The best boats for me are out of the Berkeley Marina. But, there are good boats out of SF & Sausalito, also. You could probably time your flight into Oakland (about 10miles) & catch a cab right to the Berkely marina. The boats leave 6:00am. You can rent poles & they supply bait. Bring your own lunch, & I'll drop you off back at the airport on my way home.

Don't really need a room, you'll be home for dinner
The boats go as far as necessary to find the salmon. Sometimes just outside the Gate, sometimes much further.
P.S. We could run it like the do the Maveric big wave surf contest. We set a window, say 2-4 weeks, & I'll watch the fish reports, & the first good run, I'll give notice & we all meet at the dock in 2-3 days time. That way we don't waste our time or money.