself retelling this line to any and all black residents you see.

will you do it, since it is totally not racist?
Hillarys comments were pretty ignorant and yeah racist. Is it possible some of the things people have said here were types with the same tone? Racist in both cases? Yup just because you typed it and she spoke it doesn't !make a difference. If she is your barometer just picture her saying some of things Buck quoted. Still not racist?
I'm trying to vote for Bernie. I've met Trump several times before all of this. Super salesman, charismatic. He makes you feel like a winner when you're around him because he projects an aura of success and wealth. His hotels and his staff make you feel like that too.
But he's out of his league on a world stage already. The least people expect out of the president is some form of Statesman. A wise leader. At least Reagan looked like one for a bit. Trump is a greasy scarecrow compared to ol Ronnie, politics aside. Look how much squinty smiles and wrinkly handshakes got accomplished.

Ronald Regan didnt build skyscrapers in many major countries around the world. Trump isnt as green as you think on foreign relations.
Hillarys comments were pretty ignorant and yeah racist. Is it possible some of the things people have said here were types with the same tone? Racist in both cases? Yup just because you typed it and she spoke it doesn't !make a difference. If she is your barometer just picture her saying some of things Buck quoted. Still not racist?

I am willing to bet her statements might have been bigoted and probably prejudiced but I doubt you have actually any racism. The definitions of words are so lazy these days I am defending a friggin political criminal.
I am willing to bet her statements might have been bigoted and probably prejudiced but I doubt you have actually any racism. The definitions of words are so lazy these days I am defending a friggin political criminal.

what crime was she convicted of?
Dealing with shady contractors and casino mobsters is different from putting your orangutan foot in your mouth when speaking to a Queen or PM. One is individuals money lost another is affecting a nations GDP.
I'm not loving Hillary either but if you're doing OK now trump isn't going to make it better. No one wants to work with him without losing any kind of self respect. Not the Mexican government, not the Republican party not N Korea or Putin.

Vincente Fox appologized to him the other day.... What do you think that means?
Dealing with shady contractors and casino mobsters is different from putting your orangutan foot in your mouth when speaking to a Queen or PM. One is individuals money lost another is affecting a nations GDP.

I remember when Barak Obama gave the Queen of England a CD with his speeches on it.... Remember the one where Hillary Clinton attempted to present Putin with a reset button? I watched that one live. The funniest part was the got the word wrong. Instead of reset it said overcharge... Yeah, we gotta prevent that kind of shit!!!
It is racist when her decisions that affected a whole race and the prison system where based on those sentiments. It is racism when your socially engineering society based on those sentiments. It is racism when a bunch of people get together to start a system to take power away from a race by imprisoning a large percentage of its males for taking liberties that other races in this country enjoy.
It is racist when her decisions that affected a whole race and the prison system where based on those sentiments. It is racism when your socially engineering society based on those sentiments. It is racism when a bunch of people get together to start a system to take power away from a race by imprisoning a large percentage of its males for taking liberties that other races in this country enjoy.

Is it racist to provide funding so minority women can kill their babies by the thousands? Hell yeah!!

I want less government, less regulation, lower taxes and more freedom. If the government had less power then they would have less control and get less money, rinse and repeat.
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