Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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You're blowing your COVER!
Darth, how long did you have that raccoon that you rescued, I saw you feeding it on your patio?
Holy shit - was that for real? The raccoon holding a little kitty cat? Fuck that was cute!!
about 2 1/2 - 3 years why ??? it loved wieners it actually chased off other coons until one day it was gone have had my fair share of rescues from growing up at a FARM we had black bears as pets moose mixed in with our cattle and even deers from bobcats to birds..
I Still want hawk or eagle rescue i think that would be amazing
I was just asking man but you didn't answer me. Ok i follow, so NO that was not your image with the raccoon holding the cat.
that cat n coon is a classic and it went viral rather fast 2 years ago :) actually posted in on FACE book and it went nuts got to love social media outlets
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