DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
This morning I repotted most of my good clones into bigger pots (what was available and could fit into the small veg tent) Need to utilise the vertical element there a bit more. Anyway, repotting all went to plan. Was a bit concerned about some of them as I found a crawly bug of unidentifiable description. I had them before on one of my house plants, and then my girls (when I was vegging them during the summer) and they are buggers. No one on RIU came up with any suggestions as to what they were...so we shall see if I got it in time. So they got sprayed the other day with my ecostyle spray. this left them a bit powdery after drying out so I have been spraying them down a little with water.

Was lookin back at the grow and found this pick from near the end of dec

Glad it looks a bit healthier now.

Peace, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
wow i love those shots that show how far u have come in a short time, gives hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel lol


Well-Known Member
its crazy seeing how much they've grown since dec. u probably didnt even really notice. i kno i look over the growth til i compare pics.. btw, have u ever smoked la woman?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
The Casey is from the Grey Area. I would say that and Silver Bubble are their best strains.

Also top notch are:
Grey Haze
bug Buhhda Cheese

They just got Medical Leaf in (i think it is 4077 medical leaf)

Also LA Conf, and LA Women

Good hash they got : Golden Soles (moroc) and some Afghani (grown also in Morocco)

Some of the top of my head^^^^

Peace all, DST
Damn dude!! sounds like I need to move where you are at, I think I might be able to handle the snow. lol:hump: we have nothing resembling a coffee shop here.


Well-Known Member
wow i love those shots that show how far u have come in a short time, gives hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel lol
When you are at this point it never seems like anything will happen....

its crazy seeing how much they've grown since dec. u probably didnt even really notice. i kno i look over the growth til i compare pics.. btw, have u ever smoked la woman?
Yeh, smoked it a while back but not since, is it martian x la? I can get a sample if you want?

from humble beginings eh DST ever do a time lapse? ive always fancied it
I was going to do exactly that, but on a plant that I super crop, should be fun...

Damn dude!! sounds like I need to move where you are at, I think I might be able to handle the snow. lol:hump: we have nothing resembling a coffee shop here.
The snow isn't here for long bru, and there's work around for skilled peeps....the language thing can be a bit of a prob but if you are in construction it's normally quite easy....


Active Member
knew that casey looked grey area-ishhh. ha. thanks for the top-o-the-head run down !

i remember the chocolope. what is that? - choc. thai and canaloupe haze?

it was the best strain when I was there... seems like it's a staple there.

well looka them replants just groovin on a sunday.

I really like that hollow shot meself, shows how much space the gals are gonna CONSUME!

Adios D


Well-Known Member
yes its martian mean green x la con. yea u should get a sample n let me know how u like it.
ok, will do

knew that casey looked grey area-ishhh. ha. thanks for the top-o-the-head run down !

i remember the chocolope. what is that? - choc. thai and canaloupe haze?

it was the best strain when I was there... seems like it's a staple there.

well looka them replants just groovin on a sunday.

I really like that hollow shot meself, shows how much space the gals are gonna CONSUME!

Adios D
Chocolope or D-Line from DNA Genetics...a staple variety at the GA for sure. Very tastefull...

It shows how much space the girls have filled out:cool:


Well-Known Member
So I was taking a few pics for the 600 thread of my Casey Jones, and my eye was also tempted towards the Blackjack and OG Kush. Both looking real tasty me finks:


OG Kush

Peace peeps,




Well-Known Member
real tastey looking D mate, is there a unique smell they giving?
Funny you should ask, this morning I thought, all I can smell is the bloody Casey Jones, the BJ is right next to it. But the OGK has a really earthy and citrus smell. It's gonna be sweet dank for sure.

wow the black jack looks well frost DST nice !!
It has really frosted up in the last week. That's the PK for ya:hump:

Cheers, guys. More pics at the weekend


Well-Known Member
Finally watched the video. Wow man. Just amazing all those pretty looking plants. And what a line up going in the veg tent. Great job. Thanks for the video.


Well-Known Member
It was feeding time at the zoo again this morning.

For the Casey they got the same nutes as previously, but I added and extra litre of growth mix to their watering....not sure if it is going to do any good, but it will apease all of you that feel it was lacking in N.;-)

Finding more nannas on the Headbands so look like I will have a load of seeds from the little popcorn buds. (some of them look like Jesters hats..)

I have topped my Thelma cut and put the head into clone as well, and I have LST my NY47 clone and have started a Time Lapse experiment on it (although I have faltered already as my 1 pic an hour is never gonna happen....I did get 3 shots throughout today and hope to aim for around 5 pics a day - business allowing me the time that is....

Ok, enough prattling on. I am off to have my first bifter of the day......:bigjoint:

Some Cali Orange shots:

And the Headband buds from Thelma

Enjoy, time for mebongsmilie

Peace, DST

