Dr. Bob Won the Primary

In your article you mentioned that to get in this business one would have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars. Can you elaborate on that. Why would it take that much to be a grower or a processor, etc.

not to be a basic caregiver.

to be a provisioning center. with plant limits upwards of 5000... they don't want just anybody to be able to jump in and go all willy nilly. buildings gotta be up to code. taxes gotta be up to snuff. employees gotta be background checked(sometimes) its professionalizing the dispensaries basically but currently its the same process to get 72 plants for home grow.
In your article you mentioned that to get in this business one would have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars. Can you elaborate on that. Why would it take that much to be a grower or a processor, etc.
I would assume that most people might end up having to self insure.
not to be a basic caregiver.

to be a provisioning center. with plant limits upwards of 5000... they don't want just anybody to be able to jump in and go all willy nilly. buildings gotta be up to code. taxes gotta be up to snuff. employees gotta be background checked(sometimes) its professionalizing the dispensaries basically but currently its the same process to get 72 plants for home grow.

It is pretty clear that the caregiver system is unchanged. The seed to sale tracking software, insurance requirements local and state licensure fees are unknown at this time but appear to be heading to very high amounts.

Look at the costs involved in getting a liquor license and you will see they can get up there very quickly.
It is pretty clear that the caregiver system is unchanged. The seed to sale tracking software, insurance requirements local and state licensure fees are unknown at this time but appear to be heading to very high amounts.

Look at the costs involved in getting a liquor license and you will see they can get up there very quickly.

and thats because its really easy to bottle any ole swill up and make a buck selling booze cheap. same thing these dispensaries are doing and I'm fine with only people willing to commit massively, being able to profit so much off of sick people.
That's a good question. I don't like it, I don't like the approach- preferring the farmers market system rather than our own version of 'big cannabis'. I clearly would have lobbied for a means for caregivers to put overages in a farmers market setting and if elected may yet try for that.

As for the commercial dispensaries, they are needed. So are non-smokable forms of cannabis. As much as I dislike what they came up with, I think it is workable and would have voted for it. Patients need dispensaries, they need non-smokable forms. I would have pushed for legalization if it was going to be taxed.

I am hoping MiLegalize will take another crack at decriminalizing in 2018.

Dr. Bob
I won my primary 60/40 and will be facing a former Florida Cop backed with DeVos money in the general election for the 97th House District.

This is the opportunity for the community to rally around an advocate and solid candidate or hand the election to a Republican that represents everything the state is doing to oppose us. Time to put aside petty differences and make the cannabis community a factor in the 97th (Osceola, Clare, Gladwin, Arenac Counties) or let the money win.

Dr. Bob Townsend
Congrats on your win!
That's a good question. I don't like it, I don't like the approach- preferring the farmers market system rather than our own version of 'big cannabis'. I clearly would have lobbied for a means for caregivers to put overages in a farmers market setting and if elected may yet try for that.

As for the commercial dispensaries, they are needed. So are non-smokable forms of cannabis. As much as I dislike what they came up with, I think it is workable and would have voted for it. Patients need dispensaries, they need non-smokable forms. I would have pushed for legalization if it was going to be taxed.

I am hoping MiLegalize will take another crack at decriminalizing in 2018.

Dr. Bob
They are needed, the 30,000 or so caregivers in the state should have been included, part of the reasoning behind law enforcements lobbying for the transports and caregivers to be excluded was they didnt want overages ending up on the street. What fucking kind of sense does it make to exclude us from a system that would of clearly stopped that very scenario. Your yes vote to me, tells me you wont be much different, but then again i dont know much about you.
In my opinion ;) anyone who voted yes on this should be voted out of public office.. Republican or Democrat I see no difference..
Nothing I see in this law will help my patients.
this law does not affect your patients if you are a caregiver. It only regulates commercial sales outside the patient/caregiver system.
They are needed, the 30,000 or so caregivers in the state should have been included, part of the reasoning behind law enforcements lobbying for the transports and caregivers to be excluded was they didnt want overages ending up on the street. What fucking kind of sense does it make to exclude us from a system that would of clearly stopped that very scenario. Your yes vote to me, tells me you wont be much different, but then again i dont know much about you.

Let's clarify something. Dispensaries are not currently, nor have they ever been, legal. The only system in place is the caregiver/patient system (and of course self growing patients). I am very upset that caregivers were not given permission to sell overages to the new provisioning centers, as it would have provided a good source of income to many families in Michigan as opposed to making a few rich people richer. At least we now have an option for many patients that do not have the knowledge to grow themselves nor a caregiver. We've set up systems to help patients find caregivers since the demise of the compassion club system (and what brought that about???), but it is very difficult for many to figure out what meds they need and then find someone to grow them for them. At least with provisioning centers there will be variety and supply.

There clearly were arguments for separating caregivers from commercial growers. Economy of scale is one, the other was to address the issue of caregivers promising free ounces to get the right to grow 12 more plants and then vanishing on their patients. Clearly it was just a few bad eggs, but it keeps caregivers with patients and is tax free. I do think it is absurd to put this system in place without recreational use, and I feel it unfairly penalizes the patients that use dispensaries, but there is always the option to do it the original way and get a caregiver. The benefit is at least you had the opportunity to try different strains and see what works for your specific condition, enabling you to work with your caregiver to have the right meds.

As for me being the same, clearly you DON'T know me. I am running against a former cop. I've been an advocate for years and publicly called for full legalization in 2010 (Lansing State Journal 'Put Me Out of a Job'). So before you go writing me off as part of the problem- know what you are dealing with and understand I will be replacing Jeff Irwin in the House. Or the cop will.

Dr. Bob
You don't actually believe that once they get this system up and running that they will leave CG's and personal grows alone, their greed knows no bounds.
You don't actually believe that once they get this system up and running that they will leave CG's and personal grows alone, their greed knows no bounds.

Taking out the competition is certainly a risk, that is why we need advocates on the floor voting rather than lobbyists trying to educate those that don't want to learn. Is it better to try and teach Jones about the benefits of cannabis or replace his sorry ass with someone that is more open minded?
Your right about these idiots needing to be educated but you know they target anyone that doesn't agree with them. Only thing that will curb their greed is fear of losing their job, people should vote everyone out that voted for this bill.
Your right about these idiots needing to be educated but you know they target anyone that doesn't agree with them. Only thing that will curb their greed is fear of losing their job, people should vote everyone out that voted for this bill.

Most of the problems term limit out this year.

And yes, I am well aware of their targeting...lol
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