Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
hey there Dr. G. you be feeling like ur 10 feet off the ground with those ladies. hahahaha! her highness in particular!! LOL! the more I read about outdoor grows the more I wanna make that happen ...... hope ur plane ride was a blast .... walk on!~ :bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey tahoe, plane ride was nice an smooth, even had a few hotties as flight attendants:)
nothing like the women in your avatar though;) thanks for the kind words! All y'all inspire me to keep going in my journal. Everyone of you guys are awesome. Dr. Greenhorn thanks all of you from the bottom of my curing jars,excuse me, I meant heart


Well-Known Member
I wish my heart was a curing jar...Filled with JoY!!! j/k. Dr. it is always a great pleasure to stop by your journal, even if it is just to read the chit chat. Gonna post some pics of all the HID stuff I got today, stop by when you can...peace brose cuervo

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx boulder, when I get back to Kauai, I'll see what I can do about the pictures:)
It was a hard day today, but also a very good day. I'd tell y'all what I'm up to and what I'm doing, but if I did that, I'd have to kill y'all. ;). J/k :)

Aloha gang , the greatest viewing audience in the whole stoner world!!!
I love you guys!! Till next time..... Waldo,..over and out.. JAh

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Holy Cow Dr. G....I haven't checked out your thread in about 10 days and it just blew up....(really enjoyed the Jesus/Devil grow conversation.) I'm not even sure I went back far enough! Between this, the Hawaii Growers thread and, Hawaii Nei, I loose track of what I've seen. You have an interesting following though.

The orchids are beauties...those are much harder to grow that cannabis...at least I think so. Thanks for sharing and being the awesome dude you are.


Your orchids are lovely

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Doc is present and reporting for role call:)

Im island hopping right now

Thx for super kind words my friends, your making me blush:oops::oops:


Well-Known Member
Wat tha fuk iz dat supposed to mean water wings pshhh i can swim perfectly fi... SPLASH....bubble bubble


Well-Known Member
Ya thanks doc all did go well but i gotta add more chlorine theres slime on the bottom it wasnt very enjoying dead frogs floating around with big ass spider on the edges i still got a lot of work to do

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang :)

I noticed my journal is all cake and ice cream, no shit talkers have entered yet. I welcome all trash talkers, if your gonna do it, do it to my face, not behind my back, bitches! Bring it but be prepared, cause I WILL OWN YOU....

To everyone else, I love you!!!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

Reason I'm ranting is because I went to a rival site and people I thought was friends was talking shit!! Don't matter, I got 89 more !!! LOL. I can afford to lose a few fake friends;)

Thanks for staying trueblue, CJ, you are a true friend indeed