DrCannaP's Organic Fruit Garden

Weekly update (end of 2nd week since transplant):
Girls growing very well (minus the tiny ryder lol) as you can see in the first 4 individual photos of the girls from top left clockwise
The sour d is short n bushy compared to the BlueKush which is stretching taller :-)
All photoperiod girls got FIMed right above the 6th node (between 7/8) (last three shots Sour d, BlueKush and PE) i sprinkled some neem meal with a TBS of malted barley/mung flour a couple days ago with the neem oil spray
Today they alao got sprayed with neem oil :-)
Til next update, happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Update (weekly since its past midnight anyway ... wasnt supposed to update for abother 18 hours or so):
The plan was to walk in the groom 2x a week to check the res and for the ipm spray of essential oils going for the LITFA style of growin hah
So i wasnt supposed to update til tomorrow but I walked in tonight to grab a few pineapple express buds ;-) hah and by the time i finish typing and posting this itll be past midnight anyway
I notices the pineapple express 2 mystery girl stretching good after the FIM but shes really pale green with some frekled necrotic spots on very yellow lower leaves. I figues the soil cant be THAT depleted especially that the other girls in the pots, that were mixed at the same time and ran onces before too, are doing just fine (they can be a bit darker perhaps?!)... maybe that period of drying of the soil when the blumat failed depleted the microherd or lets say lowered the biologic activity so with the stretch of the plant the last 4 to 5 days the soil wasnt active enough to keep up .. my theory and not saying the soil doesnt need replenishing .. it does .. therefore my plan to remedy was mainly amd ideally to replenish with a compost tea and perhaps add alfalfa and kelp a little for some N ++ .... but i dont have time and i was worried id lose track of the aerating tea etc .... so what i did is the following:
Trimmed the cover crop. Top dressed the 3 old pots with a table spoon of espoma tomatoes tone (since I havent added much since last run and current transplant .. pots been running for months with cover crop), little less of high N bat guano, tablespoon malted barley (also went in the new pot) and tea spoon of neem meal (which also went in the new pot) and sprinkled the top with little great white.
In a gal and a half of water i added a scoop of Great White, really low dose of liquid organic fish/squid fert, ewc, low dose liquid kelp fert and watered all 4 pots with it.
Today later after I wake up and the lights turn on, ill go in for my essential oils spray and checkon them and update again.
Til then, happy growin yall and dont forget your IPM :-)
Pics are: group shot then from top left clockwise as always:
SD, BlueKush, sweet coffee ryder and pineapple express 2 mystery :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Hm yeah, regarding the PE having nute problems. When the soil dries/gets wet or temps shift, it depends on how fast that happens. If it goes slowly, the microbes have enough time to encyst or make spores to go dormant, whilst the next set of microbes who do better at those new conditions wakes up.
It's a constant ebb and flow of different populations in there! 8)

The thing is, that when they go to sleep, they need some time to wake up again too.
A bacterium can reproduce in 20mins. A fungus in 1 hour. Protozoa take around 8-12 hrs, and nematodes take anywhere between 1-2 weeks. (oh and if you don't have predators, the bacteria and fungi - except mycos - alone can't feed the plant, nutrient cycling only can work with them all participating...)
So you can see time is needed to recover too.

Whereby, I have seen similar happening in my pots a few times too, for me it only happens in the growth spurt phase, it's like something can't keep up (I suspect I need to start feeding them earlier perhaps, or add more slow-release nute ingredients to the soilmix). I got signs of calmag deficiency on my plant this time round again, was able to stabilize her with 2 consecutive waterings with kelp juice, plus a topdress of about 1L vermicompost.

