Doomsday Preparations

Thank you Koot I am honoured. Now like I said, fuck off plz this don't concern you..

On another note, as long as one was to stick to the 5plant rule, I doubt very much that one would actually be charged for continuing to grow their own strains if below the 6 plant mandatory minimum sentencing cut off.
K Girl was a little entertaining for awhile but like most chicks just gets irratating before long
Nobody wants her opinion. The break was nice...was hopin she was gone for good
Now the whole 5 plants thing is for the purpose of trafficking. They need more than scales and baggies to make that charge stick.
Crawl back in your doomsday bunker with Martyg, you two should read your own posts, laughable, almost, are you serious, wow. Think I'd rather be in bed with Harper, at least he's got a snake.

What a sad sad little wannabe LP. Tampons top shelf...isle 3
Tell me what are you doing for the sick and dying martyg, you have a problem with intelligent comments, that doesn't surprise me. Your witty banter is crushing my sole.
And C.Kush, your greed comment is so misplaced, but your witty banter is so enlightening, get a life. Is that the best you can do? I'll save a special spot for you in my next poem.
what are you doing for the sick eh wanna be an lp and charge 8-12/g wow thanks for helping out. And leave me out of your stupid poems thx
Your true colours are shining through guys, still live with your mothers eh? Real nice doobious1, tough to take a different opinion from a woman eh? Your making this too easy. Marty, ever have an original thought? Here's some new acronyms for you, YWHS - (yah what he said) and YTTWROOMM - (you took the words right out of my mouth) sure we did marty, sure we did. I thought the canadiankushman was at least creative with his sexist remark. Two things I've learned here, you can't fix stupid and hope is what you have left when reality leaves you nothing else. Taunt you later, I gotta go, aunt flo is here.
Don't get all pissy when someone calls you out for poking your nose where it don't belong. It's obvious what this thread is about and it's equally as obvious what you are about. Than you for kindly fucking off.

Doobious- where did you read that cultivating 5 plants would land you a trafficking charge?
Btw kootanygirl, if your still lingering, I am far from living at my parents home. I can easily afford my 5g/day script of your shit if/when you get your op liscenced. FWIW, if you must know, it's the principal of buying something that has been created by me, but grown by someone else who cares more about profit margins than truly helping individuals. The fact is that I provide my own meds for me, as-well-as for my lifelong friend who suffers from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis @the age of 23. She could never afford her script if she had one. If this makes me a criminal, so be it. I dont sell it to her, i give it to her free of charge. No one else is getting given to them the strains that I have worked extensively, developing and tailoring to individual needs. These are not run of the mill, commercial strains. I don't grow for weight or sell (not even to recoup costs). I grow only for the utmost quality and I cannot guarantee that level of commitment from anyone but myself and my mentor, and he is dead. I'm sure more people feel the same as me about this so maybe you are the one who should accept alternative points of view. I will not use generic strains that have been developed to help a little but to weigh out great. This medicine is sold by the gram if you haven't forgotten that tid-bit so here in lies the conflict of interest. You don't sound like a stupid individual so I am not sure why you cannot grasp this.
There's suppose to be mandatory minimum sentencing for having six plants in effect with the changes, that's why people are saying grow five. So grow em huge.
Your true colours are shining through guys, still live with your mothers eh? Real nice doobious1, tough to take a different opinion from a woman eh? Your making this too easy. Marty, ever have an original thought? Here's some new acronyms for you, YWHS - (yah what he said) and YTTWROOMM - (you took the words right out of my mouth) sure we did marty, sure we did. I thought the canadiankushman was at least creative with his sexist remark. Two things I've learned here, you can't fix stupid and hope is what you have left when reality leaves you nothing else. Taunt you later, I gotta go, aunt flo is here.
Lol I haven't lived with my parents in 20 years, and ya I do have original thoughts,everyone else just thinks the same,
It is doomsday to me. I go from law abiding, upstanding citizen to a criminal overnight, without hurting a single person. Without leaving my house.

