Draw me a space cadet

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I am going to take a wild stab in the dark here and suggest that you were one of those people who used to drive 55 mph in the left lane on the highways regardless of what the rest of the drivers were doing.

in my state it's illegal to drive in the left lane unless you're passing on the highway. It's not enforced but rules are rules.
Just to bring you all up to date... our friend here seems to have made the claim that Scalia was murdered by liberal forces here in 'Merica. Scalia was the only thing keeping us free ya see.
So it must have been illegal when you started. Didn't you know there are rules against it? Are you a medical user or a recreational user?

You say you want this market to become legit... is the alcohol industry 'legit'?

I am going to take a wild stab in the dark here and suggest that you were one of those people who used to drive 55 mph in the left lane on the highways regardless of what the rest of the drivers were doing.

You post shit about duality but show no understanding of contradictions or nuance. How can that be? You certainly don't hesitate to throw your judgements on others you don't know in your posts.

I am curious about you now. I think you are most likely a sock and probably are trolling us. Let's rap.
1st question: I didn't agree to the terms and conditions on that. it was forced upon me.
2nd question: it's all medical imo
3rd question: yes the alcohol industry is legit. except for moonshiners.
4th question:I'm sure I have drove slower than the rest of traffic. the police aint getting me on some bullshit.
5th question: It makes perfect sense. I don't hate you guys for your moral corruptness. I wish you would become better people.
1st question: I didn't agree to the terms and conditions on that. it was forced upon me.
2nd question: it's all medical imo
3rd question: yes the alcohol industry is legit. except for moonshiners.
4th question:I'm sure I have drove slower than the rest of traffic. the police aint getting me on some bullshit.
5th question: It makes perfect sense. I don't hate you guys for your moral corruptness. I wish you would become better people.
Why are shiners not legit? Shine's awesome.
1st question: I didn't agree to the terms and conditions on that. it was forced upon me.
2nd question: it's all medical imo
3rd question: yes the alcohol industry is legit. except for moonshiners.
4th question:I'm sure I have drove slower than the rest of traffic. the police aint getting me on some bullshit.
5th question: It makes perfect sense. I don't hate you guys for your moral corruptness. I wish you would become better people.
We wish the same for you.
By definition of the verb, I am making it legitimate by justifying it. A government doesn't have the legitimate authority to remove freedoms guaranteed by our Forefathers and paid for in the blood of our Wounded and Fallen. And straight to Hell with those who try.
1st question: I didn't agree to the terms and conditions on that. it was forced upon me.
Yeah, you did... by achieving the age of majority and not leaving. Societies cannot make a new set of rules for every new baby.

2nd question: it's all medical imo
once again, no grey area with you... would you concede that marijuana's use often gives one a pleasant or euphoric feeling?

3rd question: yes the alcohol industry is legit. except for moonshiners.

This one is a DBQ. Above is Gin Lane It is to alcohol use what Reefer Madness is to marijuana. If you concede that alcohol is a legitimate industry - and must stipulate that alcohol can be mood-altering - then you must concede that some amount of tomfoolery while using cannabis does not prove Reefer Madness any more than getting tipsy proves "Gin Lane". How have we proved Reefer Madness in our behavior as you suggested? Why do we have to act like you to become "legit"?
4th question:I'm sure I have drove slower than the rest of traffic. the police aint getting me on some bullshit.
So who are you afraid of here, big boy?
5th question: It makes perfect sense. I don't hate you guys for your moral corruptness. I wish you would become better people.
I wish you would become one too. Judginess and hypocracy are two of my least favorite attributes.

But I still love you my brother, because Pinworm... he died for you.
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once again, no grey area with you... would you concede that marijuana's use often gives one a pleasant or euphoric feeling?
I wish you would become one too. Judginess and hypocracy are two of my least favorite attributes.

To be fair, so do Vicodin and Opium. Just because you can enjoy something doesn't mean that it isn't medically valuable or absolutely dangerous. It's all in (and I hate quote and use Reagan-era doctrine) personal responsibility. Don't overdo it, and you won't fuck yourself or anyone around you, figuratively speaking. Marijuana, though, I don't think you can really overdo. I can remain active and get all As in Chinese, Psych, and Philosophy totally smoked up, apparently. It's just a matter of not allowing yourself to get lazy.

And, honestly, that's my only problem with you, Croc. You seem to think your standards are what need to be met instead of realizing or at least respecting that the world is very much subjective, and one's own. I can and should be able to keep my freedoms, such as that of free speech, without it interfering with your life and you should be able to respect me for my respect for my use of the right to free speech as I would you for yours. Respect all walks of life. People will respect you more for yours, and you'll probably find a greater respect for them, and possibly even yourself, even just simply for learning your knack for tolerance.
Yeah, you did... by achieving the age of majority and not leaving. Societies cannot make a new set of rules for every new baby.
no i did not agree to that at all that's been forced upon me and i don't have a communist mentality like you. lets not mention how you sharing dick pics on the internet furthers the communist agenda.

once again, no grey area with you... would you concede that marijuana's use often gives one a pleasant or euphoric feeling?
yes marijuana definitely has those effects hence the medical aspect of all use
This one is a DBQ. Above is "Gin Lane" It is to alcohol use what "reefer madness" is to marijuana. If you concede that alcohol is a legitimate industry - and must stipulate that alcohol can be mood-altering - then you must concede that some amount of tomfoolery while using cannabis does not prove "Reefer Madness" and more than getting tipsy proves "Gin Lane". How have we proved Reefer Madness in our behavior as you suggested? Why do we have to act like you to become "legit"?
You proved reefer madness true because your morals have obviously been lowered down into the gutter
So who are you afraid of here, big boy?
Obviously not afraid of anyone here because i'm not going to lower my standards to be accepted by the majority here that want anarchy in these forums
I wish you would become one too. Judginess and hypocracy are two of my least favorite attributes.
I've done nothing hypocritical at all my track record proves this.
And, honestly, that's my only problem with you, Croc. You seem to think your standards are what need to be met instead of realizing or at least respecting that the world is very much subjective, and one's own. I can and should be able to keep my freedoms, such as that of free speech, without it interfering with your life and you should be able to respect me for my respect for my use of the right to free speech as I would you for yours. Respect all walks of life. People will respect you more for yours, and you'll probably find a greater respect for them, and possibly even yourself, even just simply for learning your knack for tolerance.
it's a lack of respect for yourself and others that leads to sharing porn online in places that aren't for that. there are a million sites for perverts on the internet why does riu need more dick pics? It's not a free speech zone here. Hence why the mods will remove the filth.
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