Donald Trump

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They both suck hard but I can't support a blatantly racist candidate and someone who's party supports bad drug laws.
Blatantly racist?

He likes jews, he wants to get black kids more jobs, he wants to get along with china, he wants to support legal immigration and he is all for a black guy stomping out a guy wearing kkk hood.

So racist tho.. :roll:

You think he is racist because that is how progressives label their enemies. They're making progress alright. Progress tearing down the economic stability of our country. Pitting neighbor against neighbor and pulling heartstrings to pass their globalist agenda.

Fuck bush too.
And who says Jews can't be racist? There are all Jewish towns in upstate NY and parts of Brooklyn and some of them like to pay off politicians so they can play that "bleed the beast" bullshit the FLDS likes to do.
They both suck hard but I can't support a blatantly racist candidate and someone who's party supports bad drug laws.
I hear you!:cry: I find it more difficult to support a person who will say or do anything to win an election, whose views change with the current of the wind, whose party demonstrates on a daily basis that they would be happy to abolish free speech and the right to bear arms, something I hold dearer than the freedom to smoke a joint. Unfortunately I have a hard time in supporting Trump as well, but I do believe under him our economy will fair better, and something seriously does need to be done in our government to shake things up. This will definitely not happen under a Hillary administration, and she has certainly demonstrated that she believes she is above any rule or law that applies to her. Is quite a mess...
Trump will not fix the economy. He's going to wreck it like the people in England who wanted change but weren't smart enough to come up with a plan.

A wall
All manufacturing in US
No Muslim immigration
China payback

Which of these do you think he will accomplish and how will it make this country better?
You know that the democrats keep threatening government shutdown if we dont take more debt on.

The deficit is going to rise again soon. Check
Where do you get this stuff. You aren't smart enough to make it up yourself. You have difficulty with facts. The most recent government shut down was due to attacks on the affordable care act as well as on funding women's health clinics. The rest of those threats were due to some bizarre idea that the government should not pay interest on the debt. This threat came after refusal to cut social services, funding for family planning and highway projects. Those threats were mounted by Republicans. You confuse the refusal to accede to threats as the act of threatening itself. If I demand that you give me your car or I'll slash its tires and you refuse are you then the one responsible for slashed tires?
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Trump will not fix the economy. He's going to wreck it like the people in England who wanted change but weren't smart enough to come up with a plan.

A wall
All manufacturing in US
No Muslim immigration
China payback

Which of these do you think he will accomplish and how will it make this country better?
So you want open boarders, no manufacturing in the US, 100,000 refugees who can not be vetted and unfair trade deals with china?
So you want open boarders, no manufacturing in the US, 100,000 refugees who can not be vetted and unfair trade deals with china?
Right, is really sad that people believe that we have no right to a secure Mexican border, should not be able to bring manufacturing back home to the USA, and have fair and good trade deals with China and the rest of the world. Sometimes I think people have lost their minds.....yes and we are supposed to open up the borders to a bunch of ISIS fighters hiding among the Syrian refugee's created by our current president due to his unwillingness to help them when they were being chemically gased, tortured, raped, and killed in their home country...
Where do you get this stuff. You aren't smart enough to make it up yourself. You have difficulty with facts. The most recent government shut downs was die to attacks on the affordable care act as well as on funding women's health clinics. The rest of those threats were due to some bizarre idea that the government should not pay interest on the debt. This threat came after refusal to cut social services, funding for family planning and highway projects. Those threats were mounted by Republicans. You confuse the refusal to accede to threats as the act of threatening itself. If I demand that you give me your car or I'll slash it's tires and you refuse are you then the one responsible for slashed tires?

All essential functions of government will be carried out under last years budget plan. But it will bring the ENTIRE economy to a halt.

Okay.. whatever you say government overlords.

The republicans were blocking increased spending without the necessary cuts to fund it. Why are we passing expensive legislation on credit?
Right, is really sad that people believe that we have no right to a secure Mexican border, should not be able to bring manufacturing back home to the USA, and have fair and good trade deals with China and the rest of the world. Sometimes I think people have lost their minds.....yes and we are supposed to open up the borders to a bunch of ISIS fighters hiding among the Syrian refugee's created by our current president due to his unwillingness to help them when they were being chemically gased, tortured, raped, and killed in their home country...
I agree 100%
This is a Trump thread.
Then why is every trump news story or press release or video bumped with a bunch of trolling nonsense.

No one is forcing you to vote trump but you should at least try to hear all sides of the story before jumping to conclusions.

In comparison to hillary, it is plain to see who is the greatest threat to our national security. Isn't she being investigated for that right now?

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