Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles

Yeah, and it's legal for me to wear a Broncos jersey to an Oakland game. But I don't.
Well, you have a point there. I don't know about Raiders games but in Seattle, the Seattle undercover police wear opposing team colors to draw out violent fans. They let fans know they do this. Not 100% effective but the message is clear and the intent of the police to stop fan on fan violence is clear. All you need to do is listen to Trump and you know that his intent is to bring that crowd to a hot rage.

What do you think he is saying when he decries how this country is weak because we don't condone beating protesters? Do you think it is all just rhetoric? Do you think his audience acts as though it is?
Well, you have a point there. I don't know about Raiders games but in Seattle, the Seattle undercover police wear opposing team colors to draw out violent fans. They let fans know they do this. Not 100% effective but the message is clear and the intent of the police to stop fan on fan violence is clear. All you need to do is listen to Trump and you know that his intent is to bring that crowd to a hot rage.

What do you think he is saying when he decries how this country is weak because we don't condone beating protesters? Do you think it is all just rhetoric? Do you think his audience acts as though it is?
I don't put a lot of thought into much that Trump says. Sorry, he seems unhinged to me.
So, are you giving him and his followers a pass because you don't understand them? Then tut tut about protesters getting punched by them as something that was their own fault or something somehow justified? I don't get your reasoning here.

he wants to have it both ways, just like when he recites every climate denier talking point that's fashionable, then says he is an ally of science who believes in manmade climate change.

reminiscent of ginwilly.
Well, you have a point there. I don't know about Raiders games but in Seattle, the Seattle undercover police wear opposing team colors to draw out violent fans. They let fans know they do this. Not 100% effective but the message is clear and the intent of the police to stop fan on fan violence is clear. All you need to do is listen to Trump and you know that his intent is to bring that crowd to a hot rage.

What do you think he is saying when he decries how this country is weak because we don't condone beating protesters? Do you think it is all just rhetoric? Do you think his audience acts as though it is?

He has just spent 2 hours making it clear he cancelled the rally to avoid violence.
So, are you giving him and his followers a pass because you don't understand them? Then tut tut about protesters getting punched by them as something that was their own fault or something somehow justified? I don't get your reasoning here.
You mess with the bull you get the horns. Is that me giving the bull a pass?
He has just spent 2 hours making it clear he cancelled the rally to avoid violence.
Too late. After months of throwing red meat to the crowd, its too late for him to be credible when saying he cares now. The rally was cancelled because finally his people might have gotten punched.

I mean, he described the guy that got sucker punched a few days ago as swinging at the crowd on the way out, which in his word was why that old fart punched him. Nobody outside of Trump described the protester as "swinging at the crowd". If you look at the video, that protester was walking up the stadium steps when the old fart sucker punched him.

Until now, Trump was loving the rage that the protesters were inducing and the fat bastard was egging it on. Now, with an angel's halo over his head, he is cancelling the event because of violence. Oh and I'm glad that it was cancelled too.

What a tool you are.
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The people in the audience are not animals. Its up to everybody to control themselves. There is never an excuse to put hands on somebody except in self defense. Never an excuse.
What if you are a professional boxer?
he wants to have it both ways, just like when he recites every climate denier talking point that's fashionable, then says he is an ally of science who believes in manmade climate change.

reminiscent of ginwilly.
Actually, he has convinced me of one of his points. As much as I hate to admit it. He was right. @Bugeye is not a foam at the mouth climate change denier. He and I agree on this one point more than we disagree. I'll be glad to discuss it with you in the appropriate thread if you like.
What if you are a professional boxer?
I don't know the law in that case. Only what I've heard in the movies. In the movies, at least, the professional boxer doesn't even have the self defense out. But I can't imagine a boxer standing there and taking it.

In any case, what I say stands. Its up to the people (not bulls) to pull in their horns and not lay hands on people. Never an excuse.
I don't know the law in that case. Only what I've heard in the movies. In the movies, at least, the professional boxer doesn't even have the self defense out. But I can't imagine a boxer standing there and taking it.

In any case, what I say stands. Its up to the people (not bulls) to pull in their horns and not lay hands on people. Never an excuse.
Boxing is legal. Not even disputed. The political fight clubs I am sponsoring will not be legal. Come one come all. Beat the piss out of each other, only $5 at the door.
Boxing is legal. Not even disputed. The political fight clubs I am sponsoring will not be legal. Come one come all. Beat the piss out of each other, only $5 at the door.
Yeah, well, you may be describing next Trump rally.

But really, man. You are making a pretty dumb point. The dojo or other martial arts venues is the same as a Trump rally? At least at the boxing arena they are supposed to shake hands first.

It is never acceptable to lay hands on somebody in public life unless in self defense. It is up to each individual to restrain themselves.
You are happy that speech is repressed.

You are excited that 25,000 people that showed up to hear donald trump were prevented by a couple thousand protesters?

Banning speech is good when you oppose the speech?

Wonder what MLK would think about that...
Are you really trying to compare speeches made by King to those made by Trump ? Not even in the same category. King preached about everyone loving each other and getting along. Trump talks about building a wall to keep people out and banning Muslim. Either you're stupid or you are stupid. Either way, stupid is involved
Yeah, well, you may be describing next Trump rally.

But really, man. You are making a pretty dumb point. The dojo or other martial arts venues is the same as a Trump rally? At least at the boxing arena they are supposed to shake hands first.

It is never acceptable to lay hands on somebody in public life unless in self defense. It is up to each individual to restrain themselves.
My values allow for the use of force in defense of my personal property, not just my body. YMMV.