Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
Only place I can locate ReCon regular seeds is through DNA Genetics directly. Most others are out of stock or feminized. which I DON'T want lol

Now that I use my males, I will only get Regular seeds unless the strain is only available in FEM. lol


Well-Known Member
I thought I answered that. Maybe not.. I will not be heating the tent inside.
I will however be checking my temps regularly throughout the night.

The thermometer is magnetic and stuck to the top of the center light of the tent.
I can unzip the tent a little bit pull the thermometer and check it with my cell phone light.
Without interfering with my plants dark period.
Sent you a PM with somethign that may help this.


Well-Known Member

My Fav....Thinking of doing a Shoreline x a BB male if I get a male BB,If not ive got some ECPD pollen.
Dont really wanna do the latter of the two.AS the Shorelines lineage is crossed with oasis,and its from a Thai x something,I forget.
"Senior moment"
They look great,and the P3 sounds interesting...:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
My Fav....Thinking of doing a Shoreline x a BB male if I get a male BB,If not ive got some ECPD pollen.
Dont really wanna do the latter of the two.AS the Shorelines lineage is crossed with oasis,and its from a Thai x something,I forget.
"Senior moment"
They look great,and the P3 sounds interesting...:mrgreen:

Either or both would be good. As long as the father is a stinky little fucker, you know the potency won't go anywhere. :)

I'd like to be informed of the progress there. :)

I was thinkin of saving some GDP pollen for the Shoreline next grow. :) AND or Blue Dream, Blue Thai, and Cotton Candy.

Depending on the pollen I get and if the males are good enough to use.

I'm not trying to pull crap traits from stickly looking males. Know what i mean?

P3 should be in tomorrow. :)

Again with the interesting. hahahaha j/k bro. I can't wait to see if it works as good on cannabis as it does on tomatoes. :)


Well-Known Member

  • Again with the interesting.....
    Was J/K.....will keep ya up on what I do,the least I can do for you,as you have done so much for me!



Well-Known Member
HAHA same here.

Just smoked a little Spyder.... I can barely lift my eye lids lol..... Heavy hitting high for a sativa... lol

I'm not liking this nice weather i'm getting here. I want it to get cold again. lol.......
Tent is not agreeing with the removal of the AC... 88 high all day. 6-10 degrees higher than where I want it to be....

But the plants are all thriving. fuckin need to move my lights after 2 nights!

I've always gotten a good solid week of the flip before having to raise my lights.

Guess I'm doing something right.. lol

Anyways. How are you doing bro?
How many total strains you running now?


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to pull crap traits from stickly looking males. Know what i mean?
Oh, LOL, but I an *not* playing Grammar Nazi here.

.....but the word "stickly" got me going.

I was reminded of when someone took a shot in pick-up bball
and then yelled "Sh-long!" LMAO, they could not help themselves,
as they went from yelling "Short!" to "Long!"

"Stickly" is both attractive and repellent.

"Sickly", of course. Just having fun.



Well-Known Member
lol... that shit's funny :)

by stickly i meant stick like. scrawny thin stems elongated nodes. lol......


Well-Known Member
HAHA same here.

Just smoked a little Spyder.... I can barely lift my eye lids lol..... Heavy hitting high for a sativa... lol

I'm not liking this nice weather i'm getting here. I want it to get cold again. lol.......
Tent is not agreeing with the removal of the AC... 88 high all day. 6-10 degrees higher than where I want it to be....

But the plants are all thriving. fuckin need to move my lights after 2 nights!

I've always gotten a good solid week of the flip before having to raise my lights.

Guess I'm doing something right.. lol

Anyways. How are you doing bro?
How many total strains you running now?
Hey,thats a good thing,better then not moving em for weeks, at the stage your at,Has your watering increased yet?
Im,only running like 5-6 strains,Shore,ECPD,GDP,Ak-48,G-13 hashplant,Blueberry.

Finally got over the Dental,pulled a piece of tooth out monday,the basterds didnt even get all the pieces of the old ones out!!GZZ


Well-Known Member
Hey,thats a good thing,better then not moving em for weeks, at the stage your at,Has your watering increased yet?
Im,only running like 5-6 strains,Shore,ECPD,GDP,Ak-48,G-13 hashplant,Blueberry.

Finally got over the Dental,pulled a piece of tooth out monday,the basterds didnt even get all the pieces of the old ones out!!GZZ
Water increased at the end of veg quite a bit. Once they were transplanted. I may have done it a bit early....

i thought 2 weeks would be perfect. maybe i just went too small for container size...
No big deal. just gonna have to remove the HUGE pots next grow.
Take up too much space. and I usually don't get the yield I should off them anyways.

Is that just the G13/Hashplant from Hazeman seeds? or did you get the White 88 crossed version that i got?

And finally, Dental...
Did they tell you small shards will "evacuate" you gums?

I was told that there are usually "bone fragments" from the base of the tooth that migrate out of the gums once they die off.
I had a few shards but they seemed more like slivers of tooth that were left behind...
kept poking my lips and shit.. It's one of the weirdest feelings ever. lol


Well-Known Member
Traded a Shoreline to my friend across street, for a chitload of his Aks,and he didnt want the G-13-hashplant.
Said it grew to slow.

I grew the Mk/ultra and liked it alot,think its G-13 x a Kush if I remember correct.
Was some damn good stuff,I do remember!

Starting some new mother plants Blueberry,Shore,and my own AK,where I can take 15-20 cuts and do a SOG from the AK,I love the way it makes Single colas.


Well-Known Member
Fat single cola's at that. even when they grow out big, they all fatten up a lot. I love AK. i wanna get more.
I'm gonna try the photo version this time around.


Well-Known Member
My buddy came over with some Cotton Kandy Kush and some BHO honeycomb he blew from it. Mix with this white rum I am on cloud ten right now.


Well-Known Member
HAHA. Not tonight...
Gonna have the time to run the butane tomorrow though. And it may be ready tomorrow late night.

Had daddy duty all day. except for nap time. lol


Well-Known Member
By the way. Has nothing to do with anyone here in my thread. lol...
So JAVA don't think I meant you bro. :)