Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3042746]what ever light you get should be good, they just need more, what you said sounds good, hang that the flouros over the plants, and use the other lights as side lighting[/QUOTE]
i second that. use the cfls for your side lights. good luck.


Well-Known Member
didn't realize how out of shape I was:D.
Boot camp for you babe......fear no more----the master is here.:fire:
LOL, just bring a good sativa....and all will be fine.

babs, where you been?
so glad you decided to jump back on. you crack me up.:bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
babs, where you been?
so glad you decided to jump back on. you crack me up.:bigjoint::bigjoint:
LOL, hey Lehua....I'm here, always here in one way or another.
I've been attempting to get my OWN self in boot camp mode. The glass of shiraz just seems to take precedence here lately.....SIGH.
~~~Here's to sending wondrous energy and miraculous blessings your way...."cheers.":bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think it time!

hahaha.....and we wonder why our children are becoming a nation of degenerates.(BUT Obama remedied that with his speech today, I'm CERTAIN!!!)~~~:roll:.
"Ooops".....forgot to mention that I act kind of crazy like that myself for entertainment. :bigjoint:
But let's face it, cartoons have always been "twisted" since the beginning of time. :peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx for visits gang! Much appreciated:D thank you everyone,,,

maybe some "pics" tonight, Jah will let I n I know....

Hi Babs:weed: told ya we missed you:mrgreen:


Active Member
how was the dappl....very tedious here... no smoke but maybe that was in my best interest due to the fact i got alot done today...


Active Member
Marijuana growers are increasingly turning to a new place to grow plants: U.S. national forests.
Growers are aggressively expanding in the U.S. and have begun clearing land in dozens of forests, The Wall Street Journal reports. So far this year, illegal pot farms have been uncovered in 61 national forests across 16 states. The operation has expanded into places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Virginia.
The nascent marijuana farms are causing new worries for the safety of vacationers. Before, you might have had to worry about running into a roving bear in the woods. Now, there's the possibility of accidentally discovering a field of marijuana plants -- and the people taking care of them.
And these growers are professionals. They terrace canyons, apply pesticides, and even divert streams, the Journal reports. They run PVC piping for miles to water the plants. They guard their crops with rifles.
In the last year, authorities have seized nearly 500 pot farms on forest-service land, the Journal reports. The biggest farms were likely run by Mexican cartels.
These growers are also taking advantage of the down economy. Budget cuts across the board have resulted in fewer aerial patrols of forest land, while things like overnight stakeouts and overtime missions have been cut altogether, one agent told the Journal.
In some places, the funding is so dire that officers are simply removing marijuana plants they find and moving on. There isn't money for any further investigation.
Related reading:


Active Member
It's official: California is broke.
For months, the most populous U.S. state has been in the throes of a historic budget crisis, as lawmakers have repeatedly failed to agree on how to resolve a $24 billion deficit.
What was once the country's richest state is preparing to issue IOUs to a host of creditors, according to the Financial Times. Among the dubious recipients of these IOUs: contractors, information-technology companies and food-service groups that cater to prisons. Funding for education and interest payments on its bonds are guaranteed by state law.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is taking a hard line with legislators, accusing them of offering up a piecemeal solution to the state's woes: "I will veto any majority tax increase bill that punishes taxpayers for Sacramento's failure to live within its means. It's time for the Legislature to send me a budget that solves our entire deficit without raising taxes," the Governator said Monday.
Lawmakers appear blindsided. It's almost like the state went broke all of a sudden and they haven't had time to properly prepare a solution. Not true: The state has been in and out of financial crisis for more than a decade.
After Schwarzenegger vetoed an $18 billion budget package in January, members of the California Legislature pulled a literal all-nighter to try to agree on spending cuts, tax hikes and other measures to get the state back on sound financial footing. The proposed agreement -- hailed as an 11th-hour solution to what could have become a fiscal nightmare -- was put to a statewide referendum in May.
Voters rejected the proposal, soundly. Of the five measures on the ballot, the only one that passed concerned new rules that cut the pay for elected officials. And for good reason.
California politicians are a woeful bunch. Despite being home to some of the most profitable and innovative companies in the world, the state is perennially short of cash. Oracle (ORCL), Google (GOOG), and Genentech (DNA) all hail from the San Francisco Bay Area, while San Diego remains a mecca for biotechnology research and is home to mobile-communications giant Qualcomm (QCOM).
The state has vast natural-resource reserves, a booming agricultural industry, is a popular tourist destination and has some of the most heavily trafficked ports in the world. Good weather and generally high quality of life have made California the destination for dream-seekers for more than 150 years.
Yet, despite everything it has going for it, California's political process is a complete disaster. In an attempt to allow voters to play a more direct role in governance, the state's referendum system allows citizens to collect signatures and get measures onto statewide ballots. Enough votes on election day and any Californian can see his or her whimsical dream become law.
This has created a patchwork of legislation, rules and special interests that have hogtied what would be the seventh-largest economy, were it a sovereign nation.
As the calendar turns tonight on its new fiscal year, California could be the first state -- like its bailout-begging brethren on Wall Street -- to go hat in hand to Washington pleading for a rescue.
Top Stocks blogging partner Todd Harrison is founder & CEO of Minyanville.com. This post was written by Minyanville Contributor Andrew Jeffery


Active Member
now how does california pay to find then destroy then prosecute????just a question....am i missing something here....oh yeah then i believe it takes money to jail these murderous criminals killing our young...


now how does california pay to find then destroy then prosecute????just a question....am i missing something here....oh yeah then i believe it takes money to jail these murderous criminals killing our young...

just let the shit grow man!!!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
THat's nice and all Lorenzo,,,,..... But WTF DOES THAT SHIT HAVE TO DO WITH ME??????? :wall:

I live in HAWAI'I!!!!!!! Not Cali!!!!!!!:rolleyes: