Drinking coffee



so there are a thousand websites out there run by amateur herbologist that say eat all the comfrey you want...and the two i could find that are run by professional people say it's not a good idea....that there have been several CONFIRMED cases of liver damage....i know who i believe
I aint telling you to eat it, but where is the data on confirmed cases you are shouting about? Is it here "Comfrey might harm the liver."
And you posted some websites that say it is likely blah bad but with very little access to genuine evidence or research, but it, the same website, WebMD does say it is also used all over the world for many ailments for xyz among the same medical professionals you might be placing your trust in and who may be closet herbalists, afraid to speak up because of bandwagon busting citizens, who do as they are told and shoot the BBC because trump said the media is bad as well.

I seem to remember not so long ago, most medical professionals in the USA and beyond said hemp was bad and had no medical justification....may be your sources havent learned how to exploit comfrey for personal gain yet?

many generations here have eaten Borage another PA plant without developing Liver failure, may be the cases you CONFIRM were also alcoholics?
What is the unsafe dose level and how much did those so called confirmed cases have, what else did they eat, and for that matter what is the safe dose of Vitamin D or A or E all of which are poison in sufficient quantity and promoted by commercial sources without even a cursory coverage of the dangers or in fact any real data on rates of genuine uptake and so on. Of course the medical profession hasnt ever told a lie.
Amateurs with pHd's in plant chemistry, human nutrition and so on, yeah what the f**k do amateurs ever bring to the table.....????
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Haha. That's perfect. "Me drinking coffee is good for your health."

Do any of you guys do cold brew? I can't do hot coffee during the summer, so cold brew is my go to. I'll make a concentrate that lasts me about a week. Use a high quality coffee, and you'll relish drinking your coffee black, it's so naturally sweet without all the bitter acids that the heat pulls out of the bean. Or use a normal coffee and doctor it up with a bit of cream and sweetener if you like. Cold brew makes a mediocre coffee better, not great, but better.
I think Sister bought a cold brew rig the other day. Hasn't used it yet. I use three kinds of coffee. Home, work and trail. Home is decaf, work is over caf and trail is instant.
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Since heat destroys caffeine cold brew has more caffeine it it too. It takes getting used to but its good.
Has anyone used these hiking espresso machines that just use pressure at regular temp?
Long ago and far way, I used to sweat out my quarterly P&L every three months. We used to joke that we ran on "Caffeine, nicotine and Adrenalin" Now after 16 years of retirement. I do Coffee and Tangerine Dream!
Since heat destroys caffeine cold brew has more caffeine it it too. It takes getting used to but its good.
Has anyone used these hiking espresso machines that just use pressure at regular temp?
hiking espresso machines?....¿ are there hiking croissant shops? neiman marcus stores every few miles? how do you keep your caviar cold on the trail? and your toast points fresh?
hiking espresso machines?....¿ are there hiking croissant shops? neiman marcus stores every few miles? how do you keep your caviar cold on the trail? and your toast points fresh?
Fresh Ground, now known for the Leap Frog Cafe and feeding thru hikers, got his trail name from the fact he carried a small hand grinder and a French press when he did his thru hike. Luxury items are personal. Most wouldn't think the weight worth it. But a few will always have odd ball stuff.

I had one of the hiker ones, but it only spits out 6 oz at a time...no way could that support 2 coffee addicts, that was hell. Went with bandanna coffee after that.
Do you pack your grounds out? Some trails you have to.

I will make real coffee at my camps, where water for cleaning is not an issue.

My cowboy coffee recipe is boil 3 cups water, add 4 Tbs coffee grounds. Allow to boil one minute. Set off fire for a couple three minutes, then pour the 4th cup of cold water in from about waist high. The cold water will settle the grounds. Just use caution {or your bandanna} right at the end.

But for hiking, I stick to the instant. I use my pot as a coffee cup, so don't cook any food in it. Just boil water and cook in freezer bags. It's not just the weight of the pot and coffee grounds, but the weight of the water to clean it all. And the time it takes to clean up and deal with the wet grounds.
Do you pack your grounds out? Some trails you have to.
Yea, it gets to be an issue in even eastern forests at more popular trails, can't turn over a rock without finding grinds or toilet paper.

My wife won't move till she's had a qt of real coffee, then I give her a double espresso Clif shot when she gets cranky in the afternoon.
Ever try it Turkish style, just a slow boil with the micro bubbles frothing up on super fine grind? Awesome, but a little intense for Folger people used to filtered offerings and white teeth.:lol:
Yea, it gets to be an issue in even eastern forests at more popular trails, can't turn over a rock without finding grinds or toilet paper.

My wife won't move till she's had a qt of real coffee, then I give her a double espresso Clif shot when she gets cranky in the afternoon.
Ever try it Turkish style, just a slow boil with the micro bubbles frothing up on super fine grind? Awesome, but a little intense for Folger people used to filtered offerings and white teeth.:lol:
IF i was gonna bring an actual coffee pot on the trail with me, i'd probably go for one of these french press units from planetary

i used to carry a small coffee can with a piece of silk screen material in it, to use as a filter...instead of a sock or a bandana.
haven't hiked in years, my medical issues make it inconvenient to be away from my own kitchen, but that's what i did, and would do now if i took it up again

found this while looking for ^^ that...think i like this....clean it out and stick it on top of your mug to store it, looks like it weighs nothing.....

Hi Rog...Melitta makes a great little one cup top drip unit that's perfect for camping or for bachelors.

I load it a little heavy, get one strong cup...then move it to a second cup and get a second cup out if it. Uaually stir up the grounds a bit.

PS Just sipping my second cup...ah