DRO bagseed: 1st OFFICIAL GROW


Well-Known Member
thats a bad ph
7 is neutral
urs is alkaline
should be closer to acidic
try to get it to 6.5 to 6.8
and that should be good around there
what kind of water r u useing again?
if its tap let it sit out a day to clean up some then test it


Well-Known Member
na try o get it where i said 6.5 to 6.8
vinagar helps to bring ph down and lime helps to bring it up
and real tight situations u could use baking soda to bring it up not alot cuase baking soda could hurt ur plant so get some lime and vinagar


Well-Known Member
they sell lime jucie the stuff without the pulp i guess
use that
but u said that ur water was 7.something right?
if its high like that just use vinagar till its right low enough where u want it
just put a little in at a time and and mix it around and test
and if it gets too low just add some more tap water that will bring it back up some


Well-Known Member
that sucks man sorry to hear that, takes money to grow bud tho for realz, ask anybody on here. You can do it cheaper than others, but it still costs $ one way or another.

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
I know but im making some money by getting my hustle on..............

but hopefully they call me for a job interview soon