
You know wasting you breath on these people is a big loss to all whom try, they are like the Rs and the Ds you say blue and in fact it is "Blue" they will say no it isn't blue and argue with anyone just for the sake of the fight.
I am not sure why or how they like to ignore the problems and destruction of our planet or as far as that goes anything you say will be challenged.

My question is why do we fight about these facts ? if you have proof from a proven source not to spew shit, please admit it to this form so we can read it.

Otherwise the RED BALL IS RED, Not blue but RED. even if you are color blind its still Red. just ask someone who isn't.

Suffice to say that people are simpletons.

You know wasting you breath on these people is a big loss to all whom try, they are like the Rs and the Ds you say blue and in fact it is "Blue" they will say no it isn't blue and argue with anyone just for the sake of the fight.
I am not sure why or how they like to ignore the problems and destruction of our planet or as far as that goes anything you say will be challenged.

My question is why do we fight about these facts ? if you have proof from a proven source not to spew shit, please admit it to this form so we can read it.

Otherwise the RED BALL IS RED, Not blue but RED. even if you are color blind its still Red. just ask someone who isn't.
most republicunts are color blind, and too stubborn to admit it, much less ask for help
You know wasting you breath on these people is a big loss to all whom try, they are like the Rs and the Ds you say blue and in fact it is "Blue" they will say no it isn't blue and argue with anyone just for the sake of the fight.
I am not sure why or how they like to ignore the problems and destruction of our planet or as far as that goes anything you say will be challenged.

My question is why do we fight about these facts ? if you have proof from a proven source not to spew shit, please admit it to this form so we can read it.

Otherwise the RED BALL IS RED, Not blue but RED. even if you are color blind its still Red. just ask someone who isn't.
"I heard an expert in nuclear engineering say that RED is blue even though color scientists have thoroughly documented that RED is not blue. Why is that?"
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Here we go again, it's the end of the world :roll: There have been 79 predictions of climate-caused apocalypse going back to the first Earth Day in 1970. With the passage of time, many of these forecasts have since expired; the dates have come and gone uneventfully. In fact, 48 (61%) of the predictions have already expired as of the end of 2020.
How many times are yall gonna fall for the same trick? When I was a kid it was "acid rain" and the ozone was disappearing. If the acid rain didn't kill you, the lack of an ozone would lead to a horrible death :lol:
It's the same bullshit from the media that has been around since the 70s. Back then Newsweek ran an article about how a new ice age was coming, and "meteorologist largely agreed". What a crock of shit. Scientists are trying to study the "doomsday" glacier, but they can't even get to it. The media has been doing this for decades, and obviously there is no shortage of uninformed pawns readily waiting to spread the bullshit like butter on bread.
Well first let’s review what you’ve wrote for clarity. It is not the MSM that comes up with the theories, they just repeat them. The 70’s you say, that was kind of a long time ago huh? Did they have computer modelling, satellite imagry? Do you think because it may not happen next week, there is no sense taking action, oh right it’s bullshit, and for some reason we’re pawns. Might I also ask, to what end? What exactly is MSM’s endgame? Next thread we can talk about that pesky acid rain lie, and those stupid refrigerants that have been outlawed. K
I think this guy was posting here!
Bonkers Anti-Vaxxer Calls for Execution of Mike Pence
Ummm rumour has it you guys better get building :o!
Think about it, half the country has been living below sea level up to centuries. Not just a matter of dikes at the coasts. We also get a lot of water from the rivers out of Germany (which actually caused some flooding last year). We already have the pumps running, literally, in many areas. Areas that wouldn't even exist without those pumps (formerly classic windmills). Our power grid is one of the few in the world that continues to work when fully flooded. Doesn't mean the threat isn't real, but not a doubt we will handle it regardless. No need to convince the dutch they need to take this threat seriously, we've been doing that forever. Worst case scenario, we'll reclaim it again. It's after all a relatively small area. Maybe add some mountains next time. I haven't seen a mountain in 2 years. I like mountains. I also like this Jack Herer.

Anyway, bad joke (maybe to suppress a primal fear of living below sea level) but the dikes, well, water management knowledge and technology, are major export products of NL. I think we'll be fine. Might have to build a wall to protect us from a flooded Germany. Not worried about Belgium. We'll reclaim it after it floods. Reclaim Belgium... I really like this Jack Herer. Oldskool ftw.
Suffice to say that people are simpletons.

