Donald Trump

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The bakers could have just said they were booked and couldn't take their order. Dumbshits instead told them the truth and they are now paying for it. Cry me a river. Do the crime, do the time.

Do the time? did you mean to say "pay the fine"? Hey if it was me I would of baked the cake. TRUMP!
& after the said bankers destroyed this economy how many guys did obama / hillary put into jail ???????

hold-it .......... ZERO, zilcho, nada, not one white collar schmuck !!!! and now hillarys foundation pimps for millions from goldman sachs, citi, jp morgan all the gangsters.....

Trump does no such thing, he built an empire from nothing. He is talking about putting pressure on big business via tariffs so they start building factories in the u.s.a again and stop the offshoring of jobs !!!!!! unlike hillary who panders toward the corrupt elite who control the large corporations / wall street ho -
I wouldn't say he exactly did it from nothing. Having a millionaire daddy gave him a pretty good head start. And four -- count 'em -- four bankruptcies. Dude, that's excessive, even for the casino business.

Trump is now pimping for dollars from the super Pacs just like Hillary. He never actually self funded his campaign anyway, that was just another lie. I'm no fan of Hillary but Trump is the best president we could possibly have about 150 years ago.

His supporters are ignorant losers, most are on the dole in one way or the other. For example:
The Geography of Trumpism

The analysis shows that Trump counties are places where white identity mixes with long-simmering economic dysfunctions.

The places where Trump has done well cut across many of the usual fault lines of American politics — North and South, liberal and conservative, rural and suburban. One element common to a significant share of his supporters is that they have largely missed the generation-long transition of the United States away from manufacturing and into a diverse, information-driven economy deeply intertwined with the rest of the world.

“It’s a nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry population,” said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. “They’re not people who have moved around a lot, and things have been changing away from them, but they live in areas that feel stagnant in a lot of ways.”

In other words, those 11 million Trump supporters mostly consist of uneducated losers who are failing to adapt to today's society. What do ignorant and inarticulate people do when they are at a loss of words? They get angry and strike out. Anger and violence are the acts of people who aren't able to communicate. They are a dying breed, mostly because the world of today favors open minded, well educated people. You and your sub-human population are failing to thrive due to the lack of knowledge and education that Trump and his followers ironically so thoroughly despise. Fortunately, Trump exposes you by the very rhetoric he used to get your votes. And so, you have no chance of seeing the Orange One capturing the White House next fall.
Enough people donated that were disgusted with the ruling, so it smoothed it out for the young couple. TRUMP!
Yup, you are right about this one thing. Those bakers did ok out of the whole deal. Paid the fine of about $136K and had about $364k remaining from the $500,000 they raised via crowd funding. All's well that ends well.
Nope, To clarify, I am saying that in an unequal relationship, where the man is the breadwinner and the woman would be impoverished if he left her, the dynamic is complicated when personal services are being rendered. When the two are on an equal footing, these complications go away.

Ignorance is not the same as stupidity. I'm saying that Republican right wing nuts are ignorant but not due to lack of facility to learn. Learning does require an open mind and hard work. I see no lack of hard work from your kind, so the problem is a closed mind. What I see Trump and his minions doing is justifying their ignorance with anger and a deliberate rejection of knowledge. You accuse me of hate but you've got it wrong, I'm disgusted. And your kind are failing to thrive due to a very correctable ignorance. Don't hate on me for pointing that out.
In our marriage we are equals. We are two halfs of the same whole.

It is disgusting to see someone imply a woman is only equal to her husband if she makes enough money.

