DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
nice hash tutorial D! so roughly a fifth return of end product to start product. do you think if aggitating the stuff for longer or harder with some other object would create more or do you think it would be about the same? casey looks great!


Well-Known Member
From speaking to Don and Mr West who both do the drill (i.e more aggitation) the problem with that is that the ice get's smashed up real quick. So I think it's probably a fine balance. But I would say a 1/5 to possibly higher ratios if you are using just bud. Trim I would say is different, but I will do a trim one as well.

Cheers LG, take it easy,



Well-Known Member
I think 20% is pretty good. I'd think that more weight and you'd be getting more plant matter. I mean the weed we grow is probably something around 20% thc, so that's about right yeah. When peeps run butane 20% is a good benchmark to hit, and that's extracting about as much as you can with the tane.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
HASHASSASSINS!!! stand UP! man hashifying the og is a brave move lmao good darts man. honoured bru!

so do you ever do mix hash or just individual strains? next run i do i think i'll have a go with the wooden spoon. think it'll be a bit of a chore with the 5 gal bags but hey ho after sampling the less green hash you knock up i reckon its worth it.


Well-Known Member
I am about to do a multi strain but with trim (and you know when you are going to get a good run, because when you take the trim out the freezer, it starts to instantly defrost and you then get these potent whiffs of ganja!!). This is Dried then frozen trim. Then I have a run to do with Frozen trim, so we can all see the ratios.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I know those whiffs man! shit i use my second freezer as a meat/frozen trim store. all the meat in there smells of ganj. but thankfully it doesn't when it cooks or my lass would go spare.

you know the dried frozen is going to spank the fresh for weight already tho eh!?


Well-Known Member
Well it didn't start well, just as I had everything set up I get 3 phonecalls in a row. I am looking at the ice melting, the trim going mushy, and I am like, ffs. So I am speaking on the phone and rushing round putting things back in freezers and what not. Then that is over I try again and same again, phone. Ah well, just waitin gon the last run going through, but dinnae hold yer breathes.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that it went mushy while I was blabbing on the phone didn't help. From just over 100gram of trim I only got 5 gram of ice bubble back. The trime I used was a combo of sugar and fan leaves, but I wwas hoping for more, lol (as are we always!!!) It's a slightly darker harsh than the kush bubble.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I dont think u should expect too much from trim, recon 10% is all u can hope for or half that if ya multitasking


Well-Known Member
Art Zuid is an expo in Amsterdam with various sculptures and pieces of art. It's down in the South of the cities centre and runs along one of the main avenues there. It's about a 2 hours gig, but worth it...even in the rain.:sad::bigjoint:

Any questions let me know, these are just some of the examples.

this wasn't part of it but was in the Hilton car park and we thought it was cool

This was a set of sculputres depicting the moods of each months sunrise. (i like December!)

This was called My Fathers Balcony and depicted a small village where the artists father lived, with his balcony looking down onto a square where there were various churches of all different religions, all living beside each other in peace and harmony...

Another favourite, the litte drawer where the heart should be can be opened and kids can leave messages or wishes in there....:-P

Just awesome:

Anyone remember the postcard with the moustache painted on the Mona Lisa...same artist.

One of Dali's elephants...

Hope you enjoyed,

Peace, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
thought at first it was rizla packets but then i saw the burbury and realised it was bits of cloth lol. Very cool.


Well-Known Member
i need to get whatever the guy who made the sunrise scultpures is smoking on! must be some fire to think of that shit haha! i agree with Don the turtle was great and the elephant would be second best haha.