Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
i never said being against illegal immigration was racist.

i did say deporting 11 million people, many of whom have lived here nearly all their lives and may not even know they are illegal, is a fascist policy which you support.

and the illegal immigration thing does make it very easy to spot racists, as the racists here often slip up and just refer to 'mexicans' instead of illegal immigrants, showing you where their true concern is.

but you are racist for any number of reasons which have been discussed already.

go back to kenya, cunt.

Actually, you have used a post of mine, saying I was against "illegal" immigrants, in a failed attempt to label me a racist.


Well-Known Member
How mature. Its ok, I know you cant handle dissenting information.

See no evil.
there have been multiple scientific studies done. people who watch that garbage are less informed than those who watch no news at all. i'm not taking the risk of making myself dumber by watching it.

besides, i've already offered to bet you on whether or not hillary goes to jail. you chickenshit out every time.

you don't even believe in the very shit that you spew.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
there have been multiple scientific studies done. people who watch that garbage are less informed than those who watch no news at all. i'm not taking the risk of making myself dumber by watching it.

besides, i've already offered to bet you on whether or not hillary goes to jail. you chickenshit out every time.

you don't even believe in the very shit that you spew.
Oh no... you called me chicken..

Nope. Still dont care. Its funny tho.


Well-Known Member
Oh no... you called me chicken..

Nope. Still dont care. Its funny tho.
you've been spamming fox news for weeks and bawling uncontrollably about how hillary needs to go to prison.

then you refuse to wager your account on it and you even claim you don't care.

it is not possible that both of these things can be true.


Well-Known Member
Fox 'news', lol....c'monnnnnn, really? I refuse to believe these people aren't WAY would any sensible person bring up things like fox news and Alex Jones in relation to r-e-a-l-i-t-y. :lol:

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Left wing media mantra has brainwashed the masses.

50% of american and britain are racist is what they would have you believe.
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Well-Known Member
I think I've got Trump figured out.

He planned to be in Scotland during the BREXIT vote "for business." So now that England has voted to leave the EU, and Cameron has resigned, Trump is saying how great he is over there, and he is there to tell them that he was actually born in the UK.

He is there to start his campaign to run for Prime Minister, since he knows he will lose the race for the Presidency. So he will spew his cockiness in England from now on.

In an ironic twist, the English will demand to see his birth certificate. :lol:

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