Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Cmon trump is a pig shit mess. He cant open his mouth without exposing some fatal character fault or deeply mistaken belief. He is accustomed to being the chief gorilla lording over a clot of grovelling greedy nit wits. Whenever he has anyone to report to he fails. He's failing now.

Hillary is easy to criticize but there is a world of difference in their real world experience, their sophistication and their vulnerabilities, Trump is not even JV material, he is un-electable. He has ZERO chance of potus. A thin skinned, con man who speaks crudely and has no experience, a man who offends folks everywhere he goes. Uh uh come again.

Hillary admires Margret Sanger


Well-Known Member
Hillary admires Margret Sanger
"Margaret Higgins Sanger (born Margaret Louise Higgins, September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966, also known as Margaret Sanger Slee) was an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. Sanger popularized the term "birth control", opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established organizations that evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America."

Sounds like a very legit lady, to me. You aren't very keen on reproductive rights, or?


Well-Known Member
The leading cause of death for black americans is abortion.View attachment 3713810
are you a cleric or manager of uteruses ?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading causes of death for African-Americans are heart disease, cancer and stroke. Abortions are not listed in the report. “The CDC would not list abortion at all, because legally the fetus is not considered a life.Aug 14, 2015


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that's more like it ..none of this foolish political talk. This whole election is a joke .. Cmon , Trump, Hillary and bernie..I bet Kim Jung un is laughing at us

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Oligahhkee. Is Brooklyn in the house? Lol.
No doubt the bk is in the house. But I do have an issue with folks saying he's from Brooklyn, he WAS born here but left long ago. I wasn't born in bk but I've lived here my adult life and dealing with the folks of today.

I guess it really showed during the primaries Bernie drew out the crowds he even managed to break the record with the biggest crowd of all time beating Obama's record with a crowd of 28,000 at Washington Square Park, but in the end Hillary crushed Bernie at the voting booth.

I like Bernie I just don't think this country is ready to make the switch to his style of governance just like I felt this country was not prepared to have its first Black President that's evident in the amount of opposition, he's had more than any other President ever had and who has done a tremendous job so far and what makes me so proud of him is he is scandal free not that right wing made up bullshit.



Well-Known Member
No doubt the bk is in the house. But I do have an issue with folks saying he's from Brooklyn, he WAS born here but left long ago. I wasn't born in bk but I've lived here my adult life and dealing with the folks of today.

I guess it really showed during the primaries Bernie drew out the crowds he even managed to break the record with the biggest crowd of all time beating Obama's record with a crowd of 28,000 at Washington Square Park, but in the end Hillary crushed Bernie at the voting booth.

I like Bernie I just don't think this country is ready to make the switch to his style of governance just like I felt this country was not prepared to have its first Black President that's evident in the amount of opposition, he's had more than any other President ever had and who has done a tremendous job so far and what makes me so proud of him is he is scandal free not that right wing made up bullshit.

Ummm Bernie got blown out because Hillary cheated come on man look at all the voting problem.s this year from Cali to new York to Florida. This is sum bullshit. Just like Hillary should be indicted but won't be...if she is Obama will pardon her....u really think its our choice who gets to be pres?


Well-Known Member
There's to typle of people In this world trump voters and Bernie voters ...I mean really how many people do u personally know that are voting for her...I'll wait...I think Hillary has spam bots casting her votes


Well-Known Member
Lol so ull correct my my incorrect use of the word two but what about fixing the Clinton machines career of deception and lies? The fact she broke the law and is the focus point of a criminal investigation..her constant flip flop on policy....laundering money....Benghazi? U sir are as unamerican as they come


Well-Known Member
You would think a speech so magnificent that it deserves 250,000 dollars she would release it "TO" the world ....not just wall street - in my birdie sanders voice
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