Draw me a space cadet

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Crocodile? pffffff more like dial a cock
I am really disappointed in all of us. The poor OP, @ChingOwn has been so upset that he has not come back to his own thread in a couple of days. All he wanted to do was get some cool original art ideas from a bunch of weed growers... not a bunch of potty-mouths.

You should all be ashamed. You agreed to these rules and you broke them! Is there no code among cannabis growers?


We all owe ChingOwn an apology.
Am i wrong for not proving reefer madness right? Just because I have enough class not to post more pornography on the internet I'm a square? that's bullshit. You guys are the problem not normal people who can use and grow marijuana and not be compelled to share immature things.
Who are you to dictate what normal is? Take a look around. You are the odd ball out. We are the norm.
I am really disappointed in all of us. The poor OP, @ChingOwn has been so upset that he has not come back to his own thread in a couple of days. All he wanted to do was get some cool original art ideas from a bunch of weed growers... not a bunch of potty-mouths.

You should all be ashamed. You agreed to these rules and you broke them! Is there no code among cannabis growers?


We all owe ChingOwn an apology.
Exactly I wanted to see some art of space cadets and alot of members YOU included ruined his thread with filth.
over 15 years.
So it must have been illegal when you started. Didn't you know there are rules against it? Are you a medical user or a recreational user?

You say you want this market to become legit... is the alcohol industry 'legit'?

I am going to take a wild stab in the dark here and suggest that you were one of those people who used to drive 55 mph in the left lane on the highways regardless of what the rest of the drivers were doing.

You post shit about duality but show no understanding of contradictions or nuance. How can that be? You certainly don't hesitate to throw your judgements on others you don't know in your posts.

I am curious about you now. I think you are most likely a sock and probably are trolling us. Let's rap.
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