The way I figure it, if you take a society such as the USA and do an IQ test of the population, that around 34% - 37% are, for lack of better word, stupid.
Totally/hopelessly dumb & dangerous
The way I came to this conclusion is that Trump's popularity, even to this day, fluctuates between those percentage points.
It has never fallen below 34%, which tells me that on average, 35.5% of the population of this Planet are fucking idiots.
Makes sense to me.
There should be a law that if your IQ is below 65, you can't vote
Seriously, and if that was the case, that stupid people can't vote, POOF!, there goes Trumps base
But it'll never happen because the Republicans would never go for it. because they would never be elected again.
It's a shame.
The way I figure it, if you take a society such as the USA and do an IQ test of the population, that around 34% - 37% are, for lack of better word, stupid.
Totally/hopelessly dumb & dangerous
The way I came to this conclusion is that Trump's popularity, even to this day, fluctuates between those percentage points.
It has never fallen below 34%, which tells me that on average, 35.5% of the population of this Planet are fucking idiots.
Makes sense to me.
There should be a law that if your IQ is below 65, you can't vote
Seriously, and if that was the case, that stupid people can't vote, POOF!, there goes Trumps base
But it'll never happen because the Republicans would never go for it. because they would never be elected again.
It's a shame.
Even the deplorables didnt like to be lied to 15 years ago. GWB lowest national approval.was 25% when it bacame clear WMD was a hoax perpetrated by Cheney et. al.
Even the deplorables didnt like to be lied to 15 years ago. GWB lowest national approval.was 25% when it bacame clear WMD was a hoax perpetrated by Cheney et. al.
Memories…. I remember a now-Trump guy claiming that 20yo munitions cached in the desert during the Iran-Iraq war - rotted, leaking, toxic, explosively unstable, unusable…and at least some chemical - were IN FACT the WMDs that they’d been promised by Colin Powell, and EXACTLY “why we went to Iraq” for Shock+Awe. Guy was on disposal duty there…not even able to discern that the things couldn’t be safely fired, handled, transported under battlefield conditions - just a grunt following orders. He believed. He needed to believe. I’ll bet he believes *every*one* of the contradictory GOP/insurrectionist cover stories.
There should be a law that if your IQ is below 65, you can't vote

I see the situation differently.

There should be recognition that it is impossible to delegate a right thru the voting process, that you as an individual don't already possess. It seems rather obvious, but often escapes many political wonks here who I suspect represent a range of IQ scores.

If that were the norm, trading the who gets to oppress other people back and forth using the political process would cease to exist. There would only be people minding their own rightful business, as it should be.
I see the situation differently.

There should be recognition that it is impossible to delegate a right thru the voting process, that you as an individual don't already possess. It seems rather obvious, but often escapes many political wonks here who I suspect represent a range of IQ scores.

If that were the norm, trading the who gets to oppress other people back and forth using the political process would cease to exist. There would only be people minding their own rightful business, as it should be.
Do you even vote?
Do you even vote?

I accuse you of not applying critical thinking and your leading question isn't relevant to what is rightful, it's sort of common, mental sloth.

Sometimes in my household we alternate who gets to decide where we will go for breakfast. It's a peaceful agreement, where all participating are voluntarily involved. That's voting, right?

I would never dream of getting with a bunch of my neighbors and forcing you to pay a breakfast establishment you don't want and don't patronize. I want you to be free and peaceful, not part of a gang reliant on mob rule.

Voting, cannot conjure up a right that none of the individual people involved, didn't already possess. You won't and can't address that, which makes me think you are stuck in a construct that other people told you was the way, and you blindly accepted without applying any critical thinking.

So, go ahead and tell me how a person can delegate a right they, as an individual, don't possess and I'll consider voting or not.
I accuse you of not applying critical thinking and your leading question isn't relevant to what is rightful, it's sort of common, mental sloth.

Sometimes in my household we alternate who gets to decide where we will go for breakfast. It's a peaceful agreement, where all participating are voluntarily involved. That's voting, right?

I would never dream of getting with a bunch of my neighbors and forcing you to pay a breakfast establishment you don't want and don't patronize. I want you to be free and peaceful, not part of a gang reliant on mob rule.

Voting, cannot conjure up a right that none of the individual people involved, didn't already possess. You won't and can't address that, which makes me think you are stuck in a construct that other people told you was the way, and you blindly accepted without applying any critical thinking.

So, go ahead and tell me how a person can delegate a right they, as an individual, don't possess and I'll consider voting or not.
I was just curious if you voted or not, I wasn’t trying to make a point.

It was a yes or no question and didn’t require your verbose reply that still didn’t answer the question.
I was just curious if you voted or not, I wasn’t trying to make a point.

It was a yes or no question and didn’t require your verbose reply that still didn’t answer the question.

I voted to have breakfast at home today. I thought I answered you.

You're not going to get with your neighbors and vote that I have to do something different are you ?