Doom and gloom or hope?


New Member
How would someone opt out of paying social security? How's that possible?

You simply go to your employer and tell him/her. there is a form you will have to fill out. It is not mandatory, despite the spin otherwise. It is a horrible investment vehicle.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
There won't be any opening of borders anytime soon. Canada has universal health care, the US has elite only health care, Mexico doesn't have health care in their dictionary.

Canada has lenient marijuana laws, the US has such a mix of marijuana laws that even the law makers get confused, I'm not sure of the mexican laws, probably an elite only situation.

That only covers 2 issues. Until all 3 governments sync up (which will never happen) there won't be any North American Union.


Well-Known Member
There is more predjudice against mexicans in the US than there is any other race. It will take a while for that to change before any union.

And I agree with Miss...


Well-Known Member
There is more predjudice against mexicans in the US than there is any other race. It will take a while for that to change before any union.

And I agree with Miss...
OMG, the truth is prejudicial.

Mexico resembles a third world nation, and not one of the modern ones like Singapore or Thailand, but one of the backwards ones like Zimbabwe. There's no prejudice or discrimination in that. It's a matter of fact.

Pry your head out of your ass, and actually do something than spout the non-sensical opinions of former hippies.

(Okay, maybe Zimbabwe was a bad example, it'd be more fair to compare it to Eastern China (along the sea board.) except a lot less peopled.


New Member
Mexico as a nation state is in real danger right now.

Can we put them on the bail out list? :mrgreen: Heck, why not?! Perhaps 51st state? That would piss Puerto Rico off... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
If any of you are still in denial about Mexico's plight, just tune into Glenn Beck. He's on Fox at 2pm Monday through Friday. Tape it if you can.



Well-Known Member
OMG, the truth is prejudicial.

Mexico resembles a third world nation, and not one of the modern ones like Singapore or Thailand, but one of the backwards ones like Zimbabwe. There's no prejudice or discrimination in that. It's a matter of fact.

Pry your head out of your ass, and actually do something than spout the non-sensical opinions of former hippies.

(Okay, maybe Zimbabwe was a bad example, it'd be more fair to compare it to Eastern China (along the sea board.) except a lot less peopled.
zimbabwe is a perfect example.not as much stavation in mexico yet.

obama with his current spending programs is going to turn this country into a zimbabwe too...


New Member
Who the heck in their right minds would want a Union of North America? :lol:

Other than Canada and Mexico of course... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Hey, Medicineman, how old are you now? Was you around in 1982?
I was, probably too stoned and partying way too much to give a fuck, but what is your question? Let's see in Dec. 1982 I had just opened my 76 station franchise, just gotten out of the concrete business, sort of a recession I believe, but I had also began my Cocaine addiction, very slight at first, weekends and such, so I had very little political interests, just that that asshole Reagan had been elected and it would be shitty times for construction for 8 long years, so I bought a gas station, almost a recession proof business.


Elite Rolling Society
I cut my hair for the first time in 1982, since 1968. I too became addicted to coke in 84. I'll be 60 this week.


Elite Rolling Society
Who the heck in their right minds would want a Union of North America? :lol:

Other than Canada and Mexico of course... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
the G-2 Summit, the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones, the New World Order,
the Bavarian Illuminati, to name a few. (google them)


New Member
If it happens it will be because the US has lost its economic prowess....which is becoming more likely. I noticed they just screwed the pooch in wash. and passed that abortion of a rip off spending bill. Perhaps it has begun...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Things look doomier and gloomier every day. At least for the average citizen. So what's everyone doing with their extra 65 bucks a month we'll have starting in April?


Well-Known Member
that was the change he was talking about.and you are assuming everyone is employed to get the 65 .the unofficial unemployment rate is at around 20% according to some experts.i think this is welcome to the great depression.we will have a official unemployment rate of over 10% by the end of the year.congress will keep extending unemployment bennies though to try and stave off some more foreclosures .its all like a ball rolling down hill.all we can do is watch .it will end eventualy.when the ball gets to the bottom of the hill.