A bit worrying is that your PE is doing that so early on though? and you had already added VC too, right!
Looking at the group shot, what does catch the eye is that you have that big-leaved mint(?) in there with her, and it'S really thriving there as opposed to other pots. Maybe she's hogging .. mints do tend to make these "root carpets", monopolizing the space they're growing in, at least thats what my mint does under my raspberries :rolleyes:

Just sharing the thoughts your update triggered in my mind, fwiw ;)
Hoping the witches brew you've given her now sets her straight!
Cheers :bigjoint:
Hm yeah, regarding the PE having nute problems. When the soil dries/gets wet or temps shift, it depends on how fast that happens. If it goes slowly, the microbes have enough time to encyst or make spores to go dormant, whilst the next set of microbes who do better at those new conditions wakes up.
It's a constant ebb and flow of different populations in there! 8)

The thing is, that when they go to sleep, they need some time to wake up again too.
A bacterium can reproduce in 20mins. A fungus in 1 hour. Protozoa take around 8-12 hrs, and nematodes take anywhere between 1-2 weeks. (oh and if you don't have predators, the bacteria and fungi - except mycos - alone can't feed the plant, nutrient cycling only can work with them all participating...)
So you can see time is needed to recover too.

Whereby, I have seen similar happening in my pots a few times too, for me it only happens in the growth spurt phase, it's like something can't keep up (I suspect I need to start feeding them earlier perhaps, or add more slow-release nute ingredients to the soilmix). I got signs of calmag deficiency on my plant this time round again, was able to stabilize her with 2 consecutive waterings with kelp juice, plus a topdress of about 1L vermicompost.

A bit worrying is that your PE is doing that so early on though? and you had already added VC too, right!
Looking at the group shot, what does catch the eye is that you have that big-leaved mint(?) in there with her, and it'S really thriving there as opposed to other pots. Maybe she's hogging .. mints do tend to make these "root carpets", monopolizing the space they're growing in, at least thats what my mint does under my raspberries :rolleyes:

Just sharing the thoughts your update triggered in my mind, fwiw ;)
Hoping the witches brew you've given her now sets her straight!
Cheers :bigjoint:
Thank you so much for chiming in and providing ur experience and 2 cents also glad were on the same page ... i honestly dont recall feeding them at all when i transplanted but ill have to check ... i might have given them a little neem but not sure. Nonetheless, the cover crop of that weird indian oregano and peppermints have been in those pots for months and since my last run consuming and exhausting the soil ... also i didnt really feed them much or at all since i harvested my last run ... i do feel its a combo of the cover crop hogging root zone and already depleted the soil (those mints grow like crazy and ive been trimming them and eating thwir mints for months lol) a biddy of mine on anothwr forum also suggested the saaaame thing root zone hogged by cover crop, dwpleted soil AND the drying of the PE soil just made it worse. The SD is also pale but her pot didnt dry up like the PE my plan now is to control the mites in the cover crop or eradicate them and soon enough ill chop the xover crop (all of it) and top dress with my freshly harvested EWC and my home made compost thats curing now .... i hope between the "witches brew" lmfao and what i sprinkled on top yesterday that i see some recovery soon even before i chop and top dress either way ill chop the CC and top dress within a week i hope
hey thanks again and again for the brainstorming and your help

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
tis my pleasure! I love conundering about what could be going on in our soils when I have the leisure to form thoughts and actually put them into words haha ;)

We are on the cutting edge here you know! Elaine Ingham is currently researching which permanent ground covers do best with which crops - matching them so they can persist in the shade of the crop whilst sharing the microbial spectrum. I just recently picked up that dying trees actually transfer their nutrients to their offspring via the mycorrhizal network, so who knows what other kinds of cooperations we have yet to discover!

