Double Main Stem? Does this look alright?? - Free seed


Well-Known Member
Looks really retarded:lol:That's why I all ways start twice the seedling needed:eyesmoke:I would be scared to go with thisbongsmilieIf it don't come out right your be wasting your time and electric and everything else:hug:It better to start over than be sorry later:cry:You still need to find out what happened:-?So its not repeated:clap:Like what lights or nutes & dirt :wall:


Well-Known Member
I would keep it going and hope it's a female. That would be a fun plant to train and LST. Don't scrap it, just keep it going and see what it can produce. Who knows, maybe it'll act like two plants and you'll get twice as much bud lol.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit mutated, but'll be fine, if it's a girl. Get more light on that thing, asap, it's starting to stretch, my friend. :)


Thanks for all the positive replys!! I am going to be posting pics every week on this post, As of right now I have started LST in hopes of producing a monster, whats your thoughts? I also show me light source in these pics.

2 - 4foot 32watt 5000k tubes
2 - 60 watt 2500k CFL's

The reason I dont have a shit ton of lights is because I only grow 1-2 plants at a time. Whats your thoughts on this plant?:joint:

Also this is my first LST - Does it look alright?



Active Member
it looks like that's simply its genetics or a possible mutation. i would advise you to keep it and see how it goes. you could end up having a really branched bush without having to top lol... a nice bonus for many people. just hope it's a girl


Well-Known Member
looks good on the LST. don't worry about not having HPS lights. I use 3 t8 ballasts with 2 bulbs in each 2 23 watt cfl and 2 48cfl bulbs and my plants are looking good in flowering right now.


Great bam! I knew my lights were going to be enough for what I needed. Quite a weird looking plant huh?


Well-Known Member
Bring those fluoro tubes to within about 1/2" of your plant, and it'll make a huge differece. At that distance, they're practically worthless, which is why they're stretching. Try it, and I think you'll be amazed.


cool lookin plant. One of my first seeds ever sprouted three leaves instead of two. put out about 5 perfect sets of three leaves. After i topped it the three new main stems started groing sets of two like normal. weird.


Active Member
Cant say I have seen this before... I am not quite sure what to think? More Colas or do I have a problem on my hands here? Thanks for the help!:joint:
I would keep it for breeding experiments (Male or Female) just to see how the offspring come out.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That plants new name is now Freak-a-zoid. I have never out of hundreds of seeds, seen one look even close to that. But i have gotten some of my best buds and plants from mutant plants. so do not give up on it.


Thanks for the posts, I like to know other peoples prospective on this mutation.

God topped my plant for me :)


theres nothing wrong with two main colas :) id maybe try to lst them different ways if you have the room of course