Donald Trump

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right, I did not say Liberals are racist, I have tons of Liberal friends that are not racist, I have tons of conservative friends, also not racist. Perhaps you should read what I said!!!

i just read it again and it still says the same thing.

you accuse liberals of being racist by giving black people welfare in exchange for votes.

you're too retarded to even understand the things you say.
are you sure about that, or are you a retarded person?
I know exactly what I wrote, and what it says. As you think I am retarded, it really does not matter, I never said Liberals are racist but you sure like grouping people all into one category, either they agree with you or they are racist or retarded or a penis...LOL! Certain people keep certain groups of people in poverty giving them just enough to keep them voting for them, but not giving them enough or helping their communities enough to help them get out of poverty! Is that clearer for you? I wrote that in very simple language! President OBAMA has done nothing to help the people of his hometown get out of poverty or help Chicago get out of it's terrible state of depression! He has failed his own community terribly as has Rahm Emanuel!
Oh is that all you got Unclebuck? We see how you and your buddies work! If you do not like what someone says their view you try and mock their sex, race, etc...very grownup you are, your quite a prize!


so you joined a week ago, and you talk about me like i've ripped you a new asshole at least half a dozen times?

stupid, even for a sock puppet.
I don't care if you think I am a woman or not, and really someone else who is going to call me a penis, well that is grown up! I am not talking about welfare across the country, so do not try to misquote me. I am talking about welfare and foodstamps in the city of Chicago, and crazy crime rate! Yes unemployment is high in Chicago something that will not change, but should have changed with our President 8 years in office and who has done nothing for his hometown. Likewise, has not changed under Mayor Rahm Emanuel! Both their hometowns, both people that were/are in positions of great power in this country.....yes their economics suck, I agree on that for sure, their policies have failed Chicago miserably!!! Obama has abandoned Chicago and their young people for sure!!!
You expected Obama to give Chicago special treatment? Wow, that's entitled thinking for sure. Obama has done a great job given the hot mess he inherited. I'd say you are reaching a bit too far to place the disaster on him.

The issues in Chicago today are about as bad as anywhere, that I'll agree to. My issue with your diatribe is that it places blame on the symptoms and not the causes of the current crisis. Blaming kids? Really? Kids don't know shit, especially when their schools are poorly funded. And whose fault is that? Not the kids, that's for sure. Things can't get better until the real problems are addressed.

Chicago is an important part of the state of Illinois. The two need to work together to get out of this mess and all I see is finger pointing, obstruction and deceptive propaganda that puts the blame where it doesn't lie.

Things aren't going to get better until Illinois gets it's act together beginning in the statehouse and extending into the classrooms. Your governor is making things worse but what can one expect when he believes government can't solve problems, only cause them? He's obstructing progress rather than promoting collaboration and action. So, yes, the history of Illinois is one of really bad decision making. And that fucker, along with other GOP knot heads are just continuing the cycle.

If you want a bit more real and current information, here is one source that seems reasonable to me:
You expected Obama to give Chicago special treatment? Wow, that's entitled thinking for sure. Obama has done a great job given the hot mess he inherited. I'd say you are reaching a bit too far to place the disaster on him.

The issues in Chicago today are about as bad as anywhere, that I'll agree to. My issue with your diatribe is that it places blame on the symptoms and not the causes of the current crisis. Blaming kids? Really? Kids don't know shit, especially when their schools are poorly funded. And whose fault is that? Not the kids, that's for sure. Things can't get better until the real problems are addressed.

Chicago is an important part of the state of Illinois. The two need to work together to get out of this mess and all I see is finger pointing, obstruction and deceptive propaganda that puts the blame where it doesn't lie.

Things aren't going to get better until Illinois gets it's act together beginning in the statehouse and extending into the classrooms. Your governor is making things worse but what can one expect when he believes government can't solve problems, only cause them? He's obstructing progress rather than promoting collaboration and action. So, yes, the history of Illinois is one of really bad decision making. And that fucker, along with other GOP knot heads are just continuing the cycle.

If you want a bit more real and current information, here is one source that seems reasonable to me:
I have not blamed children for anything, and when you show me where I have ever said children are to blame or at fault for the fuckup in Chicago, I may continue some conversation with you, but as of now your thinking is delusional. I have devoted my life to saving children's lives! Second I am not from Illinois, nor do I live in Illinois. He is not my Governor. You folks are all messed up with your assumptions! I live in a completely different state, not even close, and actually if you had read my post when I started talking on this thread you would have observed that I live in a border state! Obama shows preferential treatment all the time, so that is a joke, and after 8 years the only person to blame for this fucked up country now is just can't blame another party or president forever, too old and boring. Finally I am not Republican, I vote Independent and sometimes Libertarian.
Well lets start with the debt, and then his policy, foreign relations, government waste, military decline, the USA is laughing stock of the world losing all respect, the list goes on...

obama actually didn't add a penny to the debt. he inherited the most massive deficit of all time and lowered it by over a trillion dollars. why is that a problem?

and actually, the united states is now the most respected nation on earth again under obama. under bush, we ranked behind china.

so your opinions have no basis in reality because you are a retarded person.
obama actually didn't add a penny to the debt. he inherited the most massive deficit of all time and lowered it by over a trillion dollars. why is that a problem?