Seems that mints - at least in this density, though they might do well in a more diverse mix? - aren't going to make cannabis' favorite list - thank YOU for experimenting on that! :mrgreen:
For myself, I've just been letting stuff that sprouts in my pots grow, seeing how they do. I had a tomato once, she grew up and above the lights, visibly "eating" the soil, the level of which sunk by about 10cm in a 21L pot - whilst the lil auto actually meant to be growing struggled her way through her pitiful life lol (but she was a runt of herself already - I suspected old/badly stored seed)
At the moment, I have a borage and a deadnettle growing alongside another automatic, a Pineapple Express, in a tiny space. I plucked the big leaves off the borage and mulched directly whilst it was still in danger of overshadowing the PE. But ever since the PE overtook it, it's sort of gone into standby, not dying off but not growing either. The deadnettle, on the other hand, seems to have entered into a race with a secondary branch that hadn't been going anywhere, and the two together grew out to be the tallest of the bunch lol
2017-09-08_day59 (4).jpg

Funny to watch, but not sure either of these are likely candidates for a nice permanent cover crop in our no-tills though - so the search continues!
I've seen microclover and grains, sadly I forget which, seemed to be working quite well. Thing with the nitrogen-fixers is I think they only become nutrient-effective for the other plants when they die and the nodules are cycled by the microherd? Not sure on that... but otoh, they do form mycorrhizal associations, so they could keep the mycoweb alive between chop and the next grow - the seedling getting set into a network, all it has to do is hook up and it's off! From a microbial perspective that's definitely the kind of cooperation we're looking for I'd say. Just, which plants?
Bringing us full circle haha

The chop and drop and VC amendment sound yummy, I think they'll like it, fresh boost for all the lovely growth ahead. (Oh and yes, I had understood you had added VC before repotting - I went back & reread, it was 2 Tbsp. - ok haha)
Looking forward to seeing them get their green back too!
All of this science is very interesting
Yeah those mints were doing well even in the last run ... they actually grew up searching for light and were at the canopy level too lol they did bush out more now though ... i wouldnt say the PE is suffering more of root space issue as her pot didnt really fill like the other 2 with the mint and weird oregano (not to say the other 2 arent crowded at the rootzone because their pots are covered with tue mints hah) so maybe with keeping the mint tidy trimming it and not allowing her to stretch and take over the pot surface, maybe she can still be managed there ... they do well with the mites too ... i have alfalfa also growin in there ... the mites go to them first ... but i have been spraying them regularly and seeing good results but no eradication yet ... been clipping those alfalfas and dropping them in the pots here and there and the ones with bad mites damage will go in the hot compost bin ( kept steady around 140F) which hopefully will kill them hah i really wanted to experiment with 1 garlic clove in each pot ... i want to see what garlic would do in there ... see i know i can also have companion plants in different and smaller pots .... but i seem to itch to want everything in those 4 pots and not want to crowd tje groom even though i have the room .. lol freakin OCD

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Alright quick update:
The PE2 is pickin up some color after the "witches brew" i fed a few days ago.
I decided to go ahead and chop all the cover crop at the soil level and sprinkle some of that on top (1st pic) then top dress with my freshly harvested EWC (2nd pic) and finally cover all that with my home made compost (3rd pic) and mulch with straws (last pic) :-) i hope the girls like this treatment and I also hope i didnt over do it .... will see
Til next update happy growin :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Weekly update (end of 4th since transplant):
The girls responded very well to the treatment. As you can see, both SD and PE2 pickes up some color finally. The BlueKush and the PE2 are both stretching whipe the SD is maintaining a short a bushy structure :-)
Froup shot then singles from top left clockwise: SourD, BlueKush, SweetCoffeeRyder and PE2 bud mystery seed
Btw i wont have time to troubleshoot the 4000k circuit on my diy light so ill fire it up for this grow and troubleshoot that part at a later time.
Til next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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mm the way that looks, I'd want to be one of those plants! :bigjoint:
Looking forward to seeing how they progress!
Lmao thanks ... i cant believe how desperate they were for any food and life in those pots ... so glad theyre bouncing back and im gonna have to keep up with the soil

