DONT CHRONIKOOL THIS...!! : More Creestastic GREEN from the Organic Underworld....

WTF. When did I ever do that? You guys maybe said something about my sister. Psuagro I thought you liked them old like froggy's mom.

Sure, sure, lol........just busting your did say she wasn't your type before and we all where like Wtf!?ha

I might start dating older, youngin decided to buy a $350 3 Fucking ounce moisturizer, I shit you not, it's called" la mer", never will forget it.........still pissed
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Sure, sure, lol........just busting your did say she wasn't your type before and we all where like Wtf!?ha

I'm might start dating older, young in decided to buy a $350 3 Fucking ounce moisturizer, I shit you not, it's called" la mer", never will forget it.........still pissed

It was probably a joke. Taken out of context of the conversation going at the time. Either you, chron or froggy's made some sort of comment and that was a response to it. .

My ex just turned 30. She tagged me on Facebook to her post about her birthday plans. She left me for a 45 year old. I'm in my late 30's lol. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed either. That other x I started seeing again last year shortly. She was hitting me up yesterday. She heard I was in town in her hood and wanted to see me ..... smh
It was probably a joke. Taken out of context of the conversation going at the time. Either you, chron or froggy's made some sort of comment and that was a response to it. .

My ex just turned 30. She tagged me on Facebook to her post about her birthday plans. She left me for a 45 year old. I'm in my late 30's lol. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed either. That other x I started seeing again last year shortly. She was hitting me up yesterday. She heard I was in town in her hood and wanted to see me ..... smh do remember it!
Excuse me, excuse me. Is someone going to show some plants here because I don't have time for all this witty repartee about aged crack ho's and the men who love them since I'm waiting patiently by my door for the latest Casio calculator catalog (JOY of JOYs!) since, (and I know you don't know this yet Chroni), it's completely unpossible to build an effective light for growing cannabis without several thousands dollars worth of hardware and software. I shit you knots.

@PSUAGRO. 350!!!!! LOL Good! You deserve it for throwing me under the bus with Bobby. Now go man up and lather up Big Willy and the Twins with that shit right in front of her and then say something witty like "Wow honey, it tingles like Desenex. Maybe we shoulda got a gallon or two!". I got a feeling she'll never think about 350 dolla dolla moisturizer the same again!

Hey maybe that's where all the penguins went? Chroni killed all the fuckers and then sold their stank-ass carcasses to those swill merchants selling facial cream, (that probably uses the beaks of said dumb ass birds), and then he traded them in for high bin COBs and Yankee bluejeans. Bastardo!

Nevermind I'll do it myself. And my apologies for not turning off my blurple lights before taking this picture. I don't mean to offend the useless math geeks trying to build a name for themselves easily offended.

Oh and reported to the Nazis@CREE for not following strict CREE Orginzionational Branding protocols. And for not saying Olo sooner. CREE. Nazis. Penguin-boi. Ain't no polar bear man enough for the likes of them!
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Hahahaha.....i wish i could afford a Casio calculator....i guess so does @PSUAGRO.

Of course i killed the penguinz...itz a bit like hemp....multiple uses for it...and smokes like a bitch..! :)

High end COBz..have become my prize...and my skin..the benefactor...

This thread has officially gone to shit with the arrival of the swamp thing.....and only on the 2nd page...mission accomplished.. :)
Everyone is a nazi to froggy, now he's going after the semiconductor folks in NC.........would have made a good soldier imo, lol

At least we know FJ didn't buy this shit shocker, anonymous buyer! some people have too much money, seriously, who the fuck is gonna display that in their mansion? tom cruise?
Bet you dollars to donuts it was the JDL! LOL They gonna lock it up. Make sure no one's sees it again. They got that kinda scratch. Can't be the Cath-o-licks.

This man is not a Nazi. Just a dick-head. See?