Yea, that may have been where i read about it at (on one of sub's threads). So, I didn't wait long before I harvested one of the potted girls (that i had spread the molasses over the top of the soil), so i can't say w certainty if it made the buds denser/stickier, but they were VERY sticky! They had already begun to be sticky BEFORE i started the molasses, but they did seem to thicken quickly. The other potted one.....I watered her the other day, and she's in one of those self watering pots (fail), that basically has a bowl on the bottom that holds water that drains off the plant (so as to reduce the frequency u have to water) and when the water hit the bowl, ants starting evacuating by the hundreds! Most of 'em were carrying pieces of perlite (i guess cause it was holding the molasses runoff) So just a little heads up about it attracting ants!