buy some of that ultra fine screen mesh at home depot or lowes the one made PETS . that stuff is freaking awesome. my wife's BIG PUSSY (LMAO) comes to the front door and always tries to open it, he gets his claws stuck on that screen and he can climb on it, has done for the last 10 years and it's still going strong, no rott like the metal stuff. anyways just wrap it around the outside of the air conditioning unit, BUG proof and you can still hose it down once in a season to get all the muck out of the a/c system. if you clean the condenser out with a water hose (straight water through the veins WITHOUT bending them you can get 20% of your efficiency back out of the a/c and less money spent !! A/C tech here talking !!!! )
just in case the condenser is the part outside the house

and as the name says it pushes the heat out of the house and condenses the super heated gas back down to a liquid. Awesome stuff when you learn about the "change of states " of a substance from gas to liquid to solid ! AWESOME stuff can't help it, always have been a NERD Trekkie Science is my love
The hornets came in the side of the AC where the gap is(tiny windows had to fully remove the accordion sides.)
The AC is shot. gotta take it apart and see what's wrong. but it is pretty much TOAST if you ask me...
It was a free ac from someone years ago. and I never used it... got 5 months out of the thing. whatever.
they are only $100... get one next year...
Fuckin 70 degrees outside. so it's cold enough for me to hook up some booster fans.....
Decided I am going to use.........
1' pressure treated plywood(3/4" if I can't get the 1")
Cut to the same size as the AC. without the gap lol.......
Drill a couple holes in it... 4" and 6".
4" is going to be on one side. I will use a metal "Drain cover plate"

(not this exact one, but similar with a stronger metal) to block the large bugs from getting through, and I will put double layered screen down behind it, put some epoxy or glue around the rim of the drain plate and stick it THROUGH the screen to the wood. this way the whole thig is sealed and I can still screw down the plate.
6" will be on the other for exhaust. Dryer vent...

... also plan to double screen this as well... even though I plan to vent 24/7 incase of failure I need something in place for a failsafe I guess it can be called.....
Not sure if it would be better for the intake to be above the exhaust or not.