DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I think I am about 6'3".....but in Holland gravity works the opposite way around, you actually get taller the longer you stay here!!! ;)
Must be the wind ; !) Word man the peeps around here are not going to be able to pry much of this DOG out of my hands. Not this batch anyways lol. I do have 5 more in veg though hehe.


Well-Known Member
Yer no wrang there Bill, lol. That's why I love Holland, loads of fit Eye Candy of all ages (female of course - no touchy though, just looksies).

Does anyone else in the World Deep fry potatoes that are sliced and dipped in batter?.....I do miss me fritters fae the chippy on London Road!!! Right, off for a blunt then up the road for a Zatte!!! slurp.


Well-Known Member
haha, that's my problem as well HC, I just never want to give any of my DOG away!!!! or much else for that matter.

Must be the wind ; !) Word man the peeps around here are not going to be able to pry much of this DOG out of my hands. Not this batch anyways lol. I do have 5 more in veg though hehe.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Very thick smoke and some nice expansion lol as he tries to hold a hit in for the entire post nada haha not to mention the flavor ; !) cough cough


Well-Known Member
Fritter roll with cheese(not that kind Mr West)and curry sauce. No wonder the life expectancy in the west is 56. If you dont get stabbed the heart attack will get you. lol


Well-Known Member
haha... that dutch sensibility rubbing off on our buddy D. Guess you survived the golf west. I have a buddy who's been struck by lightning twice (not while golfing), he's still around. Just don't stand next to the guy, lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah we missed the rain lol and the course was pretty empty which was nice. We got round in a couple of hours and it was warm and sunny in places.


Well-Known Member
that was exactly the method Jig, but as Westy said, that extra ten seconds was added, but only because I stopped shaking it for some reason I think I was distracted by some tom foolery of sorts, lmao. Anyway, the goo has dried up and is now basically a lump of hash. Break a bit off, on top of the bong and kiss your ass goodbye. Well not quite but it sure bubbles up a treat and seems to kick in quicker than the long soak oil which you are still stoned off the next day.


Well-Known Member
It's deffo a high hitter LGP, a real uppy buzz. But then when you combine it with some dog it gives an all nice round blaze up....which makes me want to have one right now:)


Well-Known Member
i like the QWISO a bit better as well. surprised your stuff dried up though, thats what old fart was saying about his. mine stays gooey even after its been sitting for a week or more. the last batch i had turned out a very nice looking amber color and not so black as the long sitting ISO. i usually shake min for a good 3 min or so just to ensure it gets all the good stuff off the trim, then again i usually stuff the jar to get more at one time.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is because the Grain alcohol completely evaporates off, whereas the ISO perhaps doesn't??? Sorry, I only passed basic chemistry at school and left half way through higher chemistry, lol. Anyway, I like it being hard to be honest, it's easier to deal with, just snap a little bit off and blast away. As soon as heat touches it it returns to it's runny oil state and bubble away in the same way that your brain cells do after smashing it through your bong. Lol. The QWGRAINO (shall we call it) was the last thing we smoked last night.....blerry crashed by 10 olcock on the couch, lol.

i like the QWISO a bit better as well. surprised your stuff dried up though, thats what old fart was saying about his. mine stays gooey even after its been sitting for a week or more. the last batch i had turned out a very nice looking amber color and not so black as the long sitting ISO. i usually shake min for a good 3 min or so just to ensure it gets all the good stuff off the trim, then again i usually stuff the jar to get more at one time.

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah id of thought u would get more residual from the everclear than iso. They use iso to clean computer boards cuz of its quick evap rate.


Well-Known Member
All of the stuff I have mnade with the grain has gone hard. who knows, it fekking knocks you out though.

Do you have a link for purchasing iso westy?


Well-Known Member
Cheers lad, will need that soon when the everclear runs dry..... :(

Another misery of a day here...it felt like 10 oclock at night there it was sooo dark.