Well-Known Member
These are the Kaas Bx2, the Bx1 seeds has not come up yet, and my other Bx1 seed is still in the paper and bag sleeping - possibly dead since it was squished
Cheese Triangle. Potted them into starter pots.
Weed drying in bags
The Casey Bag
Casey Jones nug
Peace, DST
That is sick man, you got the dank drying while you got some more sweet genetics going at it.Thanks guys. Still got another day or so in the bags and then I'll jar them. That's when the real smells and treats come through....
Went out last night and they have got Headband back in the Grey Area for 14 euro a gram...looked ok as well (dearest grass on the menu). They said it was wrecking material. I think my organic stuff will be a good challenger to it, hehe. I've arranged to take some samples to my friend there for a second opinion. Even my best mate over here stopped smoking...seems to be the way when you get married to a Dutchie (I am just lucky my little Dutchie was born in the Southern Hemisphere so is a bit more chilled, even though she doesn't smoke!.) They have also got some OG Kush coming back in as well. Now I smelled a sample bag of that and that was V Nice. However, again, I will have mine ready soon. Was just checking out the buds on the Anasazi Headbands (you haven't seen them for a while) They are looking freakin sticky and shiney, I can't WAIT. That is gonna be fire....mouth is watering just thinking about it!!
Here's a glimpse of my OG from the past, and it looks just as silvery now:
Peace, Me
The OG looks bombastic fantastic. How far in is that.
Dang Jig, sounds like one hell of time you had.Yo... two things. Kat you crack me the hell up with your [/rant], HAHAHAHA. Love it.
2nd. I bought what was said to be tincture once. Was about I guess an eye dropper worth. Maybe like 5 mL or even 2 mL. Anyways, it was liquid with a coupe little tiny bits that looked like hash in it. Tiny tiny flakes. Anyways the guy told me to heat it and the little bits would release the goodness in the tincture, then drink it.
I did that, when heated the little bits sort of disolved/ exploded. I drank it on an empty stomach. Took about an hour to take full effect... but when it did... FLOORED.
Ask the wife. Was the most high (or whatever you even call it) I've ever been. For maybe 8 or 10 hours. No shit. Absolutely insane.
Anyways, that's my story about tincture. And everytime I've tried to ask someone about it, they think I'm talking about something you apply topically for joint pain and such. Whatever... hope you guys have fun.
And I failed the catching up quiz... I totally never saw that post before.
Personally tinctures and high dose of edibles get me way too medicated. I feel like I am sinking constantly, and I cannot escape the feeling and then comes on the nausea. Some folks really enjoy it but I just cannot handle it.
Did you enjoy all the 8-10 hours, was it a pleasant feeling? At any point did you feel like sinking in the chair or bed, or feel like throwing up?