DRO bagseed: 1st OFFICIAL GROW

yes ser
and remember im not all up there so i am not telling u to be like me and go do something ileagal but growing is too so u mines well not change :0)

ps. if u got to go ,go with a smile :0)
test ur water ur using
and if u flush a bunch of times see if the soil run off is nuetral or ph where u want it to be
ok thats good lol
u have to test the run off to make sure everything is out of the soil
hey i went to walmart and to those ph strips and then i went around the store and found a bunch of shit i needed and i grabed them and went to the paout line and paid for them
and i had the strips in my sleeve and still go away with it
hey atleaste i paid for something
i dont know about urs but mines over here really didnt have shit cuase the winter time
once like the spring summer time comes they will have more
but ya they should have something better then what u have now
hey u could always go to other peoples porches and take thier pots wih flowers in such in them and empty them and use thiers :0)
hopefully they dont use mg or anytype of slwo release soil
go grab it when ever and sift threw it make sure theres no big as rock or stick or anything that would hurt ur roots from growing in it and so it has ok drainage too
see if its lke a soil not crap dirt then just like i said clean it up and moisten it and there u go try it with one
Well PH tests dont test for nutes so dont get that confused, it will test the ph of your water, and run off i am guessing to measure the Ph
ya but if the water or soil has nutes in it it will make the ph be off
but if u keep flushing/cleaning the soil evenally it will or miht become ph right
give me a minute guys and I will go grab a pot and take pics of the soil.......

btw the better looking babe is starting to show roots at bottom also!
didnt u just transplant it?
u might have to transplant again and if so u should put in a big pot so u dont have to transplant it anymore