Donald Trump

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@UncleBuck Watch the video and you might find yourself rethinking that. If I were Obama, I'm beat the bitch down now, while I could.

i asked you a question, coward.

how much would you like to wager that hillary will not be indicted because this fake scandal is an exercise in mental retardation by right wing blowhards like yourself?

your move, pussy.
Here's my response using your favorite girl :) I love how you're unable to counter using big boy words. This isn't the sandbox, and we're not in kindergarten. Enjoy the video ;)

^^^ She will not be the next POTUS, too corrupt, too boring, and most people see her for the fake ass, bought off globalist she is. Only weak minded liberals buy the BS she's selling, oh and Wall Street. Can't leave them out. Those 1 % are in for a surprise.

Trump is going to kick the shit out of her, and I'll be laughing until mid 2017. But not with an evil laugh like lying Hillary's. Mine will be more jovial. :)

Speaking of pussy. That's something Hillary is more into that you, lol .


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She will not be the next POTUS...Trump is going to kick the shit out of her

wow, you are such a fucking pussy.

you say one thing and then you refuse to even have any courage of your convictions.

i'll bet you on this prediction too. when hillary wins, you log out forever. if trump is able to overcome the 10-14 point deficit he's facing in the polls right now, i'll log out forever.

is that a deal, or are you as big of a vagina as i think you are?
You're on, it's a bet.

If you're right, and Hillary becomes the next POTUS I'll never sign on here again.

Man, I'm going to enjoy being the guy, who rid this site of you, your small mind, and childish words. Now when you lose, be a man about it. Don't do the liberal thing, and claim it was all a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (she's already worn that one out).

You're on, it's a bet.

If you're right, and Hillary becomes the next POTUS I'll never sign on here again.

Man, I'm going to enjoy being the guy, who rid this site of you, your small mind, and childish words. Now when you lose, be a man about it. Don't do the liberal thing, and claim it was all a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (she's already worn that one out).

Month of June:

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You're on, it's a bet.

If you're right, and Hillary becomes the next POTUS I'll never sign on here again.

Man, I'm going to enjoy being the guy, who rid this site of you, your small mind, and childish words. Now when you lose, be a man about it. Don't do the liberal thing, and claim it was all a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (she's already worn that one out).

I predict a future sockpuppet being made
Hillary 200 plus days with No press conference.

Trump almost daily interactions with the media.

Look out Hillary, ^^^ they've got you figured out, they're talking, and people are listening.

^^^^^ I love it, the 10 Legendary Lies (Hillary has her own mini-series online, thanks to Trump)


Cold, Arrogant Hillary left our own, unsupported to die.

This is her track record, lies, scandals, and dead bodies. ISIS loves her, between Obama and Hillary, ISIS is stronger than ever.
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You're on, it's a bet.

If you're right, and Hillary becomes the next POTUS I'll never sign on here again.

Man, I'm going to enjoy being the guy, who rid this site of you, your small mind, and childish words. Now when you lose, be a man about it. Don't do the liberal thing, and claim it was all a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (she's already worn that one out).


ok then. now, how about the indictment bet too?

don't pussy out on that as well.
Hillary 200 plus days with No press conference.

Trump almost daily interactions with the media.

Look out Hillary, ^^^ they've got you figured out, they're talking, and people are listening.

^^^^^ I love it, the 10 Legendary Lies (Hillary has her own mini-series online, thanks to Trump)


Cold, Arrogant Hillary left our own, unsupported to die.

This is her track record, lies, scandals, and dead bodies. ISIS loves her, between Obama and Hillary, ISIS is stronger than ever.

desperately spamming fox news on a pot website won't help your savior trump any. why not talk about him? i have a hillary clinton thread if you want to spam fox news videos about her.

anyhoo, did you know that folks like you who watch fox news are less informed than those who watch no news at all? it's been shown in multiple studies.

don't have a heart attack!
On the pending trump business fraud case... (1) GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART DEFENDANT

(In short due to the parts that were denied "Summary Judgment" the court case is scheduled for some time this up and coming November. Mr trump wanted and expected to be granted summary judgments on all allegations. At the moment mr trump is throwing "Hissy fits" over the judgments not given. )

On a side note: Unlike what is going on with Mrs Clinton... there is no investigation being done on this issue. On this issue the investigation is over with. At this point it is a full blown pending business fraud case.

Do not confuse an investigation into an issue with a pending case on an issue. Just because there is an investigation into an issue does not mean there is a case about the issue.
Here are more quotes....

1. "The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. " Donald J. Trump (from The Art of the Deal)
Put in other words, the quote states... As I am lying, I am using their fantasies against them, and hoping the stupid voters believe me.

2. “I have no intention of ever running for president.” Donald Trump (TIME Interview 1987)
This turned into a lie when he announced he was running for president.

3a. "One of the reasons companies are leaving is because salaries are too high." [Varney & Co., Fox Business News, 10/20/15]
3b. "I don’t want to raise the minimum wage.’ said Trump.” [The Hill, 7/23/15] Wow... salaries are too high... Federal minimum wages are still the same. Oh wait... mr trump wants U.S. citizens to work really hard to get into the "upper stratum" and to do that without raising the federal minimum wage he is going to have soo many jobs available to U.S. citizens that they can, get multiple jobs, and possibly only sleeping five hours a night like he does.

4. “I'm quite liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What's the purpose of a country if you're not going to have defensive and health care? If you can't take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.” Donald Trump [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
How many people claim trump is a conservative? Those proposed tax cuts of his are liberal also.

The stolen DNC records on Trump (aka: Guccifer 2.0 "Hack")
Clicking on the link above will open a pdf file.

Or... DNC Hacker Releases Trump Oppo Report

Clicking on the link above will open the web page where the above pdf file can be located.

Being a business man is like being a politician. You have to negotiate with several different people to get what you want done. In donald john trump's situation you have examine the public record on his business past to get an accurate idea of whether or not he is fit for the office of president as "Baby" politician. Further more the last baby politician that held their nation's highest political office was Adolf Hitler.
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