DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
i'm in the mould club too, it seems everyone but billy is suffering at the minute.

i'll be aquiring some new gentics soon i think, maybe i'll try one or two of the BB elite, i'm holding a gun to yer head dst, which one is best? i'm leaning more towards deep blue for commercial, what about the people willing to pay top dollar?


Well-Known Member
Do you reckon my hydro store will also be able to sort out a few days of sunshine for me as well? lol. Saying that, looks like a nice day today. Going to look into Eagle20, I seriously doubt my local hydro store will have it, they are absolute tubes. lol.


Well-Known Member
Do you reckon my hydro store will also be able to sort out a few days of sunshine for me as well? lol. Saying that, looks like a nice day today. Going to look into Eagle20, I seriously doubt my local hydro store will have it, they are absolute tubes. lol.
Morning DST, your up early doors. I canny wait till I get these DOGS on the go. I chopped that light experiment. I thought only the 5 Northern Souls survived but alais the Blue Widow(which I knew was alive but thought wasn't doing anything)has flung up 1 massive cola which I thought was part of another plant. I have fell in love with the smell. Really does smell like Blueberrys.

@kiki - Im going to check that stuff out. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Alright mate, just in to say HIGH, hope you get the mould sorted on the outdoor man! Chokin to see them come good. Would be a basterdo if it spread's in the tub, finger's crossed for them bro.

p.s shan result for the par's the day gadgie!


Well-Known Member
Pic fromt he morning, was nice and now its all spitting rain and damp. Boo. These pics cheer me up (thrips don't though!!! treatment applied).

My little bushy exo cheese mum.

outdoor cola

depp blue ready for paper bag.

outdoor frosting up a little

outdoor roots growing up through the substrate, mycorrhizae madness.

more outdoor pics

exo cheese coming up to 9 weeks

Peace, DST
The picture of health here dude! I love the roots coming to the top of the substrate!!!!! Sorry I have not kept up to see what you are using for thrips, but I have had EXCELLENT results with spinosad A & B.

You can really see the love in your garden...very nice!



Well-Known Member
Will need to pop over and check the results in your thread. Only got a few mins here and there to check RIU. got little people running around my home this weekend. hehe.

Morning DST, your up early doors. I canny wait till I get these DOGS on the go. I chopped that light experiment. I thought only the 5 Northern Souls survived but alais the Blue Widow(which I knew was alive but thought wasn't doing anything)has flung up 1 massive cola which I thought was part of another plant. I have fell in love with the smell. Really does smell like Blueberrys.

@kiki - Im going to check that stuff out. Cheers
Hey D mate if ya gota min theres someone asking about dog on the thread EM made https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/469248-breeders-boutique.html
will check it lad.

Alright mate, just in to say HIGH, hope you get the mould sorted on the outdoor man! Chokin to see them come good. Would be a basterdo if it spread's in the tub, finger's crossed for them bro.

p.s shan result for the par's the day gadgie!
Ah well, we always get gubbed from the Current Buns...

The picture of health here dude! I love the roots coming to the top of the substrate!!!!! Sorry I have not kept up to see what you are using for thrips, but I have had EXCELLENT results with spinosad A & B.

You can really see the love in your garden...very nice!

Cheers HAyduke, much appreciated and glad things are good for you. Always nice to see a face you haven't seen in a while. Almost brings a sigh of relief to my soul.

Peace and Sunday love to all.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Peace and love to you too matey. Hope the little ppl dunt get under ur feet. best thing about other ppls kids is u can give em back


Well-Known Member
Nice cheese D, the Deep Blue's look's like its carrying plenty Liver's/Blue's.
Ive got a ' rare ' night off, so catching as much R.U.I time as i can. Sound's like you'r busy too bro. How's the weather that-a-way ? Needing a wee break before i crack lol.

Take it easy man



Well-Known Member
little people are cool. and like you say lad, we can give em back, hehehe....sheesh, the wee lad just doesn't stop talking, lol.