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Not knocking your style, to each their own, but either your cover crops drained out your nitrogen or that soil was spent to begin with. I personally want them on the higher end of nitrogen. It's easy to prevent toxicity if you know what your soil contains and know how strong of nutes you introduce.
Is the soil fresh, or has it been run more than once?
The best way I've found to keep soils running more than 2 grows is take ALL trimmings and final plant material not used after harvest and till it in your soil until it's 80-90% broken down. It ups the nitrogen enough to keep the soil 'fresh' but not hot enough to burn your seedlings.
Good luck though. Hope you can dial things in and make them beauties. There's different growers, with different styles. Don't find what works for YOU, find what works for the girls. Experimenting and trying new methods is fun, I know, making us feel like we're being scientific and shit, but always go with tried and true methods first. Then try tweaking and using different ideas to augment for the better.
We've come a long way from stoners of past generations as to understanding this beautiful flower, but we've just scratched the surface as far as isolating certain traits to tailor to humans needs for certain medicinal traits.
Not knocking your style, to each their own, but either your cover crops drained out your nitrogen or that soil was spent to begin with. I personally want them on the higher end of nitrogen. It's easy to prevent toxicity if you know what your soil contains and know how strong of nutes you introduce.
Is the soil fresh, or has it been run more than once?
The best way I've found to keep soils running more than 2 grows is take ALL trimmings and final plant material not used after harvest and till it in your soil until it's 80-90% broken down. It ups the nitrogen enough to keep the soil 'fresh' but not hot enough to burn your seedlings.
Good luck though. Hope you can dial things in and make them beauties. There's different growers, with different styles. Don't find what works for YOU, find what works for the girls. Experimenting and trying new methods is fun, I know, making us feel like we're being scientific and shit, but always go with tried and true methods first. Then try tweaking and using different ideas to augment for the better.
We've come a long way from stoners of past generations as to understanding this beautiful flower, but we've just scratched the surface as far as isolating certain traits to tailor to humans needs for certain medicinal traits.
Thanks brother for stopping by and for your input!
Its actually a combo of all of the above (as to what the hell is wrong with the soil, at least in the 3 pots).
Those 3 pots (back 2 and front left) were run before and the girls did very very well in those pots til the end, with minimal intervention (almost water only).
After i chopped, i wasnt supposed to run for another 2 years lol. So uI kept the cover crop in there for months, not really maintaining or doing anothing other than trimming it and topping off the res that waters the pots via thw blumats i had installed. So the previous run and months of running the cover crop alone, just to keep the soil alive, drained all the nutrients in the soil. Being as busy as I was already, not to mention all the extra gardening projects i had goin outside, i managed to totaly neglect the indoor groom soil when my intention, by keeping the cover crop goin, was to keep the soil vital and just ready for a run. I transplanted them before really getting the soil ready ... its also my second organic soil (notil) run in the same pots. so im surely a newb by all standards but learning fast as I go ... i plan on slowly and progressively revitalizing the soil with amendments and teas (time permits) and I hope I see better growth soon. I can tell I lost a lot of time/growth not doing anytjing about the soil earlier and in the last 4 weeks ... live n learn :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
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Instead of using a cover crop to keep soil 'active' just till all your clippings and left over stalks and let it compost. That in reality WILL keep your soil active, and add microbes all along since it's breaking down all the plant material.
If you turn the soil weekly, it should be broken down in 2-3 months. Just have two sets composting perpetually and you'll always have fresh active soil.
Its been a while since updated or even walked into my groom hah
Anyway I checked on the girls last night and im happy to say all photo period girls showed preflowers so all 3 are females. The bluekush and SD are expected since theyre feminized. But the mystery seed od pineapple express wasnt.
Theyre growin well and branching out well except for the BlueKush which is still growin mainly upward with the side branches being short and thin.
The PE got trained last week and further straining last night but i managed to snap the mainlined top in half. I was able to pull the branch back up and tie it ... hopefully she'll bounce back in no time. I saw no sign of mites and the girls got sprayed with essential oils/neem as usual (twice per week). Top dressed again with 3/4 tablespoon of neem meal and watered that in.
I feel the girls are thirsty for light and the 350w cob led isnt enough. I better hang thw big rig soon ;-)
Til next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Weekly update (end of 6th since transplant):
Dang it I plannes to hang the light before today but life is busier than i can keep up. Anyway I flipped the clock a little ago so tomorrow October first is first day of flowering or of 12/12. Lights go out at 6am and back on at 6pm. The current light on is Optic grow light cxb3070 350w 4000k. Ill add my fixture and use this LED for the 4000K circuit that i still havent figured out. Ill just use its own timer.
As far as the pots go, a 1/4 cup of each of alfalfa meal and kelp meal was top dressed and watered in all 3 pots (1/2 amount of alfalfa for the SweetCoffeeRyder).
IPM sprayed after shots were taken. I also managed to clean off some of the old cover crop thats trying to poke through the hay.
Group shot then singles from top left clickwise:
1SourD 2BlueKush 3SweetCoffeeRyder 4PineappleExpressMystery
5 shot of where I tied up the branch i split. Still growing .. waiting for the knot to form ;-)
Til next update happy growin yall :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :


