Dr. greenthumb seed review!

i have used his genetics for a LONG time and not been disappointed
i will also say that all the "iranian" crosses to og,chemdawg,cheese, ecsd, c99, g13 etc
are excellent indoors as well…
[and out doors it was a wonderful season despite the crap weather though i would be happy if we got a normal summer]

Great to know! I sent out my order already, now all I have to do is wait. :bigjoint: Can't wait to try these seeds.
First GSC broke through soil. Germed after 24hours (following provided instructions) and poked through my medium 24 hours later. Very nice vigor so far.
I think this thread is missing the review part.

Here's mine:

He sold CBD Mediplant as medical weed, said it consistently produced high CBD values. 2 out of 5 germinated, one was a hermie, 14 oz of seeded shit under 600 W, No CBD in there.

I bought and grew these because Dr Gruber said he talked to Greenthumb about this strain, and Greenthumb said it consistently produced high CBD. So he's a liar.

If he's willing to lie to medical users about their medicine, I cannot believe a single statement he makes about anything.
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hey man
as for the review..well there are quite few excellent dr gt "other strain" reviews all over the web

my reviews of his gear woud be positive

sorry to hear tha you were not happy, have used him for goin on two decades and been happy

i grew the medi plant..i liked it..it helped my ptsd..[no did not get it tested…have no way]

to be fair to doc…a clone can produce high cbd and sometimes a % of the seed progeny does not

i don not think he was purposely trying to lie to you

you had one seed to make an evaluation ?

..not extactly many.

i would have talked to doc instead of showing your disappointment here..but its a free forum

again my friend..you only based your decision on one seed plant and based the low thc of your lone plant on dr grubes test?

i did read where dr grube had a few tested and the cbg was higher than normal

there is so much that is not known about the other compounds in cannabis.

have a good rest of your day
hey man
as for the review..well there are quite few excellent dr gt "other strain" reviews all over the web

my reviews of his gear woud be positive

sorry to hear tha you were not happy, have used him for goin on two decades and been happy

i grew the medi plant..i liked it..it helped my ptsd..[no did not get it tested…have no way]

to be fair to doc…a clone can produce high cbd and sometimes a % of the seed progeny does not

i don not think he was purposely trying to lie to you

you had one seed to make an evaluation ?

..not extactly many.

i would have talked to doc instead of showing your disappointment here..but its a free forum

again my friend..you only based your decision on one seed plant and based the low thc of your lone plant on dr grubes test?

i did read where dr grube had a few tested and the cbg was higher than normal

there is so much that is not known about the other compounds in cannabis.

have a good rest of your day

No, I based my evaluation on 8 seeds and two grows. 3 seeds grown by Dr Gruber and 5 seeds that I attempted to germinate. Dr Gruber also got a shitty runt that he just dropped from his journal, on top of getting 0% CBD.

A clone changing CBD level is completely impossible and is completely irrelevant to the fact that he claimed his seeds consistently produced high CBD levels. Either he didn't even test them and lied about them, either he tested them and lied about them. There are no other alternatives. And if he didn't do it on purpose, then he's also incompetent.

Talking to the doc would be pointless since he's a liar. As far as I know, everything he says is bullshit. Getting more bullshit hermie seeds that are not what is advertised is of no value to me.

If I wanted CBG I'd grind up some hemp. CBG does nothing other than relieve eye pressure slightly in glaucoma patients.
I think this thread is missing the review part.

Here's mine:

He sold CBD Mediplant as medical weed, said it consistently produced high CBD values. 2 out of 5 germinated, one was a hermie, 14 oz of seeded shit under 600 W, No CBD in there.

I bought and grew these because Dr Gruber said he talked to Greenthumb about this strain, and Greenthumb said it consistently produced high CBD. So he's a liar.

If he's willing to lie to medical users about their medicine, I cannot believe a single statement he makes about anything.

Fanbois don't need reviews. Your review is about what I expected. thanks for putting it up.
I have never had one hermi from doc in 10 yrs…period

the "medi plant" [whatever it is] is one fine specimen of cannabis

i think it is a Thai cross…it yielded extremely well..tastes good and i love the medical properties

and Sorry it sucked for you Ach….
I have never had one hermi from doc in 10 yrs…period

the "medi plant" [whatever it is] is one fine specimen of cannabis

i think it is a Thai cross…it yielded extremely well..tastes good and i love the medical properties

and Sorry it sucked for you Ach….

What happened to the two decades? How did you lose a decade in a day?

And what is the relevance of saying it's a fine specimen of cannabis in response to the claim that Greenthumb lied about it? All cannabis is a fine specimen of cannabis. He lied about medicine.

And what medicinal properties? It's just a regular sativa hybrid with no CBD. You can buy 10 of those for 30 dollars from any seed store.
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Fanbois don't need reviews. Your review is about what I expected. thanks for putting it up.

Gruber has a journal on these and I don't remember if he had test results of these yet but you should def ask him or refer to that journal for info cus I think Gruber likes it but I'm not 100% sure
No, I based my evaluation on 8 seeds and two grows. 3 seeds grown by Dr Gruber and 5 seeds that I attempted to germinate. Dr Gruber also got a shitty runt that he just dropped from his journal, on top of getting 0% CBD.

A clone changing CBD level is completely impossible and is completely irrelevant to the fact that he claimed his seeds consistently produced high CBD levels. Either he didn't even test them and lied about them, either he tested them and lied about them. There are no other alternatives. And if he didn't do it on purpose, then he's also incompetent.