Peace and love to you too matey. Hope the little ppl dunt get under ur feet. best thing about other ppls kids is u can give em back
Nice cheese D, the Deep Blue's look's like its carrying plenty Liver's/Blue's.
Ive got a ' rare ' night off, so catching as much R.U.I time as i can. Sound's like you'r busy too bro. How's the weather that-a-way ? Needing a wee break before i crack lol.

Take it easy man

Funnily enough, this weekend the weather has been great, and seemingly going to continue through the week.



mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah i forgot to tell u to expect some really nice weather its been ike summer here the last week or so lol.


Well-Known Member
Mate is lovely at the moment. Has been great all weekend as well. Excellent for my visitors!!! Thanks Mr Sun!!! Looks like I'll be trimming on the balcony in the sun, yippeee...


Well-Known Member
Aye you canny whack trimming on the balcony, wi the sun out. Hopefully the few day's of ray's will help out the girl's outside eh! Ive just been having another look through the seed's in the Boutique and notice the Psyco Killer come's in 2 varieties. I can remember what the Lem. 1 was like, and if its anything to go by then the other pheno MUST be a cracker.

Hope you'r good Pal


Well-Known Member
It all depends on how many times you ve changed your mother mate!! I know of a lad thats only changed his exo mother twice since early 2000 and i would nt like to know how many cuts he has taken but i ve had in the region of 600 cuttins alone so it depends
There it is again. It's coming up everywhere! lol

Hey DST. Just popping in to see what's going on here and everything's just as I expected it to be, Fantastic! Love the roots showing on the surface there. That's gotta tell ya something eh? So my wife has had some friends, that I've never met before, who are on a Ireland to Amsterdam to Ireland trip that they just wrapped up today. They've been posting all week about the great time they were having. Anyway, couldn't help wondering when you mentioned having guest this week if they were the same but I ruled it out pretty quick. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time something that coincidental has happened to me. Well, hope your sun keeps shining for you. I bet your looking forward to getting your home back to just the miss's and you?

Later :peace:


Well-Known Member
Aye you canny whack trimming on the balcony, wi the sun out. Hopefully the few day's of ray's will help out the girl's outside eh! Ive just been having another look through the seed's in the Boutique and notice the Psyco Killer come's in 2 varieties. I can remember what the Lem. 1 was like, and if its anything to go by then the other pheno MUST be a cracker.

Hope you'r good Pal
Arlight bud, well it started with trimming on the balcony, quickly followed with a....move inside due to raincalling play off, lol. Typisch Nederland.

There it is again. It's coming up everywhere! lol

Hey DST. Just popping in to see what's going on here and everything's just as I expected it to be, Fantastic! Love the roots showing on the surface there. That's gotta tell ya something eh? So my wife has had some friends, that I've never met before, who are on a Ireland to Amsterdam to Ireland trip that they just wrapped up today. They've been posting all week about the great time they were having. Anyway, couldn't help wondering when you mentioned having guest this week if they were the same but I ruled it out pretty quick. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time something that coincidental has happened to me. Well, hope your sun keeps shining for you. I bet your looking forward to getting your home back to just the miss's and you?

Later :peace:
The spooky 600 vibe strikes again, lol. Nope, not the same ones, unless they came from Scotland;) and then may be....

And my wife was very happy to have a quiet night. Cheers lad.

Oh, and I had our good friend Dr Amber Trichome and her man along today to help trim the Flying Spag Monster Exo cheese. Was much appreciated!

peace, DST



Well-Known Member
Sound's like a good day all-round mate, Pitty bout the rain, i love it when R.U.I'ers hook up! Sound's like you need a break yourself bro. A bongo of one of your many jar's will do that for ya ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cracking buds as per usual man. hope your enjoying this glorious weather bru! your greenhouse ladies will be loving this. you had any more mold on them or you nip it reet quick?

hope your good lad


Well-Known Member
Alright Cheifta'. Still busy as mate! Me too man, but glad to say im Home again, and only got one more visit to wait for.
Just been gifted some Psyco Kiler Suprise's. Either a Deep Blue's or Engeneer's Dream's hit them, so should be really exciting to see the keeper's in them!

Hope you'r good Pal.
