Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone

I gotta thank ya'll once again for all the interest.....views been going up steadily and I appreciate it

makes me glad I started a journal....


New Member
I thought about putting one out this Spring, but honestly, it seems a bit tedious, for me anyways. Pics pics pics....where's the pics? :lol:

I don't know, I guess it's just me.

I might start one in the Winter when everyone is dreaming of their grows. In the summer, journals are like cable TV. In the winter, it's back to the 50's with only three channels. :lol: Perhaps....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Do it CJ!

You are a genius... You gave me an idea, my next journal will be greenhorns " wishing you was me" winter journal....

Brilliant!! Muahahaha


New Member
:lol: So in tune, right in tune... (the Who)

How about a Reality show.....underground reality weed growing show. Some cable channel just might pick that up.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I see you got some very, very good weed on your hands. Stock up!

You are such a genius this morning you are worthy of your avatar, einstien... LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey man, just looked at my hijack, I practically got barb wire around that damn thing and still some kind of insect is getting to it. Damn leaves are all chewed up, .... Hijack must be good


Well-Known Member
Good morning dr greenhorn.
That sucks about the bugs man.
Have you thought about sacrifice plant.
A plant those perticular bugs like more than the mj.
And put the sacrifice next to the infected girl.
Just a thought bro. Any ways im going to kill some zombies.
And then start grooming 7 gdp and 1 chocolatte deisel.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Morning boss

Any recommendations Cj, I'm scratching my head on this one, I tried neem, a safers product, I put d.E. Around the base, I got copper around the base, it gotta be a flyer...

I might sprinkle d. E. Right on the plant.. Can't spell the first word so I won't bother but e. = earth :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx cj, I'll check it out. Does it work great for you? I believe our conditions are some what similar to each other... Give or take

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I was just checkin it out. I might get it, I was looking at thier other products also,

I might go as far as purchasing floramite for all my troubles but damn that shit it expensive
I've heard so much good stuff about it....
But damn, it sure is expensive

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey gang, just a viewer tip, go to user control panel and change posts per page to 50.....

Helps with the viewing pleasure