and actually, the united states is now the most respected nation on earth again under obama. under bush, we ranked behind china.

so your opinions have no basis in reality because you are a retarded person.
Your thinking is delusional, and yes I am retarded, but at least not smoking the crack!
I have not blamed children for anything, and when you show me where I have ever said children are to blame or at fault for the fuckup in Chicago, I may continue some conversation with you, but as of now your thinking is delusional. I have devoted my life to saving children's lives! Second I am not from Illinois, nor do I live in Illinois. He is not my Governor. You folks are all messed up with your assumptions! I live in a completely different state, not even close, and actually if you had read my post when I started talking on this thread you would have observed that I live in a border state! Obama shows preferential treatment all the time, so that is a joke, and after 8 years the only person to blame for this fucked up country now is just can't blame another party or president forever, too old and boring. Finally I am not Republican, I vote Independent and sometimes Libertarian.

Ok, so now that you've been called out about your ignorance regarding Illinois, you want to move on to Obama and his failings. OK but you haven't gained much credibility thus far, boyo.

Don't you think it is fair to compare the condition of the country when Obama took office to today? If you just say that you want better, well who can argue with that? The problem is, how to get there? How is Trump going to do anything but make things worse?
  • How would putting a confirmed and committed racist in the White House help? His policies on Muslims are divisive and counter productive and that's just for starters.
  • How would his economic plan help? His economic plan would follow the "same old cut taxes and increase spending" strategy that ballooned this country's debt during the Bush years. Analysts predict it would add between 11 trillion to 24 trillion dollars to the national debt over 10 years. What is this going to do to help this country out of financial straits?
  • How would triggering recession by starting trade wars with Mexico and China help?

I don't get it, Trump holds no helpful ideas in his so called plans. Why are you sucking it up? Ignorance, maybe stupid is the only way that I can explain it.
obama actually didn't add a penny to the debt. he inherited the most massive deficit of all time and lowered it by over a trillion dollars. why is that a problem?

and actually, the united states is now the most respected nation on earth again under obama. under bush, we ranked behind china.

so your opinions have no basis in reality because you are a retarded person. shot 2015-07-15 at 11.29.16 am.png
Oh and the debt has doubled under his presidency so keep smoking the crack! I would rather be retarded and living in reality!
Ok, so now that you've been called out about your ignorance regarding Illinois, you want to move on to Obama and his failings. OK but you haven't gained much credibility thus far, boyo.

Don't you think it is fair to compare the condition of the country when Obama took office to today? If you just say that you want better, well who can argue with that? The problem is, how to get there? How is Trump going to do anything but make things worse?
  • How would putting a confirmed and committed racist in the White House help? His policies on Muslims are divisive and counter productive and that's just for starters.
  • How would his economic plan help? His economic plan would follow the "same old cut taxes and increase spending" strategy that ballooned this country's debt during the Bush years. Analysts predict it would add between 11 trillion to 24 trillion dollars to the national debt over 10 years. What is this going to do to help this country out of financial straits?
  • How would triggering recession by starting trade wars with Mexico and China help?

I don't get it, Trump holds no helpful ideas in his so called plans. Why are you sucking it up? Ignorance, maybe stupid is the only way that I can explain it.
and I am not voting for Trump. It is possible to think Obama sucks, think Hillary is a corrupt sociopathic liar, and guilty of breaking multiple laws and also not be a Trump supporter! You have not called me out on anything, the policies of Obama have failed cities like Chicago miserably and he and his great buddy Rahm Emanuel the mayor have done nothing to help Chicago, I concede nothing! shot 2015-07-15 at 11.29.16 am.png
Oh and the debt has doubled under his presidency so keep smoking the crack! I would rather be retarded and living in reality!
You are retarded and living in a dream if you think that debt is due to Obama. Maybe you should smoke crack, from what I see you couldn't get any dumber. In order to reduce the debt, one must first have a surplus. Let's compare presidents for spending discipline and cutting the deficit, shall we:

Ok, so now that you've been called out about your ignorance regarding Illinois, you want to move on to Obama and his failings. OK but you haven't gained much credibility thus far, boyo.

Don't you think it is fair to compare the condition of the country when Obama took office to today? If you just say that you want better, well who can argue with that? The problem is, how to get there? How is Trump going to do anything but make things worse?
  • How would putting a confirmed and committed racist in the White House help? His policies on Muslims are divisive and counter productive and that's just for starters.
  • How would his economic plan help? His economic plan would follow the "same old cut taxes and increase spending" strategy that ballooned this country's debt during the Bush years. Analysts predict it would add between 11 trillion to 24 trillion dollars to the national debt over 10 years. What is this going to do to help this country out of financial straits?
  • How would triggering recession by starting trade wars with Mexico and China help?

I don't get it, Trump holds no helpful ideas in his so called plans. Why are you sucking it up? Ignorance, maybe stupid is the only way that I can explain it.
You are retarded and living in a dream if you think that debt is due to Obama. Maybe you should smoke crack, from what I see you couldn't get any dumber. In order to reduce the debt, one must first have a surplus. Let's compare presidents for spending discipline and cutting the deficit, shall we:

Keep smoking the crack!
This means there will be a 100 percent increase in the Federal debt from when Obama took office until he leaves office, those are the facts, and I do not need a poster, just the factual numbers!
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