Drying with rice


Well-Known Member
so straight off the plant into the container with rice coolio ill give it a go . +rep
no...dont do it, dont you even read the full thread? go ahead and ruin your hard work, what is so fucking hard about hanging them out to dry? wet bud + a jar = mold...jeez:wall:


Well-Known Member
well js i took them right off the plant in the jar of rice and no mold! but like i said i will put something between the bud and rice next time, just puting right on the rice was a bad idea... but neway js if this thread annoys you so much and you think this rice thing is so wrong ignore it! don't post here you have nothing better to do then flame my idea and experiment? i mean what the fuck man you've been saying negative shit since the begining i get your stance on the whole bud in rice subject... so dry your bud the way you want the way you know is right i did hang the other half like i said this was an experiment. so why not just keep your negative comments to yourself because i could careless. your opinon means nothing to mean at this point i was just posting my results on a personal experiment hopfully answering some questions of people who read about this method but couldn't find decent instructions on how it's done or at least the way i did it.


Well-Known Member
i am responding to this thread to hopefully keep people from ruining their hard work. i have seen you convince at least 2 people that this is a good method. i bet they will try it and take the risk of having horrible outcomes. perhaps it works, but there are methods that are much easier and have much less risk of messin things up. i am outta here at your request, bye all. late


Well-Known Member
Well... my hanging buds dried way faster than the fluffy stuff I put in the "rice dryer"...

No more rice for me...

Interesting though.... I bet if you lived in a SUPER HUMID environment, this would be a viable option...



New Member
I read :hug:on here somewhere that you can dry with rice in a mason jar... could someone explain this process step by step so i get it. any help would be great:weed:
Ok you first need to dry that cola for about 10 days, you will know it's dry if the branch snaps in half. Then move the weed to an airtight container, glass, plastic doesn't matter. Add the rice to the jar to capture excess moisture so your buds don't get mouldy.


New Member
Ok you first need to dry that cola for about 10 days, you will know it's dry if the branch snaps in half. Then move the weed to an airtight container, glass, plastic doesn't matter. Add the rice to the jar to capture excess moisture so your buds don't get mouldy.
And yes cure your buds for at least a month.

INF Flux

Well-Known Member
Holy fuck, there are excellent threads here on how to dry and cure your weed. This is not a good idea. You're free to waste your bud but please don't talk anyone else into trying it.


Well-Known Member
This method may be worthwhile for someone doing a guerrilla grow and needing to dry remotely outside (in zip-locked bags with rice) but for anyone with the facilities for traditional methods, this would be a terrible idea as it is likely to dry the weed too quickly and the environment can't be controlled as well as a drying room with humidity and temp controls.