Talking to the doc would be pointless since he's a liar. As far as I know, everything he says is bullshit. Getting more bullshit hermie seeds that are not what is advertised is of no value to me.

If I wanted CBG I'd grind up some hemp. CBG does nothing other than relieve eye pressure slightly in glaucoma patients.

8 seeds is not enough to base any of your claims on IMHO. One seeded plant can produce like 750-1500 (or more) seeds depending on how big it is. So from that one seed harvest you got to work with 8 seeds. Thats what.. 0.0106% (8/750) of the seeds from 1 plant that you got to play with. I haven't grown anything from DocGT before except this one GSC so far but it is doing very well. Do you happen to have any pictures of what you grew? I have a 1 week old GSC that is THRIVING. Its growing WAAAAAY faster than the other plants I have going at the same time. I will be getting some Ghost OG seeds to try out as well. I bought 1 pack from DOCGT so far and I got 11 seeds. So if you had even 1 pack you would have got to try more than just 8. I would be popping all 10 of mine then looking for traits I like and clone and flower... I always have to kill or throw away a plant because it isn't doing as well as the others, but I am also aware that I myself could have made a mistake and stunted their growth. There are many variables. To say otherwise is to ignore reality and a possibility of error which can/could be avoided.
What happened to the two decades? How did you lose a decade in a day?

>no…i was speaking of fem beans

And what is the relevance of saying it's a fine specimen of cannabis in response to the claim that Greenthumb lied about it? All cannabis is a fine specimen of cannabis. He lied about medicine.

>yes your venom got the best of me and i just

wanted someone to know that it was indeed a potenty and ovely plant

am truly sorry for your bad outcome…get over your venom..life is too short..

And what medicinal properties?

>it helped me feel positive, and happy ….

It's just a regular sativa hybrid with no CBD. You can buy 10 of those for 30 dollars from any seed store.

>in the end ..as i mentioned..i just wande you to move on..and not feel so bad…

i have had genetic disappointments before but i did not make a lifetime of it

i think this will be my last try….

and yes Gruber liked it i like it…if the progeny did not contain CBD then

fuck…dr gt has been responsible for some awesome genetics for me and people i have known

i don't know what else to say…should he die for that sin?

i get your drift….and can you make your typing even larger next time?

all the best

and bye
i just want to say one kind thing to you..because i actually try to care about people
again i am sorry you were unhappy …if i were you ..first i would have talked to doc and not gone on here with venom..and continued so long

my guess is he would have listened to you and done something about it
me i don 't care what a strain is supposed to have in it..
i just care if i like it..
and what it does for me.

yes sativa's can make one noidy..but the right sativa in my opinion is better for stress than mind numbing indica's
i have ptsd and have found that plants like this one..which i still think is a thai..[by the way it grows]
does not make me noidy..it makes me feel good about life..so i do no get caught up in thoughts of why i ended up with ptsd.
its not strange sativa like some c99 pheno's..it is relaxing, striong enough to last and give me positive thoughts.
because thats what i need.
I do not even know if something with high cbd is what i really need..but i do know that i need something with a fair amount of thc.

i am too old to want to continue in a negative vein….life is too short
i have had crap bean buys before….but
this was not one of them

if i knew you enough i would probably try to find you a strain with cbd in it ..to see if it worked..
wild weed has cbd in it and gave me headaches when i tried it 40 years ago
mixing cbd with high thc might work better than low thc higher cbd….i know people who are not that happy with any cbd
i just do not know..

i just wish you the best and sorry you did not like this plant
and yes i will not bother you again
Cbd seeds are a gamble.
There is no guarantee a cbd strain will help medical your problem, weather it's shanti, jamie or DrGreenthumb..

Did you test your sample for Cbd ?
How do you know d drgt is selling a fake cbd strain? Because of one test at one lab?

I'd bet drgt has had great results with his medical stuff with folks, an believes in it or he wouldn't have released it.
Sorry yours wasn't as good as you hoped.
But weed can only do so much.

Id run docs shit any day.
You guys can change subjects all you want.

Greenthumb still lied about medicine to medical users.

>>no…i was speaking of fem beans

No, you weren't. You're a liar too.

And stop bulllshiting about what CBD strains are.

He said it consistently produced high CBD, it doesn't produce any in 8 seeds, therefore he's a liar.

Can you contradict this? Of course not. You can just say some inane shit with bad spelling because you're a fanboy.
my spelling is very good[never use spell check]
i do not lie
and i know for a fact
that the cbd clone was tested and was high cbd
as for your out come ..fuck knows?
i am sure it was not done to deceive you
but you may twist things the way that suits your anger problem..let it go man
yes a fan boy , nevil s. fanboy too, pure sativa fanboy
my spelling is very good[never use spell check]
i do not lie
and i know for a fact
that the cbd clone was tested and was high cbd
as for your out come ..fuck knows?
i am sure it was not done to deceive you
but you may twist things the way that suits your anger problem..let it go man
yes a fan boy , nevil s. fanboy too, pure sativa fanboy

Why do you get so defensive when people critique Dr Greenthumbs gear? Do you own stock in the company?

For the prices he charges, people better damn well get what they pay for..... even from 8 seeds. If he's going to be arrogant enough to charge double what most breeders charge for a pack of seeds it best be fire, or be prepared to receive some blow back from pissed off customers.