Donald Trump

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1 thing many forget about building a wall is that the Native Americans don't want no stinkin wall on their land.

They have had free and open range for as long as they have been there, and they have already said they wont accept fencing on their land.

I guess the gubment will just run over them ( AGAIN ) and do whatever they want ??? AGAIN.

USA made 5000 treaties with the Natives... And Broke Every One of Them. Telling.

Also its not true most refugees are men

Over 60% of refugees are women and children.

Its telling when people come on places and spew wrong info.
That fucking wall. It's not going to get built.

The fucking wall would be an environmental and social disaster along the Rio Grande river corridor as well as breaking treaties with Native American nations. The worst of it would be the legacy of that thing for generations to come. Not only would it screw up the social and ecosystems of the area but after the thing falls apart because guarding and maintaining the thing would be fiscally ruinous, its ruins would remain for generations to look at and wonder at the stupidity of this age..

And it's not going to stop illegal immigration from Mexico.
Well II do agree that all these terror attacks being Naturalized or born citizens are our own doing in a way but we disagree that it`s time to stop that. I wish to stop it. You don`t.

Rahami is what you have been warned about. We let him in. He was not born here. All those ten year olds and six year olds, may do the same. But alas, the refugees just so happen by co-incidence to be military aged men some women and children.

Do the fucking math.
All right, I'll do the math. Go back 32 years. In 6% of all terrorist attacks during that interval were by Islamic extremists -- foreigners or US Citizens. 2/3 of those Islamist terrorist attacks were by US Citizens or 4% -- that means 2% were by foreign born Islamist terrorists. Of ALL terrorist attacks, 98% would still have happened regardless if Trump's policy to exclude all Muslim immigrants had been in place.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database​

Here is a summary of all terrorist attacks during Bush and Obama administrations current through July, 2016

If you scan through it, you'll see that most were by Christians or -- too funny this -- Rob Roy's Anarcho-Capitalist/Libertarian type extremists. A handful, maybe 8 of the attacks since 9/11 were by Muslims and most of them were US born.

Trump's plan to ban Muslim immigration won't affect the real cause of terrorist attacks in this country. Most are just US born nutjobs like @Rob Roy or @Illinois Enema Bandit or @Flaming Pie.

In the past decade (2006-2016), reactionary Right Wing extremists are to blame for the recent spike in fatal terrorist shootings. Earlier, there were Left Wing (Eco), Puerto Rican separatists, and Communist extremists that were to blame but that is old history and there hasn't been a fatality related to the latter three groups in twenty years.
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Also its not true most refugees are men

Over 60% of refugees are women and children.

Its telling when people come on places and spew wrong info.
or leave out important info. like the fact that they are committing genocide on christians over there and yet the christian refugees coming in are coming in at a way lower percentage than the amount there are over there
All right, I'll do the math. Go back 32 years. In 6% of all terrorist attacks during that interval were by Islamic extremists -- foreigners or US Citizens. 2/3 of those Islamist terrorist attacks were by US Citizens or 4% -- that means 2% were by foreign born Islamist terrorists. Of ALL terrorist attacks, 98% would still have happened regardless if Trump's policy to exclude all Muslim immigrants had been in place.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database​

Here is a summary of all terrorist attacks during Bush and Obama administrations current through July, 2016

If you scan through it, you'll see that most were by Christians or -- too funny this -- Rob Roy's Anarcho-Capitalist/Libertarian type extremists. A handful, maybe 8 of the attacks since 9/11 were by Muslims and most of them were US born.

Trump's plan to ban Muslim immigration won't affect the real cause of terrorist attacks in this country. Most are just US born nutjobs like @Rob Roy or @Illinois Enema Bandit or @Flaming Pie.

In the past decade (2006-2016), reactionary Right Wing extremists are to blame for the recent spike in fatal terrorist shootings. Earlier, there were Left Wing (Eco), Puerto Rican separatists, and Communist extremists that were to blame but that is old history and there hasn't been a fatality related to the latter three groups in twenty years.

You are free to believe what you like, but you should know your belief can't make something false into something true. I wasn't born in "this country". I have not and would not attack a person, but I would and have defended myself when I needed to.

You, on the other hand, would probably not attack a person yourself, but a nutjob like you would applaud a system based in one party or parties having the right to use OFFENSIVE force. The reason that makes you a nutjob, is you present yourself as a peaceful person, all the while advocating for violence.
The reason that makes you a nutjob

... is that you wake up everyday with full knowledge that you are going to be extorted and oppressed.

isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results?

my offer of $10 towards a plane fare out of the US still stands.
Profile of a terrorist

Unitarian Church Shooting, July 27, 2008

Jim Adkisson opened fire in a Knoxsville, TN, Unitarian-Universalist church that promoted progressive social work, killing two people. Adkisson said he was partly motivated by his "hatred of the liberal movement."


