So I dropped acid for the first time about 3 hours ago. One tab to be precise. My pupils are hella dilated, and I definitely feel off, but I fell asleep for like an hour or so on the comeup and it’s honestly just more of an uncomfortable state of “off”. Like I’m tired and my vision is a little weird, but can’t sleep. What the hell did I take? I’m extremely let down this is how my first acid trip has gone.
That sounds like acid that humidity got to or was old or a research chem. You will sound exactly as you describe.I have had similar effects on blotter that someone kept way too long and only in a photo roll container (I don't think those even exist anymore lol). The acid game in the past decade has vastly changed with so many cheap chems that can make you trip and work on blotter...You can buy thousand doses of some things for like 200$~ You really need to have a connection.
You should not be sleeping on proper LSD and you should also not have a crazy come up. There are a lot of new amphetamines that you trip hard off of and get on blotter unfortunately lately ;\ The come up is extremely intense. I am able to tell the difference because you don't get any ego kill/epiphanies, the visuals are different, and usually accompanied by a red haze/fog that sort of pulses.
Do your self a favor and get under some stars next time. If you aren't having fun smiling and laughing at the amazing shit you are seeing you got some bunk acid.
You should find peace in the outdoors and with nature. You will not find that at a computer or couped up indoors.
100-150 mics should set you straight.
PS I have never, ever, heard of anyone who lays 25 mic hits...That is a waste of fuckin time and anyone laying their own acid is not about that. This isn't training wheels this is life changing.