Dr. Bob Won the Primary

Let's clarify something. Dispensaries are not currently, nor have they ever been, legal. The only system in place is the caregiver/patient system (and of course self growing patients). I am very upset that caregivers were not given permission to sell overages to the new provisioning centers, as it would have provided a good source of income to many families in Michigan as opposed to making a few rich people richer. At least we now have an option for many patients that do not have the knowledge to grow themselves nor a caregiver. We've set up systems to help patients find caregivers since the demise of the compassion club system (and what brought that about???), but it is very difficult for many to figure out what meds they need and then find someone to grow them for them. At least with provisioning centers there will be variety and supply.

There clearly were arguments for separating caregivers from commercial growers. Economy of scale is one, the other was to address the issue of caregivers promising free ounces to get the right to grow 12 more plants and then vanishing on their patients. Clearly it was just a few bad eggs, but it keeps caregivers with patients and is tax free. I do think it is absurd to put this system in place without recreational use, and I feel it unfairly penalizes the patients that use dispensaries, but there is always the option to do it the original way and get a caregiver. The benefit is at least you had the opportunity to try different strains and see what works for your specific condition, enabling you to work with your caregiver to have the right meds.

As for me being the same, clearly you DON'T know me. I am running against a former cop. I've been an advocate for years and publicly called for full legalization in 2010 (Lansing State Journal 'Put Me Out of a Job'). So before you go writing me off as part of the problem- know what you are dealing with and understand I will be replacing Jeff Irwin in the House. Or the cop will.

Dr. Bob
Economy of scale is a joke in this industry. Yes there recently was information released that stated wholesale cost for a pound was like 14-1800 dollars. What they dont say is that is for sun grown greenhouse meds. The wholesale price of organic indoor, or just top notch indoor, is still around 2400 dollars or higher, and thats with recreational in a market much older and BIGGER than this will be. So that entire argument was based on only a snippet of market anaylsis.

All of that being said, i have a job waiting for me, my dream job in a sense, but this is not how i envisioned getting it.
We are all good, and trust me, I understand venting. My biggest issue with the legislature is that they simply don't care. Every time a law changes someone makes some money, they then take some of that money and put it into races to make sure they get more changes to enable them to make more money. Right now the DeVos family is massively funding around 15-20 races for the House, including my opponent (he got 4 times what I've raised from them alone). All this partisan crap with immediate effect because we have the votes to do everything with immediate effect is also a pet peeve. One casualty of that was the voter initiatives signed by over 500,000 Michigan residents, which they voided without a second thought using immediate effect.

Didn't know about that in June when they did it? Two reasons for that. You weren't reading my blog and you were too busy trying to figure out where someone wearing a dress got to pee.

We need to take back our House and stop this shit. THAT's why I am putting myself in a position to take a 2/3 pay cut and disrupt my practice. I will not blend into the furniture in Lansing.
I knew about that. I susspect that immediate effect law was more to deal with the anti fracking initiative, but then again, seeing these bills as passed, maybe not.
You are right it was about fracking. But the point is that is the kind of thing they do and why I want to go there
Thought Schuette was planning on running for Governor, if he gets the job I think things will get worse.
For sure. Would be worse than even old Granholm whatever her name was. Schuette has been against the program from the start. I don't know if Schuette will last. He seems to be public enemy #1 for voters in MI. Snyder seemed to be starting off ok but then slowly dug his own grave with Flint nailing the coffin. He just added screws to that coffin by signing that bill. I'm honestly fine with keeping things the way they are. I don't like the idea of big business taking over but at the same time it's good to have high quality control standards. The plant count thing I don't understand why any state has not got it right. You can grow just a few large plants and have them yield just as much as a large number in a sea of green style grow. A limit is a good thing in a way though because it keeps big money from capitalizing the market. The wealth is distributed more evenly through the network of small time hard working private caregivers. The shitty caregivers usually get weeded out once the patient finds a caregiver that knows what they're doing and doesn't rip them off. At the same time though, a lot of patients expect everything for free. I think this new law is going to further unbalance things. I'm normally a pretty strong conservative but this time thanks a lot republicans for fucking everything up once again. Snyder, Shuette, and these tax hungry assholes can go fuck themselves. The tax money is just gonna go to more meth heads on welfare anyway. Roads will still be shit. 2016 Michigan will be Flintchigan