My keen green eye strikes again. Rolling a morning doob. Going to check in on the ladies. After my hard work yesterday I got home last night to find my cool tube light tower snapped in half and lying on the floor, with one of the lights still on (the reason I checked was this it was lights out at the time and there was still light coming in) So one of the timers wasn't working properly, and 10+ kilo of glass had fallen out of the sky!! Luckily, nothing smashed

and there were no electrical problems. Thank you ganja god for looking over my grow.
OH, and only one lady got a bit of a bonk on the head, nothing major. That will teach me to slack off at the last minute. Normally I run metal wiring down the side of the cool tube to hold them together, this time I just used gorilla tape which although it is the industry leading duct tape, it ddin't seem to hold.