So this ^^ goes completely off the rails. I don't even mention the gun. I say in my post that the shooter was a mentally disturbed, angry person. Your post was completely deranged. Wow. You have lost it man. Maybe I should call you in to the FBI as an unstable person about to hurt people.]
How stupid are you I bring up the gun and you go off the deep end.
What kind of truth is that? No, the truth is that he was mentally disturbed and angry about something and directed his anger at gays after he stopped beating his wife. He beat his wives,
Mentally disturbed, beats wives. Sounds muslim.
he scared co-workers and he was vocal enough about his violent tendencies that a person who knew him at the mosque he attended called the FBI to tell them about the things he said.
Violent goes to a Mosque. I think he was a muslim.
I am atheist so am not blinded by any one faith.
You are blinded by your own religion, you see an atheist takes it on his faith that there are no gods and your religion is that all others are wrong and yours is the only true religion the same as other religion.
From what I see, they all have fucked up messages in them as well as some good teaching regarding how we should treat everybody fairly and well. Yet we have only rare instances where Christians (mostly) and Muslims (rarely) act on the archaic lines promoting violence. Mostly and its a good thing, people choose to believe the fucked up violent stuff are metaphors for rejecting a life style but not to actually do it. What you refer to is extreme and rare, not only in this country but world wide.
Well the rare and extreme as YOU put it seems to happen all the time. You should tell the muslims that their not doing it right.
You seem to focus on the violent stuff. Maybe I should call you in to the FBI as an unstable person about to hurt people.
When a muslim shoots and kills 50 gays and we are debating this you think I'm wrong for bringing up the gun, noting that he is muslim and threaten to call the FBI on me because of MY focus on violent stuff?
Your a real weird dude.
From what you say, you qualify as Christian extremist and while you don't want to hurt gays right now, you did because after shooting up planned parenthood clinics, black churches and mosques, that's what Christian extremists do. The other snuff fantasies you discuss are quite disgusting. Maybe I should call you in to the FBI as an unstable person about to hurt people.
Something is wrong with you. You on LSD?
Now you are talking about fucking ducks.
@UncleBuck might want to call you in to the FBI for your sexual tendencies towards ducks.
Ok ? Buck might want to call the FBI on me. If it makes you happy both of you call.
Muslims don't advocate that. Extremist Christians, as far as I can tell from the headlines are capable of anything.
What do you get the MUSLIM NEWS?
Maybe those headlines must have been the day I didn't read it.
Now, as far as that guy fucking ducks is concerned, I can't say one way or the other. Because, quite obviously, the Orlando shooter was mentally disturbed and angry about something and directed his anger at gays after he stopped beating his wife.
The headlines should read "MUSLIM STOPS BEATING WIFE KILLS 50 GAYS" hIts the high points don't you think?