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Other than the wonky runt, looking way better. I bet the other three could do a lid a piece of they perform well enough in flower. If you can afford to, next time get fresh soil and skip the cover crops. Focus on getting your MJ plants looking prime. I've learned time and again that you need to keep everything as welcoming for the plant as possible from birth through full veg. Flowering is where everyone creates their "wiggle" room techniques. Find what works for you to make strong healthy plants early on, and then flowering time they'll return the favor. I'm still debating whether topping is worth the extra veg time, but I've been doing sogs lately to speed up harvests, so I haven't had time to really take a few plants and bush them out for a few months to get those water bottle stalks people love to show off.
Other than the wonky runt, looking way better. I bet the other three could do a lid a piece of they perform well enough in flower. If you can afford to, next time get fresh soil and skip the cover crops. Focus on getting your MJ plants looking prime. I've learned time and again that you need to keep everything as welcoming for the plant as possible from birth through full veg. Flowering is where everyone creates their "wiggle" room techniques. Find what works for you to make strong healthy plants early on, and then flowering time they'll return the favor. I'm still debating whether topping is worth the extra veg time, but I've been doing sogs lately to speed up harvests, so I haven't had time to really take a few plants and bush them out for a few months to get those water bottle stalks people love to show off.
Thanks brother ... yes thats an auto thatvwas left in its 3in germinatin pot way too long lol .... thanks for the recom and tips brother. The reson i did the cover crop was because i am trying out rhe no till. However with mibts and letring them go for months, i screwed up my soil instead of improving it. I really wanted to keepcthe soil active with the cover crop and amendments added and worns etc .... just didnt follow up on my plan like I should and in my case, you are right, i would have been better off goin with the recycled organic living soul route instead of no till ... but youre right. Ill work on having better homes during veg so that im more relaxed with the wiggle room during flowering wull see how it goes after this run. Id have done a scrog but i wanted to get a vetter feel of this organic no til style of growin before i complicate my groom any more i do have plenty if roon to through a bunch of snaller plants for sog style since the ligbt is switched and will be big enough and bright enough ... maybe next tun ill squeeze in a few smaller pots for sog
Thanks again for stopping by n the tips

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Quick update:
A handful of my finished compost and another of EWC went in a nylon sock with a scoop of great white and that went in a bucket with 4 gallons of water and a tablespoon of molasses . That bubbled for 36 hours before i applied it to the girls pots a little ago. I then refilled the bucket with more water and dunk in another nylon sock with a handful of alfalfa meal and another of kelp meal. Ill let that bubble in the same tea for another 18 hours or so then apply it to my outdoor newly setup beds and save some to splash the girls with too hah

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Hey Dr Cannapath :D
interesting analysis! I have a pot here with soil I did an amazing grow in last fall, just realized it's been a year now and I was planning on using it in an upcoming grow. I may decide in favour of recycling it first, thois one didn't have anything really growing in it and the worms have turned it into a silty mess too from what <i can see on top (haven't dug down yet...)

