Well-Known Member
For me medicated and well is the safest way. Like everything else with cannabis it is on an individual by individual bases. Which is why they will never have a law that stands up in court around driving with thc in your system. It is NOT like alcohol. Nor has it been proven scientifically to actually impair driving abilities like alcohol has. Fight each and every impaired by cannabis charge.
PS. Based on an experience I had with a pilled up driver who tried to run me off the road. I can tell you they can't even make prescription drug charges stick. The crown themselves told me that but to keep it under my hat . haha fuck you crown lol

PS. Based on an experience I had with a pilled up driver who tried to run me off the road. I can tell you they can't even make prescription drug charges stick. The crown themselves told me that but to keep it under my hat . haha fuck you crown lol