Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles

Just imagine the outrage if these were Obama rallies and it was a bunch of black constituents sucker punching white protesters and roughing up up white female protesters. These trump fans would feel the exact same way, right? :roll:
Equally offensive to me. Equally risky for the protesters.
So its the protesters fault. Not the person throwing the punch. "They made me mad". :hump:
I did not attribute fault. I made a comment on knowing the risks if you choose to interrupt an event that people had waited in line hours for.
Equally offensive to me. Equally risky for the protesters.
Maybe, but I can say with near certainty that it wouldn't be equally offensive to the country as a whole. There would be far more outrage. But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
Those rallys are open to the public. If they want to, they can screen out protesters using various means but its deliberate. Hitler used the same theatrics to get his brown shirts riled up.
Yeah, and it's legal for me to wear a Broncos jersey to an Oakland game. But I don't.
you have a special way of agitating the racists, and i find it delightful.

Im white and feel offended by these racists fuks ,, my people have been treated the same way as african american and native americans,, where white but speak a different language, its horrific what they will do to us, ( " he speaks a different language. He's not really american " ). I can just imagin theyr narrow mind having a visual cue instead of a audial differance to differ themselves and hate on you cause they outnumber you, My heart goes out to all non-caucasian americans and all caucasian americans that are compassionate and are just stuck in this mess