Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
The bill, “Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015”, is also known as “Kate’s Law.” If passed, “Kate’s Law” would impose a mandatory five-year minimum sentence on aliens who illegally reenter the country.

The legislation was named after Kate Steinle, a thirty-two-year-old woman who was inadvertently killed by an undocumented Mexican immigrant, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, on a San Francisco pier in July of 2015.
So, fill up jails with people from Mexico? Yeah, that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
one of these days, a muslim mexican illegal immigrant is going to do something wrong, run a traffic light or jaywalk or something. Racist, islamobigot Trumptards are going to froth at the mouth and demand blood.

Shitpile of stupid you are.
A mexican illegal immigrant is going to do something wrong, run a traffic light or jaywalk or kill people. Yes they do kill people and I think it was wrong of him to burn people to death even if they were homeless and they pissed him off. But you don't care, if they are muslim or Mexican.


Well-Known Member
What I'm more curious about is, what types of bullshit are Drumpf supporters gonna backpedal with when he's (obviously) NOT elected?
Kind of hard to 'bounce back' after outing themselves as racists worshipping at the (tiny) feet of Orange Hitler, lol.

"Errrr, uhhhhh, well, when I said that I SUPPORTED him on the Mexican and Muslim thing, well, what I meant was, uhhhhh...see....well...."

Kind of like when someone walks in on you singing into a hairbrush and dancing in the bathroom mirror, eh? Only swap the singing/dancing for angry racist diatribes!


Well-Known Member
The bill, “Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015”, is also known as “Kate’s Law.” If passed, “Kate’s Law” would impose a mandatory five-year minimum sentence on aliens who illegally reenter the country.

The legislation was named after Kate Steinle, a thirty-two-year-old woman who was inadvertently killed by an undocumented Mexican immigrant, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, on a San Francisco pier in July of 2015.
Harry reid blocked that law from being passed. Kate was shot and killed by an illegal, 5 men burned alive by a pissed off an illegal. Yes sounds inadvertent, oops shit happens.


Well-Known Member
What I'm more curious about is, what types of bullshit are Drumpf supporters gonna backpedal with when he's (obviously) NOT elected?
Kind of hard to 'bounce back' after outing themselves as racists worshipping at the (tiny) feet of Orange Hitler, lol.

"Errrr, uhhhhh, well, when I said that I SUPPORTED him on the Mexican and Muslim thing, well, what I meant was, uhhhhh...see....well...."

Kind of like when someone walks in on you singing into a hairbrush and dancing in the bathroom mirror, eh? Only swap the singing/dancing for angry racist diatribes!
My guess is that they go harder in the direction of fascist authoritarian right. Their next candidate for president will make Trump look like a pacifist hippy. The claim will be that Trump wasn't committed enough to the cause.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
So, fill up jails with people from Mexico? Yeah, that makes sense.
It makes no sense to fill up jails with people from Mexico that are repeat felons that do time, then get deported and keep coming back. What do you suggest be done with these criminals?
I know what should be done to Kates killer at this point. He should be killed.


Well-Known Member
I know what should be done to Kates killer at this point. He should be killed.
for inadvertently killing someone?

should we also give the death sentence to the dozens of toddlers who kill people with guns every year?

how about a mandatory 5 year prison sentence for people like adam lanza's mother, who by leaving her guns unlocked allowed for the slaughter of several dozen kindergarteners when her son got a hold of those guns?

racism like you harbor should not factor into the judicial system in any way.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
for inadvertently killing someone?

should we also give the death sentence to the dozens of toddlers who kill people with guns every year?

how about a mandatory 5 year prison sentence for people like adam lanza's mother, who by leaving her guns unlocked allowed for the slaughter of several dozen kindergarteners when her son got a hold of those guns?

racism like you harbor should not factor into the judicial system in any way.
what? lol. This was a grown man, not a toddler! your being ridiculous! lol


Well-Known Member
It makes no sense to fill up jails with people from Mexico that are repeat felons that do time, then get deported and keep coming back. What do you suggest be done with these criminals?
I know what should be done to Kates killer at this point. He should be killed.
Send them to gay bars and maybe the muslims will shoot them inadvertently.


Well-Known Member
It makes no sense to fill up jails with people from Mexico that are repeat felons that do time, then get deported and keep coming back. What do you suggest be done with these criminals?
Congressional Summary of the bill:
This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase penalties applicable to aliens who unlawfully reenter the United States after being removed.

What you said isn't what the bill does. It isn't just about illegal immigrants who re-enter and commit a crime. It puts anybody who re-enters in jail. It would fill up the jails with people who have never hurt anybody. Really? Fill up jails with WOD pot smokers and harmless indigent foreigners?

Why was the guy who killed Kate not put in jail when he committed earlier offenses? Because it was cheaper to ship him off to Mexico, and a bureaucrat followed orders to do so. Laws were already in place and an official and system circumvented the law to save money and make room for WOD offenders.

Why don't we enforce laws already on the books instead of piling on new ones?

But it only has a 3% chance of passing, so there is some comfort to be found there.
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