Dripper help


Well-Known Member
Hey! Wanted some help with my setup, I have a drip feed system that I use and it delivers nutrients from my res to my pots, I’m growing in a pro mix medium. How much water should I be giving to my plants in 2.25gallon pots? Should I be watering them daily with less water or watering them every few days? My soil holds 2L of water initially when I put them in the pots. Ph is 6.5 and my EC of nutrients for flower is roughly 1.8 - 2.0
Just wanted to know if I should water them fully and let them dry out or should I be giving them water in smaller amounts every day? Thanks in advance!
Let me start by stating that I am no promix expert, but from what I do know, you would only want to water them when they are dry. If you could post pics, maybe we could all chip in, but generally speaking you Want your pots to dry up before the next watering. What is the main concern that caused you to post this message? Do your plants look unusual in any way? Promix is a dry and wet mix... You have full control over this, so what caused you to have concerns? Or are they looking good and you want to keep it that way?
I have a sativa dominant hybrid 2 weeks in flower that got over watered and the pots are roughly half dry and the leaves still look droopy, I have taken them out of the pot and the root ball is nice and white but the bottom of the pot is still wet/heavy there are a lot of drainage holes in the pots and haven’t had any trouble with the other hybrids and the indica dominant strains can be soaked fully and the get a little droopy but not like the sativa dominant
Pics? Please! Helps a lot to understand what's going on. Your feed is petty high. Especially for pants that aren't doing great. Without pics my best guess is too much moisture and too much feed. Scaling back on both of those only leeds to a hungry and thirsty plant that will bounce back really strong..
I know the droopy leaves came from the over watering the EC is high but I don’t see any negative effects because I use nutrient one day and then 2 watering without to let them use it up, the EC of my soil is roughly 0.2- 0.3 when I measure it every couple of weeks.
Mainly the question I was wondering is am I better setting up a schedule daily for watering of say 1/2L or am I better off watering with 1.5L and giving them a few days to use up the water and dry out?
Again... Pics help. If the roots are rotting from Constant moisture.. Then more water would be worse. With promix, drying out is better than soaked. So far it seems that more water is not working, so suggest you back off, and water when things look dry.. Less water is easier to correct than too much water.. If it was me, I would wait before adding more water.. If things improve, stick to a similar schedule. When plants are stressed, less = more