Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Good to see you still trucking it then

Hurricanes huh?? Tell me about it.....

Hurricane Iwa. '82
Hurricane Iniki. '92
Next hurricane. ??


New Member
heh...yah, you know about them i'll bet. Had Frances come through....slooooow....like 16 hours worth. Ike which had missed us turned around and came back as a tropical storm, and then Jeanne came through, fast but with way more punch. I clocked 128 mph in my front yard. It also came through (the worst part) at 2 in the morning.....pitch black and HOWLING....she was a bitch. I cut down 26 trees alone on that property afterwards...in 90+ degree heat with 100% humidity and no power for 18 days. :lol:


New Member
My main home was without power for only a few days. It took that long to clear a path to my workhouse and get the BIG generator out. I have a LARGE natural gas tank hooked up to my stove and water heater. When I was able to hook up both water pumps, and give my wife hot showers and an A/C for the bedroom, I turned into a G*D... :lol: There yah go honey, hot water..... you would have thought I had given her gold.


New Member
I loved really. Nature and I have a deal. I enjoy every moment and Nature gets to take me whenever it wants. :lol:

During the first Hurricane (Frances) when the eye was passing over, I got on my bike and rode to my nearest neighbors house. So I knock on the door, and the Doc's wife answers the door. She had this look on her face and was smiling. Hi Cracker, let me get Doc. We talk about 5 minutes, make sure evryone is okay and not needing anything. I ride on back to my place, walk into the house and my wife just looks at me and says...... "where did you go?" "Uh, I went over to Doc's, why?"

She just starts to laugh and says, "you're in your underwear"! :lol: I was just wearing some boxers and a Polo shirt, my official hurricane wardrobe.......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

Nearest neighbor, doctors in area......

Sounds like life is good........ no wonder you an "elephant"

I'm just a "donkey"



New Member
That Donkey is going to turn you into a duck. :mrgreen:

I'm no Elephant. I'm an Independent. I just adhere to fiscal responsibility, on social issues I am very (gasp) liberal, it's the method of getting there that really matters. :wink:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey man, remember the obama thread where I chimed in and you jumped all over my ass and owned me?
I remember:)

I logged off thinking "wow, this guy is brutal"..... LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hehehe.. It's all good ;)

I'll try and upload pics tonight, I should be able to get to a computer

Hijack is blowing up!

Also the big plant is as tall as me, and I'm 10ft! *excuse me, 5'11"*.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
In the ground. Looking healthy and bug free too. *knock on wood*

I baby the hell outta that one.

Since I put the hijack in the ground, it's taken off too. Also coming much more dense and full. Superlush green, thick ass stalks, branches that do need staking in the near future and just an awesome plant in general.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it's a shame I got such a late start on her*hijack* if I didn't mess up in the beginning it would have been much bigger. I could imagine if I planted it the same time as my 6footer. It would be mistaken for a mango tree or something from the air, I would just have to decorate it with mangoes and the eyes in the sky would never know


Well-Known Member
im jealous of ur outdoor grows..so sick...im waiting to see these beauts..tell ya wut next year when i get my fence done in the backyard itz on.. cant wait..youve inspired me!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx for very kind words TM, tell you what, next time you visit HI, plan on you and yours spending your vacation At my place, even take you to my guerilla grow..deal?


Well-Known Member
U for real..? i might get a vacation after the new baby is born in late aug.. probly stick aroudn for a while ..but my mom ...wants to always be grandma..ya know..so my gurl and me could use a good vacation..how the weather in the winter? rainy im guessing.. ive been out there as a kid, infact stayed at like a Hyatt Regency..shit wuz off the chain..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Srious bro. Winter here is mild, yes , lots of rain but also lots of sunshine, just less intense . You'll still get a sunburn though so bring your suntan lotion :)


Well-Known Member
ya well that might be perfect than..ive i can get a 2 more knocked out in 120days were on...vacation to Hawaii in the middle of my snow covered winter..sounds like gravey and i can sell that to my girl and grandma the babysitter no prob..