Lets ignore the Troll Girl. I dont want this thread closed. Ive never won an arguement with one. Money is most important thing to them. In their mind they are superior to us. I just tapped out to K Girl when I resorted to menstral attack mode. Shes a black belt in mouth. Some poor sucker lives with that.
Just one final 'Fuck You Greedy Wannabe' before I move on...

Maybe somebody can confirm this? The way I read it ...anything over 5 6 and up...the whole mandatory sentence kicks in when its for the purpose of trafficking. If you get caught with 6 and up they have to prove you sell for mandatory to kick in. Over 199 plants sentence goes up to minimum 9 months but they have to make trafficking stick. I dont believe they are throwing Gramma in jail for having 9 seedlings in her window.though..I am not a lawyer..too bad I'd call the cops on myself. By now wouldnt we be hearing of some sucker who got caught with 7 plants and got 6 months? I havent heard of one yet.
you can almost count on cops charging you for trafficking. They do this so they can scare you into pleading guilty to lesser charge. NEVER PLEAD GUILTY TO ANYTHING especially after doomsday
Correct about the five plants, I never knew about the 199 plants. And these lp's really piss me off as well, damn that was already said, so far over 6000 patients have told the mmar coalition they're not stopping their grows, so looks like we're not alone doobius,
6000 down. Kammermans 6000 he cant resign. There is 12000 patients out right there. Sure some are the same. Some found a doc. Many wont spend $400 like I did just so they can buy commercial crap. My friend on Van Island couldnt renew. Her Doc was too sceptical of this new program. They are falling like flies
Maybe somebody can confirm this? The way I read it ...anything over 5 6 and up...the whole mandatory sentence kicks in when its for the purpose of trafficking. If you get caught with 6 and up they have to prove you sell for mandatory to kick in. Over 199 plants sentence goes up to minimum 9 months but they have to make trafficking stick. I dont believe they are throwing Gramma in jail for having 9 seedlings in her window.though..I am not a lawyer..too bad I'd call the cops on myself. By now wouldnt we be hearing of some sucker who got caught with 7 plants and got 6 months? I havent heard of one yet.
you can almost count on cops charging you for trafficking. They do this so they can scare you into pleading guilty to lesser charge. NEVER PLEAD GUILTY TO ANYTHING especially after doomsday

You are on the right track here...mandatory has to have organized crime and or trafficking attached to the cultivation.
Not only should one never plead guilty to anything, no one should talk to the police. Ask to consult with lawyer prior to answering any questions.

Regarding my earlier post in this thread. I am serious about how to get your soon to be lost "right to grow your own" plants reinstated.
Assuming Conroy doesn't win;
Have the best possible willing patient arrested April 2 for cultivating 5 plants. It will be illegal on that date. Demand it.
Get it into the courts asap.
This will take a coordinated effort...patient, lawyer, media etc...
This advice is from an expert in the field of marijuana laws in Canada.
Its hard to make trafficking charges stick. Pretty much have to sell to a narc.
You always read.. 'The police found scales and baggies'
Scales dont make me guilty of trafficking. Harper told me to buy those so I didnt go over my legal limit
Baggies ...well I pack a lunch
Prove it? They never will because I dont sell
You are on the right track here...mandatory has to have organized crime and or trafficking attached to the cultivation.
Not only should one never plead guilty to anything, no one should talk to the police. Ask to consult with lawyer prior to answering any questions.

Regarding my earlier post in this thread. I am serious about how to get your soon to be lost "right to grow your own" plants reinstated.
Assuming Conroy doesn't win;
Have the best possible willing patient arrested April 2 for cultivating 5 plants. It will be illegal on that date. Demand it.
Get it into the courts asap.
This will take a coordinated effort...patient, lawyer, media etc...
This advice is from an expert in the field of marijuana laws in Canada.

i apologize leaffan. I thought you were another LP causing shit
All cool. Just trying to help.
I am a wannabe LP.
I'm also a DG, my son is a very dependant patient. I have also grown for a few EOL patients. I have seen a lot over the years.
I want to participate in the new MMPR.
I also want patients to legally have the right to grow their own plants.