Adkisson, a former private in the United States Army from 1974 to 1977, said that he was motivated by hatred of Democrats, liberals, African Americans and homosexuals. According to a sworn affidavit by one of the officers who interviewed Adkisson on July 27, 2008.

During the interview Adkisson stated that he had targeted the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets. Adkisson made statements that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them into office. Adkisson stated that he had held these beliefs for about the last ten years.

Additionally, one of Adkisson's former wives had been a member (in the 1990s) of the church where the attack occurred.

Adkisson's manifesto also cited the inability to find a job, and that his food stamps were being cut. His manifesto stated that he intended to keep shooting until police arrived and expected to be killed by police. Adkisson had a waist satchel with more ammunition, totaling 76 shells of #4 shot.

In his manifesto, Adkisson also included the Democratic members of the House and Senate, and the 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America of Bernard Goldberg in his list of wished-for targets.
Profile of a terrorist

Arivaca, AZ, May 30, 2009

Shawna Forde, Jason Eugene Bush, and Albert Robert Gaxiola broke into the family home of Raul Flores, and killed Flores and his nine-year-old daughter.

Ford and Bush are founding members of the Minuteman American Defense, an anti-illegal alien group. The attack was carried out to advance their cause, although the Floreses were U.S. citizens.

Jason Eugene "Gunny" Bush (born LaGrande, Oregon August 11, 1974 (age 42)[21]) of Meadview, Arizona, was the Minutemen American Defense (MAD) militia's National Director of Operations. Bush was shot in the leg during the attack on the Flores family. Bush had been charged with the September 1997 execution-style killing of his Aryan Nation associate, Jonathan Bumstead, also of Wenatchee, WA for supposedly committing the 'crime' of "being a 'race-traitor'". Also in 1997, Bush was imprisoned for car theft and for possession of a firearm, which was unlawful because of Bush's earlier felony conviction.[22][dead link][23]

After his release from prison in 2003, Bush moved to Sandpoint, Idaho, where he lived until 2007.[24] Bush is suspected in two additional killings that occurred in 1997. According to information provided to Washington state detectives, Bush is alleged to have shown up at the homes of acquaintances covered in blood and asked to be allowed to clean up, after he had "just finished taking care of some business." Detectives sought to find links to unresolved cases.

He was Forde's second in command. Bush has ties to the Aryan Nation. After his arrest in the murders of Raul and Brisenia Flores, he was charged in June 2009 with the 1997 murder of Hector Lopez Partida in Wenatchee, Washington based on DNA evidence.[25] In April 2011, Bush was sentenced to death, and in May 2011, received another 78 years for other crimes.

Motivation: Forde and her accomplices gained entry to the Flores home by claiming they were officials looking for fugitives and that the suspects had the expectation of finding money and drugs that could be sold to finance Forde's militia group, the "Minutemen American Defense", which patrolled Arizona's border with Mexico. When they found no drugs, the intruders took jewelry and shot 29-year-old Raul Flores, Jr., and his daughter, 9-year-old Brisenia Ylianna Flores, to death.
This one if for @Illinois Enema Bandit . Brunn isn't exactly like Enema but they sure rage in similar stupid unintellible fashion. His family hated him too.

Profile of a Terrorist
Washington, D.C., June 10, 2009


White supremacist James W. von Brunn killed one person, a security guard, when he fired upon civilians inside the National Holocaust Memorial Museum.

James Wenneker von Brunn (July 11, 1920 – January 6, 2010) was an American man who perpetrated the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting in Washington, D.C. on June 10, 2009. Security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns was killed in the shooting, and von Brunn was wounded by two security guards who returned fire. Von Brunn was named the prime suspect in the shooting, and was charged with first-degree murder and firearms violations. While awaiting trial, von Brunn died on January 6, 2010.

Von Brunn was a white supremacist and Holocaust denier who had written numerous antisemitic essays, created an antisemitic website called The Holy Western Empire, and is the author of a 1999 self published book, Kill the Best Gentiles, which praises Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust. He was also an Obama citizenship conspiracy theorist. (edit: He'd have claimed Clinton was corrupt too)

Possible motives

Several news agencies have noted the timing of the June 10 shooting came shortly after Obama's June 5 visit to and speech at the Buchenwald concentration camp, and that "President Obama’s recent visit to the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, in Germany, may have set off the shooter."

On his website, von Brunn stated that his conviction in the 1980s was by "a Negro jury, Jew/Negro attorneys" and that he was "sentenced to prison for eleven years by a Jew judge." A Court of Appeals denied his appeal.
You are free to believe what you like, but you should know your belief can't make something false into something true. I wasn't born in "this country". I have not and would not attack a person, but I would and have defended myself when I needed to.