You are a misogynistic pig.
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funny how all the " trolls " come in a trump thread pimping for hand-out nation, liberal driven agenda that has destroyed this country since the sixties. they took over the universities, media and really love drugs and popping big pharma pills by the dozen. then playing tiger woods on x-box before the drones eat popcorn sucking down more garbage off the boob tube-, kardashians, or whatever else these fools educate themselves ....

viva' the goof's lol'

( p.s. ) this country needs jobs ASAP, not more rounds of golf by the pres, not more hand-outs, JOBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
To jobs!
For one, Fuck fox news.
For two, We are so far apart is the reason Trump will blow it all up and win the election.
For three, just listen to the shit storm coming from the side you are defending .
For four, The ranchers did there time and look what the leftist judges did to people that didn't agree with them.
For five, the 150k dollar cake is another reason Trump will win the election.
For six, The bathroom shit storm will be another reason Trump will get elected.


There I made you another bass ass sig. enjoy!

This is ground control, if anyone is listening, we believe nitro has gone full meltdown! Please evacuate the area as soon as possible.

Please, explain, how are we far apart on the reason Trump will blow it all up? You should try using your words instead of whining how libtards ruined your life.
In our marriage we are equals. We are two halfs of the same whole.

It is disgusting to see someone imply a woman is only equal to her husband if she makes enough money.

You are a misogynistic pig.

You definitely spend too much time in the "No Spin Zone". You just spun the shit out of what was said to you. But nice try though.
You definitely spend too much time in the "No Spin Zone". You just spun the shit out of what was said to you. But nice try though.

He thinks women arent worth the same as men unless they make as much money.

He thinks a stay at home mom is disgusting and hates giving blowjobs.

Not spin as he said it.
& after the said bankers destroyed this economy how many guys did obama / hillary put into jail ???????

hold-it .......... ZERO, zilcho, nada, not one white collar schmuck !!!! and now hillarys foundation pimps for millions from goldman sachs, citi, jp morgan all the gangsters.....

Trump does no such thing, he built an empire from nothing, he's not beholden to the wall street masters like hillary the soul-less creten. He is talking about putting pressure on big business via tariffs so they start building factories in the u.s.a again and stop the offshoring of jobs !!!!!! unlike hillary who panders toward the corrupt elite who control the large corporations / wall street ho -


You talk out your ass.

Trump was handed an empire. A $200,000,000 empire to be exact. Of course he is beholden to the Republican party, we can see that it's taking effect even as we speak. The GOP is already making him talk and walk like a duck. And if you don't believe that, your not someone I need to try and convince. You've already made up your mind. Like nitro and the other knuckle draggers in RIU.

I will however share one minor point you made, in that the Obama administration has not prosecuted any executives who caused the disastrous fallout in 2008. I agree, Obama failed in that regard. Hillary had nothing to do with that though. Just like Obama had nothing to do with Bush's failures as a President.
He thinks women are worth the same as men unless they make as much money.

He thinks a stay at home mom is disgusting and hates giving blowjobs.

Not spin as he said it.

You are interpreting what he said. ie. You are spinning the facts.

"..he said it." means it is a quotable reference. So therefore, I'd like for you to quote where he said, "..stay at home mom is disgusting and hates giving blowjobs." as well as "..women are worth the same as men unless they make as much money."

Take your time. I know you'll need it.
He thinks women arent worth the same as men unless they make as much money.

He thinks a stay at home mom is disgusting and hates giving blowjobs.

Not spin as he said it.

And to be quite frank with you, I'm not sure you are bright enough to comprehend what he is trying to say. And please don't take that the wrong way. I'm not trying to insult you, it's just clear that his explanation is going over your head.
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You talk out your ass.

Trump was handed an empire. A $200,000,000 empire to be exact. Of course he is beholden to the Republican party, we can see that it's taking effect even as we speak. The GOP is already making him talk and walk like a duck. And if you don't believe that, your not someone I need to try and convince. You've already made up your mind. Like nitro and the other knuckle draggers in RIU.

I will however share one minor point you made, in that the Obama administration has not prosecuted any executives who caused the disastrous fallout in 2008. I agree, Obama failed in that regard. Hillary had nothing to do with that though. Just like Obama had nothing to do with Bush's failures as a President.

Wait a minute,....The GOP made Trump swear to represent them,.. What leverage do the GOP have over Donald Trump ?

They got nothing making Trump do or say anything.
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