Donald Trump

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i agree. your candidate's racist plan to do away with the first amendment in order to ban muslims from this nation is quite racist and horrifying. i find it hard to believe that anyone could be so pathetically racist as to support a plan like that, but here you are.
Lets have ISIS over to your home, I think they have no tolerance for your kind either! Plenty of refugee's we can let in from other countries, but only our divine president wants to bring in especially the ones that are harboring ISIS terrorist...
Blatantly racist?

wow, pie. you really have taken quite a turn for the stupid.

yes, your candidate is blatantly racist. he thinks judge curiel, who was born in indiana, is unfit to do his job because he has mexican heritage. he wants to ban anyone who is muslim. he has been sued and lost over racial discrimination. he said that laziness is a trait in blacks. he has made anti-semitic statements about jews too.

You think he is racist because that is how progressives label their enemies. They're making progress alright. Progress tearing down the economic stability of our country. Pitting neighbor against neighbor and pulling heartstrings to pass their globalist agenda.

now your rhetoric appears to be coming straight from a klan rally, pie. jesusfuck.

tell me all about how obama is "tearing down the economic stability of our country" by pulling us out of the great recession, slashing the deficit by a trillion, setting up the stock market to get to record levels, and lowering unemplyment to below 5%.

reconcile those facts about obama's success along with the bizarre and racist statements you keep making.

thanks, sugar tits.
Right, is really sad that people believe that we have no right to a secure Mexican border, should not be able to bring manufacturing back home to the USA, and have fair and good trade deals with China and the rest of the world. Sometimes I think people have lost their minds.....yes and we are supposed to open up the borders to a bunch of ISIS fighters hiding among the Syrian refugee's created by our current president due to his unwillingness to help them when they were being chemically gased, tortured, raped, and killed in their home country...

so you're not actually worried about ISIS getting in through an unsecure border, you just hate those mexicans, eh?

classic FDD right there.

shitty sock puppet, even for a stain like yourself.
She abandoned those men to die, then had her office make up a huge coverup story and lie out their teeth directly and for weeks to the american people. She is not president yet, is totally undeserving of the role, and I could never support someone who lies so religiously and on such a frequent basis. She has no moral character and demonstrates great moral turpitude.

not even the republican report says any of that.

you remind me of a mangy dog who vomits shit out of its mouth.

no offense, and i am not calling you that, but that is the image that gets evoked when i read your posts. a mangy, ill dog that is vomiting up piles of shit that it just ate.

you have a gift in that regard, fdd.
Lets have ISIS over to your home, I think they have no tolerance for your kind either! Plenty of refugee's we can let in from other countries, but only our divine president wants to bring in especially the ones that are harboring ISIS terrorist...
I would like to read your blog and perhaps negotiate the purchase of some of your unwashed socks.
so you're not actually worried about ISIS getting in through an unsecure border, you just hate those mexicans, eh?

classic FDD right there.

shitty sock puppet, even for a stain like yourself.
Really, do you have anything intelligent to say at all? I live in a border state, and most of my friends are Hispanic, and most of them also believe we need to secure the border, because they want their children and their country safe and because they like me immigrated to this country legally.
I want to hear about you, maybe read your newsletter. Maybe you should post some memes to help me understand you.
You parrot all the shit breath laden phony nonsense that is code for im a clueless racist half wit media ass.

You are a DAF hillbilly wench. You would be laughed out of any political discussion involving educated adults. Polishing up your discourse with your dogs isnt working.
there was almost 100 percent support to go to war...People want to rewrite history

100% and 70% are not even close to being the same, you historical revisionist.


dog vomiting shit, every time.
You parrot all the shit breath laden phony nonsense that is code for im a clueless racist half wit media ass.
Yes, when you encounter someone that does not share your beliefs or viewpoints you call them a racist, so boring and so totally lacking any intelligent thought...haha
@StevieBevie Love your posts. Ashame these Lib-tards, are such Sheep and refuse to accept the truth. The patterns of Hillary's corruption and lying are her only consistant traits.

#Trump2016 <- notice I added the # for the Lib-tards, they love those #'s. Oh, and the word Racist, they really love that word. LOL



^^^^ now this happened. The fact that I bring it up, will only offend Lib-tards (aka Hillary Clinton Supporters). :)
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