You, on the other hand, would probably not attack a person yourself, but a nutjob like you would applaud a system based in one party or parties having the right to use OFFENSIVE force. The reason that makes you a nutjob, is you present yourself as a peaceful person, all the while advocating for violence.
Can you please start a YouTube channel. Nothing but you spilling your doctrine for others to hear just how sick you can be.
Do you think the institution will allow you to do that ? We can call the channel " Straight-Jacket Thoughts by RR"
This one is for @Rob Roy . He spouts the same BS that Roy does.

Profile of a Terrorist
The Pentagon, March 4, 2010

John Patrick Bedell non-fatally injured two police officers at the entrance of the Pentagon but was himself mortally wounded. Bedell was apparently motivated by anti-government sentiments, but it is unclear whether he was on the right or left side of the political spectrum.

On March 4, 2010, a gunman, identified as John Patrick Bedell, shot and wounded two Pentagonpolice officers at a security checkpoint in the Pentagon station of the Washington Metrorapid transit system in Arlington County, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The officers returned fire, striking him in the head. He died a few hours later, on the next day, March 5, 2010.[1]

A blog on Blogspot named Rothbardix appears to be authored by Bedell. The title of the blog probably represents a reference to anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard.[14] The blog details many libertarian beliefs, including, "The most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property. Modern governments, however, consistently and routinely violate the rights of property owners..."[15] Bedell also complained about the size of the United States government, organized theft by the government of citizen's personal property, government control of the economy including "[T]he constantly expanding regulation of business." (Edit: it sure does sound like a Roy diatribe Blah blah blah)
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Don't blame it on the Russians

So it appears that the only thing U.S. politicians are concerned about is that the Russians' meddling might interfere with their own meddling.

In that case, we should ask a second question: Who is in a position to be more of a threat to democracy? Is it Russian hackers whose power is limited to accessing classified documents and possibly disrupting U.S. government computer systems? Or is it the U.S. officials who run the elections, who make up the rules of the game, and who use the means at their command to influence the outcome in ways that suit their interests?

Given that the people who tried to ensure the Democratic nomination went to Clinton represent the same class of people who wield substantive power over the U.S. political apparatus, the answer should be obvious.

By shifting the public's attention to foreign spies, the U.S. establishment wants to create the impression that the manipulators of U.S. elections are someone other than the politicians and bureaucrats who actually have been proven by the DNC e-mail leak to manipulate the outcome of the elections.

In the end, the DNC leak exposed to the U.S. public the corrupt scheming of their own politicians. If it was indeed the Russians who were behind it, it might make sense for the Washington Post that it change the title of their article to the following: "Russian hackers investigating potential covert U.S. plan to disrupt November elections."
... is that you wake up everyday with full knowledge that you are going to be extorted and oppressed.

isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results?

my offer of $10 towards a plane fare out of the US still stands.

Excellent point you made to bolster MY argument. You are advocating doing the same thing every time, not me.

Aren't you a proponent of continuing the belief that some people have more rights than other people ? That thru institutional violence you can somehow create peace ? (a logical impossibility by the way)

Speaking of planes, thank you for the reminder. Fuck the TSA.
Can you please start a YouTube channel. Nothing but you spilling your doctrine for others to hear just how sick you can be.
Do you think the institution will allow you to do that ? We can call the channel " Straight-Jacket Thoughts by RR"

Your words are inspirational. I'll get right on that.
This one is for @Rob Roy . He spouts the same BS that Roy does.

Profile of a Terrorist
The Pentagon, March 4, 2010

John Patrick Bedell non-fatally injured two police officers at the entrance of the Pentagon but was himself mortally wounded. Bedell was apparently motivated by anti-government sentiments, but it is unclear whether he was on the right or left side of the political spectrum.

On March 4, 2010, a gunman, identified as John Patrick Bedell, shot and wounded two Pentagonpolice officers at a security checkpoint in the Pentagon station of the Washington Metrorapid transit system in Arlington County, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The officers returned fire, striking him in the head. He died a few hours later, on the next day, March 5, 2010.[1]

A blog on Blogspot named Rothbardix appears to be authored by Bedell. The title of the blog probably represents a reference to anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard.[14] The blog details many libertarian beliefs, including, "The most basic principle of economic justice is the protection of private property and the protection of the right to freely exchange that property. Modern governments, however, consistently and routinely violate the rights of property owners..."[15] Bedell also complained about the size of the United States government, organized theft by the government of citizen's personal property, government control of the economy including "[T]he constantly expanding regulation of business." (Edit: it sure does sound like a Roy diatribe Blah blah blah)

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