Yeah really looks like your emergency program helped :D
I have the feeling the compost tea is going to agree with them as well!
In fact, I've been pondering pots alot lately, and do think our major focus, end of the day, is to keep that microherd alive and doing its job, and that we will have to do it by actively adding fresh buddies in regularly. Pots are very fragile environments, and especially indoors, with the mega lights we are beaming on them within confined spaces. My last grow was in rather small 10 and 15L pots (and in a cab only 1m high) and I really noticed how warm they often got! Just in example of the extreme conditions we actually have in there.:rolleyes:

Oh and isn't it amazing the way they deal with injuries! I'd just leave her tied up, very obviously she's doing great like that, even if the wound doesn't look quite healed up to you ;)
I had a great experience with aloe in that respect this summer. We had a storm and a zinnia I had out on the deck got blown over in such a way her stem broke right where it grew out of the soil, and it was all wilty when I discovered it. So I took a cutting off an aloe leaf, split it open and wrapped it, along with one of those flexible fingerstrip-bandaids, around the broken spot and tied her up to a stake. She fully regained her vitality after a few days, and yes, she grew a nice knobby knot so I was able to take the bandaid off a few weeks later - will definitely try that the next time I mess up my LST!

Cheers! :blsmoke:
Hey Dr Cannapath :D
interesting analysis! I have a pot here with soil I did an amazing grow in last fall, just realized it's been a year now and I was planning on using it in an upcoming grow. I may decide in favour of recycling it first, thois one didn't have anything really growing in it and the worms have turned it into a silty mess too from what <i can see on top (haven't dug down yet...)

Yeah really looks like your emergency program helped :D
I have the feeling the compost tea is going to agree with them as well!
In fact, I've been pondering pots alot lately, and do think our major focus, end of the day, is to keep that microherd alive and doing its job, and that we will have to do it by actively adding fresh buddies in regularly. Pots are very fragile environments, and especially indoors, with the mega lights we are beaming on them within confined spaces. My last grow was in rather small 10 and 15L pots (and in a cab only 1m high) and I really noticed how warm they often got! Just in example of the extreme conditions we actually have in there.:rolleyes:

Oh and isn't it amazing the way they deal with injuries! I'd just leave her tied up, very obviously she's doing great like that, even if the wound doesn't look quite healed up to you ;)
I had a great experience with aloe in that respect this summer. We had a storm and a zinnia I had out on the deck got blown over in such a way her stem broke right where it grew out of the soil, and it was all wilty when I discovered it. So I took a cutting off an aloe leaf, split it open and wrapped it, along with one of those flexible fingerstrip-bandaids, around the broken spot and tied her up to a stake. She fully regained her vitality after a few days, and yes, she grew a nice knobby knot so I was able to take the bandaid off a few weeks later - will definitely try that the next time I mess up my LST!

Cheers! :blsmoke:
Hah yeah in that case recycling and starting over would give better results than truing to activate that witj teas etc .... i probably should havw recycled my pots instead of goin no till ... i wanted to try out thw no till route except i didnt maintain it well after harvest hah
But yeah i can see they lovee the brew .... i gave them another splash yesterday of the same brew but after adding alfalga and kelp ... OMG the tea smell like the ocean ... it wasnt over powering and fishy ... just a subtle whiff of it and I love it lok ... ill see today how the girls like that splash ... the rest went in my outdoor raised beds :-) .... the alfalfa and kep werw added for only 24 hours .... so i decided to keep the sucks in the bucket, redill it with water, add more molasses and great white ajd brew again fot another 24 hours hoping to leach out wvery last bits of nutrients from thw two socks lol ... i evem squeezed them between my hands and watched thw brew get really murky ;-) ... hopefully after 24-48 hours that juice will be good to finish my raised beds :-)

Check out my current Organic Fruit Garden:
and my previous Organic Run:
and my previous QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :